C# 基础(更新中)
Data Structure
There're two types of variables in C#, reference type and value type.
enum Color{
//equals to
enum Color{
Red,//start from 0 as default
int to enum:(Color)val
Arrays and Collections
declare array:
new int[10]
new int[10]{xx,xx.....};
new int[]{aa,aa};
List<string> theList=new List<string>();//can use value type here, not only reference type
theList.Count;//size of the list
when calling same name class with different namespace, it will use class of same namespace first, then System
fields and properties
- can't use var to declare fields like
var count=0
,must useint count=0
is static, so we can't use them together likepublic static const int count=0
- rules of naming fields and property: first letter with uppercase is public, first letter with lowercase is private.
Auto-implemented property: remove their private fields.
initiate with default: public MyClass val {get;set;} = new MyClass();
anonymous type
for the cases:
- only use in one function and not need for other functions
- only exists for only short time, and will be stored to other places
var val=new {name='Alex', age=12};
class TheExtensionClass{
public int toInt(this string value){
return int.Parse(value);
//so that the function can be called on string
out, in and ref
if use out/in/ref
for value type variable, then it will convert to reference type.
must initiate out
variable in the function before use it.
default parameter and named parameter
Default parameter
- must declared after non-default parameter
- if we don't want to give value to the first default parameter but want to give the second default parameter, we can't do this without named parameter
Named parameter:
can call the function and break the sequence of parameters, especially for default parameter
special function:lambda
for the cases:
- short function
var res=theList.Find(MyFunc);
boolean MyFunc(Student aStudent){
return studentName="abc";
return studentName="abc";
theList.Find(student=> studentName="abc");
Event and asynchronous programming
for the cases:
when executing monitor function, it will automatically execute the monitored function
- declare Action variable in class A:
Action action
- binding the action variable to f2 (monitored function) of class B:
- trigger the event: in f3(monitor function) call the action with
### asynchronous programming
like event
Exception and log
}catch(FormatException e){
print e;
print e.Message;
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