
1> apt-cache show package_name


2> apt-cache search package_name


3> apt-cache showpkg package_name


4> apt-cache stats


5> apt-cache policy package_name


6> apt-cache depends package_name

显示指定软件包所依赖的软件包。当用户需要了解某个软件包依赖于其他哪些包时,可以使用apt-cache depends来查询包依赖关系.

7> apt-cache rdepends package_name


8>apt-cache dump

9>apt-cache unmet


【from http://www.9usb.net/200811/linux-apt-cache.html



       All command line options may be set using the configuration file, the descriptions indicate the configuration option to set. For boolean
       options you can override the config file by using something like -f-,--no-f, -f=no or several other variations.

-p, --pkg-cache
           Select the file to store the package cache. The package cache is the primary cache used by all operations. Configuration Item:

-s, --src-cache
           Select the file to store the source cache. The source is used only by gencaches and it stores a parsed version of the package
           information from remote sources. When building the package cache the source cache is used to avoid reparsing all of the package
           files. Configuration Item: Dir::Cache::srcpkgcache.

-q, --quiet
           Quiet; produces output suitable for logging, omitting progress indicators. More q´s will produce more quietness up to a maximum of 2.
           You can also use -q=# to set the quietness level, overriding the configuration file. Configuration Item: quiet.

-i, --important
           Print only important dependencies; for use with unmet. Causes only Depends and Pre-Depends relations to be printed. Configuration
           Item: APT::Cache::Important.

-f, --full
           Print full package records when searching. Configuration Item: APT::Cache::ShowFull.

-a, --all-versions
           Print full records for all available versions. This is the default; to turn it off, use --no-all-versions. If --no-all-versions is
           specified, only the candidate version will displayed (the one which would be selected for installation). This option is only
           applicable to the show command. Configuration Item: APT::Cache::AllVersions.

-g, --generate
           Perform automatic package cache regeneration, rather than use the cache as it is. This is the default; to turn it off, use --no-generate. Configuration Item: APT::Cache::Generate.

--names-only, -n
           Only search on the package names, not the long descriptions. Configuration Item: APT::Cache::NamesOnly.

           Make pkgnames print all names, including virtual packages and missing dependencies. Configuration Item: APT::Cache::AllNames.

           Make depends and rdepends recursive so that all packages mentioned are printed once. Configuration Item: APT::Cache::RecurseDepends.

           Limit the output of depends and rdepends to packages which are currently installed. Configuration Item: APT::Cache::Installed.

-h, --help
           Show a short usage summary.

-v, --version
           Show the program version.

-c, --config-file
           Configuration File; Specify a configuration file to use. The program will read the default configuration file and then this
           configuration file. See apt.conf(5) for syntax information.

-o, --option
           Set a Configuration Option; This will set an arbitrary configuration option. The syntax is -o Foo::Bar=bar.  -o and --option can be
           used multiple times to set different options.

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