UVW源码漫谈(番外篇)—— Emitter
- #pragma once
- #include <type_traits>
- #include <functional>
- #include <algorithm>
- #include <utility>
- #include <cstddef>
- #include <vector>
- #include <memory>
- #include <list>
- #include <queue>
- #include <thread>
- #include <mutex>
- #include <condition_variable>
- #include <chrono>
- template<typename E>
- using event_ptr = std::unique_ptr<E>;
- template<typename E, typename... Args>
- event_ptr<E> make_event(Args&&... args) {
- return std::make_unique<E>(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
- }
- /**
- * @brief Event emitter base class.
- */
- template<typename T>
- class Emitter : public std::enable_shared_from_this<T> {
- struct BaseHandler {
- virtual ~BaseHandler() noexcept = default;
- virtual bool empty() const noexcept = ;
- virtual void clear() noexcept = ;
- virtual void join() noexcept = ;
- virtual void exit() noexcept = ;
- };
- template<typename E>
- struct Handler final: BaseHandler {
- using Listener = std::function<void(E &, std::shared_ptr<T>&)>;
- using Element = std::pair<bool, Listener>;
- using ListenerList = std::list<Element>;
- using Connection = typename ListenerList::iterator;
- bool empty() const noexcept override {
- auto pred = [](auto &&element){ return element.first; };
- return std::all_of(onceL.cbegin(), onceL.cend(), pred) &&
- std::all_of(onL.cbegin(), onL.cend(), pred);
- }
- void clear() noexcept override {
- if(!publishing.try_lock()) {
- auto func = [](auto &&element){ element.first = true; };
- std::for_each(onceL.begin(), onceL.end(), func);
- std::for_each(onL.begin(), onL.end(), func);
- } else {
- onceL.clear();
- onL.clear();
- }
- publishing.unlock();
- }
- Connection once(Listener f) {
- return onceL.emplace(onceL.cend(), false, std::move(f));
- }
- Connection on(Listener f) {
- return onL.emplace(onL.cend(), false, std::move(f));
- }
- void erase(Connection conn) noexcept {
- conn->first = true;
- if(publishing.try_lock()) {
- auto pred = [](auto &&element){ return element.first; };
- onceL.remove_if(pred);
- onL.remove_if(pred);
- }
- publishing.unlock();
- }
- void run(E event, std::shared_ptr<T> ptr) {
- ListenerList currentL;
- onceL.swap(currentL);
- auto func = [&event, &ptr](auto &&element) {
- return element.first ? void() : element.second(event, ptr);
- };
- publishing.lock();
- std::for_each(onL.rbegin(), onL.rend(), func);
- std::for_each(currentL.rbegin(), currentL.rend(), func);
- publishing.unlock();
- onL.remove_if([](auto &&element){ return element.first; });
- }
- void thread_fun(std::shared_ptr<T> ptr)
- {
- while(true) {
- std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lk(emutex);
- econd.wait_for(lk, std::chrono::milliseconds(), [this](){return !events.empty();});
- if(events.size() > ) {
- E event = std::move(events.front());
- events.pop();
- run(std::move(event), std::move(ptr));
- } else {
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- void publish(E event, std::shared_ptr<T> ptr, bool asyn) {
- if(asyn) {
- {
- std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk(emutex);
- events.push(std::move(event));
- }
- econd.notify_all();
- if(!ethread.joinable()) {
- ethread = std::thread(&Handler<E>::thread_fun, this, std::move(ptr));
- }
- } else {
- run(std::move(event), ptr);
- }
- }
- void join() noexcept override {
- if(ethread.joinable()) {
- ethread.join();
- }
- }
- void exit() noexcept override {
- if(ethread.joinable()) {
- econd.notify_all();
- ethread.join();
- }
- }
- private:
- std::mutex publishing;
- ListenerList onceL{};
- ListenerList onL{};
- std::thread ethread;
- std::queue<E> events;
- std::mutex emutex;
- std::condition_variable econd;
- };
- static std::size_t next_type() noexcept {
- static std::size_t counter = ;
- return counter++;
- }
- template<typename>
- static std::size_t event_type() noexcept {
- static std::size_t value = next_type();
- return value;
- }
- template<typename E>
- Handler<E> & handler() noexcept {
- std::size_t type = event_type<E>();
- if(!(type < handlers.size())) {
- handlers.resize(type+);
- }
- if(!handlers[type]) {
- handlers[type] = std::make_unique<Handler<E>>();
- }
- return static_cast<Handler<E>&>(*handlers[type]);
- }
- protected:
- template<typename E>
- void publish(E event, bool asyn = false) {
- // handler<E>().publish(std::move(event), *static_cast<T*>(this), asyn);
- handler<E>().publish(std::move(event), this->shared_from_this(), asyn);
- }
- public:
- template<typename E>
- using Listener = typename Handler<E>::Listener;
- /**
- * @brief Connection type for a given event type.
