abandon, abbreviation
近/反义词: continue, depart, desert (做动词时读作diˈzəːt), discard, give up, quit, surrender
altogether/completely/entirely/totally abandoned
hastily/quickly abandoned
effectively/virtually abandoned
formally/quietly/temporarily/voluntarily abandoned
be found|left abandoned
be forced to|decide to abandon
An abbreviation (from Latin brevis, meaning 'short') is a shortened form of a word or phrase, by any method. It may consist of a group of letters, or words taken from the full version of the word or phrase; for example, v. is a written abbreviation of verb. AIDS is an abbreviated medical term. It may also consist of initials only, a mixture of initials and words, or words or letters representing words in another language (for example, e.g., i.e. or RSVP). Some types of abbreviations are acronyms (which usually are pronounceable), initialisms (using initials only), or grammatical contractions and so on.
More examples: NASA /ˈnæsə/, NATO /ˈneitəu/, U.N., LOL (Laugh out Loud), IEEE (I-Triple-E).
From season 4, episode 14 of 'The Big Bang Theory (TV Series)':
Sheldon: Yeah, I'm not familiar with the acronym "KMN". (pronounced as K-M-N)
Leonard: From the context, we think it means "kill me now."
From season 2, episode 12 of 'The Big Bang Theory (TV Series)':
Behold the Mobile Omnidirectional (全方向的) Neutralization (中立化、去武装化) and Termination Eradicator (根除者), or MONTE (蒙蒂).
六级/考研单词: abbreviation, prolong, verb, pronounce, loud, episode, mobile, neutral, terminate
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