There is a guy. He wants to drink 12 cups of green peanut butter. He needs green peanut butter. So he goes to Starbucks. He tells the clerk, I will have 12 large

cups of green peanut butter. The clerk says, We don't have green peanut butter at StarBucks.We only serve blue peanut butter.

The guy is upset. He leaves Startbucks. He goes to Greenland. When he gets to Greenland, he immediately goes to another coffee shop. He tells the clerk,

I will have 12 large cups of green peanut butter. The clerk is surprised and says, we don't have green peanut butter in Greenland...but, we make the best purple

peanut butter in the world. Its to die for! The guy orders a cup of purple peanut butter, and it tastes great. However, he still wants green peanut butter. He asks the

clerk, "Where can I find green peanut butter".

The clerks says, "Try Chapel Hill,North Carolina...its famous for its green peanut butter." The guy's excited. He takes the first available flight to Chapel Hill.After landing, the immediately goes to a coffee shop to look for green peanut butter. He says to the clerk,"I will take 12 cups of green peanut butter. Make sure they are

large cups!". The clerk makes 12 huge cups of green peanut butter. Each cup is one gallon. The clerk puts all 12 huge cups of green peanut butter on the table.

The guy drinks them all in 20 seconds.

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