- *
- * Given an event type `E`, `Connection<E>` is the type of the connection
- * object returned by the event emitter whenever a listener for the given
- * type is registered.
- */
- template<typename E>
- struct Connection: private Handler<E>::Connection {
- template<typename> friend class Emitter;
- Connection() = default;
- Connection(const Connection &) = default;
- Connection(Connection &&) = default;
- Connection(typename Handler<E>::Connection conn)
- : Handler<E>::Connection{std::move(conn)}
- {}
- Connection & operator=(const Connection &) = default;
- Connection & operator=(Connection &&) = default;
- };
- virtual ~Emitter() noexcept {
- static_assert(std::is_base_of<Emitter<T>, T>::value, "!");
- }
- /**
- * @brief Registers a long-lived listener with the event emitter.
- *
- * This method can be used to register a listener that is meant to be
- * invoked more than once for the given event type.<br/>
- * The Connection object returned by the method can be freely discarded. It
- * can be used later to disconnect the listener, if needed.
- *
- * Listener is usually defined as a callable object assignable to a
- * `std::function<void(const E &, T &)`, where `E` is the type of the event
- * and `T` is the type of the resource.
- *
- * @param f A valid listener to be registered.
- * @return Connection object to be used later to disconnect the listener.
- */
- template<typename E>
- Connection<E> on(Listener<E> f) {
- return handler<E>().on(std::move(f));
- }
- /**
- * @brief Registers a short-lived listener with the event emitter.
- *
- * This method can be used to register a listener that is meant to be
- * invoked only once for the given event type.<br/>
- * The Connection object returned by the method can be freely discarded. It
- * can be used later to disconnect the listener, if needed.
- *
- * Listener is usually defined as a callable object assignable to a
- * `std::function<void(const E &, T &)`, where `E` is the type of the event
- * and `T` is the type of the resource.
- *
- * @param f Avalid listener to be registered.
- * @return Connection object to be used later to disconnect the listener.
- */
- template<typename E>
- Connection<E> once(Listener<E> f) {
- return handler<E>().once(std::move(f));
- }
- /**
- * @brief Disconnects a listener from the event emitter.
- * @param conn A valid Connection object
- */
- template<typename E>
- void erase(Connection<E> conn) noexcept {
- handler<E>().erase(std::move(conn));
- }
- /**
- * @brief Disconnects all the listeners for the given event type.
- */
- template<typename E>
- void clear() noexcept {
- handler<E>().clear();
- }
- /**
- * @brief Disconnects all the listeners.
- */
- void clear() noexcept {
- std::for_each(handlers.begin(), handlers.end(),
- [](auto &&hdlr){ if(hdlr) { hdlr->clear(); } });
- }
- /**
- * @brief Checks if there are listeners registered for the specific event.
- * @return True if there are no listeners registered for the specific event,
- * false otherwise.
- */
- template<typename E>
- bool empty() const noexcept {
- std::size_t type = event_type<E>();
- return (!(type < handlers.size()) ||
- !handlers[type] ||
- static_cast<Handler<E>&>(*handlers[type]).empty());
- }
- /**
- * @brief Checks if there are listeners registered with the event emitter.
- * @return True if there are no listeners registered with the event emitter,
- * false otherwise.
- */
- bool empty() const noexcept {
- return std::all_of(handlers.cbegin(), handlers.cend(),
- [](auto &&hdlr){ return !hdlr || hdlr->empty(); });
- }
- void thread_join() const noexcept {
- std::for_each(handlers.begin(), handlers.end(),
- [](auto &&hdlr){ if(hdlr) { hdlr->join(); } });
- }
- void thread_exit() const noexcept {
- std::for_each(handlers.begin(), handlers.end(),
- [](auto &&hdlr){ if(hdlr) { hdlr->exit(); } });
- }
- private:
- std::vector<std::unique_ptr<BaseHandler>> handlers{};
- };
- #include <iostream>
- #include <memory>
- #include <thread>
- using namespace std;
- #include "emitter.h"
- struct StringEvent
- {
- StringEvent(std::string str):i_str(str)
- {
- cout << "StringEvent" << std::endl;
- }
- void print()
- {
- std::cout << "string event:" << i_str << std::endl;
- }
- std::string i_str;
- ~StringEvent()
- {
- cout << "~StringEvent" << std::endl;
- }
- };
- struct IntEvent
- {
- IntEvent(int t) : i_t(t)
- {
