In the book Decision Quality, one will be trained to have three decision making system; one of them is the quick decision. Actually, when we do the decision—big decision like choosing a school and small decision like where to eat—we rank them in our minds.

So, put the philosophy to the general area, and you will find a fantastic world. For me, I have a dozen of ranking electric tables (MS Excel): 1) The beloved beliefs and values, 2) private book list for belief, value, efficiency and 3) leisure activities etc.

The scores and ranks will be updated according to more information and the passing of time.

Suddenly, life becomes clear and concise. And this philosophy is consonant with the last article: to complete the most important 0.1% of the to-do list items are really good enough to have a good achievement.

June 01, 2019




在决策质量一书中,将培训一个有三个决策系统的人; 其中一个是快速决定。 实际上,当我们做出决定 - 像选择学校这样的重大决定以及在哪里吃饭等小决定时 - 我们会将它们排在脑海中。

所以,把哲学放在一般领域,你会发现一个梦幻般的世界。 对我来说,我有十几个排名电子表(MS Excel):1)心爱的信念和价值观,2)信仰,价值,效率和3)休闲活动的私人书籍清单等。


突然间,生活变得清晰简洁。 这个理念与上一篇文章完全一致:完成最重要的0.1%的待办事项列表项目确实足以取得好成绩。

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