I can fly higher than an eagle, for you are the wind beneath my wings.


You are my hero, my dear daddy.

You are the wind beneath my wings, so I can fly higher than others at the very beginning.

But unfortunately, I haven't fulfilled their expecations, more precisely, my own expectations of what I should be as the son of my daddy and my mummy.

Now I am in my thirties, I feel that I have wasted the best time of my life, I can't be as energetic as I was in my twenties.

Always feeling so tired, both in work time and after work, even with nothing having done in the day.

Why? Unhealthy habits. Maybe. But I think the other reason would be the lack of clear goals and lack of positive incentives.

Hope for a better future, hope for some fantastic gifts from the Heaven which can let me grow stronger and smarter and become a man of inexhaustible energy.

The older I get, the smarter my father seems to get.


From Tim Russert.

For most of us, the older we get, the smarter our parents seems to get.

There might be some exceptions, but the statement is true in most cases, because the older we get, we would have accmulated enough experience to understand our parents, and if we are willing to listen to them, we will find they have lots of wisdom, and we will comprehend their behaviours and words about us.

They will get older and older, and I hope I can become mature and earn enough to ensure them a happy life.

But how to get mature? And how to have the capabilities to make a lot of money?

Just work hard, study hard. Just make every hour count.

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