- cout << "IntEvent" << std::endl;
- }
- void print()
- {
- std::cout << "int event:" << i_t << std::endl;
- }
- ~IntEvent()
- {
- cout << "~IntEvent" << std::endl;
- }
- int i_t{};
- };
- class A : public Emitter<A>
- {
- public:
- A()
- {
- cout << "A" << endl;
- }
- void print()
- {
- publish(StringEvent("Hello"), false);
- publish(make_event<StringEvent>("Hello"), true);
- publish(make_unique<StringEvent>("World"), true);
- this_thread::sleep_for(1000ms);
- publish(make_unique<IntEvent>(), true);
- publish(make_unique<IntEvent>(), true);
- }
- ~A()
- {
- cout << "~A" << endl;
- }
- };
- int main()
- {
- shared_ptr<A> em = make_shared<A>();
- em->on<StringEvent>([](StringEvent& ev, shared_ptr<A>& a){
- ev.print();
- });
- em->on<event_ptr<StringEvent>>([](event_ptr<StringEvent>& ev, shared_ptr<A>& a){
- ev->print();
- });
- em->on<event_ptr<IntEvent>>([](event_ptr<IntEvent>& ev, shared_ptr<A>& a){
- ev->print();
- });
- em->print();
- em->thread_join();
- return ;
- }
- em->on<StringEvent>([](StringEvent& ev, shared_ptr<A>& a){
- ev.print();
- });
第二个参数由原来的 A& 类型 改成了 share_ptr<A>& 类型。
- class A : public Emitter<A>
- {
- public:
- A()
- {
- cout << "A" << endl;
- }
- void print()
- {
- publish(StringEvent("Hello"), false);
- publish(make_event<StringEvent>("Hello"), true);
- publish(make_unique<StringEvent>("World"), true);
- this_thread::sleep_for(1000ms);
- publish(make_unique<IntEvent>(), true);
- publish(make_unique<IntEvent>(), true);
- }
- ~A()
- {
- cout << "~A" << endl;
- }
- };
- template<typename E>
- struct Handler final: BaseHandler {
- using Listener = std::function<void(E &, std::shared_ptr<T>&)>;
- using Element = std::pair<bool, Listener>;
- using ListenerList = std::list<Element>;
- using Connection = typename ListenerList::iterator;
- bool empty() const noexcept override {
- auto pred = [](auto &&element){ return element.first; };
- return std::all_of(onceL.cbegin(), onceL.cend(), pred) &&
- std::all_of(onL.cbegin(), onL.cend(), pred);
- }
- void clear() noexcept override {
- if(!publishing.try_lock()) {
- auto func = [](auto &&element){ element.first = true; };
- std::for_each(onceL.begin(), onceL.end(), func);
- std::for_each(onL.begin(), onL.end(), func);
- } else {
- onceL.clear();
- onL.clear();
- }
- publishing.unlock();
- }
- Connection once(Listener f) {
- return onceL.emplace(onceL.cend(), false, std::move(f));
- }
- Connection on(Listener f) {
- return onL.emplace(onL.cend(), false, std::move(f));
- }
- void erase(Connection conn) noexcept {
- conn->first = true;
- if(publishing.try_lock()) {
- auto pred = [](auto &&element){ return element.first; };
- onceL.remove_if(pred);
- onL.remove_if(pred);
- }
- publishing.unlock();
- }
- void run(E event, std::shared_ptr<T> ptr) {
- ListenerList currentL;
- onceL.swap(currentL);
- auto func = [&event, &ptr](auto &&element) {
- return element.first ? void() : element.second(event, ptr);
- };
- publishing.lock();
- std::for_each(onL.rbegin(), onL.rend(), func);
- std::for_each(currentL.rbegin(), currentL.rend(), func);
- publishing.unlock();
- onL.remove_if([](auto &&element){ return element.first; });
- }
- void thread_fun(std::shared_ptr<T> ptr)
- {
- while(true) {
- std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lk(emutex);
- econd.wait_for(lk, std::chrono::milliseconds(), [this](){return !events.empty();});
- if(events.size() > ) {
- E event = std::move(events.front());
- events.pop();
- run(std::move(event), std::move(ptr));
- } else {
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- void publish(E event, std::shared_ptr<T> ptr, bool asyn) {
- if(asyn) {
- {
- std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk(emutex);
- events.push(std::move(event));
- }
- econd.notify_all();
- if(!ethread.joinable()) {
- ethread = std::thread(&Handler<E>::thread_fun, this, std::move(ptr));
- }
- } else {
- run(std::move(event), ptr);
- }
- }
- void join() noexcept override {
- if(ethread.joinable()) {
- ethread.join();
- }
- }
- void exit() noexcept override {
- if(ethread.joinable()) {
- econd.notify_all();
- ethread.join();
- }
- }
- private:
- std::mutex publishing;
- ListenerList onceL{};
- ListenerList onL{};
- std::thread ethread;
- std::queue<E> events;
- std::mutex emutex;
- std::condition_variable econd;
- };
- template<typename E>
- void publish(E event, bool asyn = false) {
- // handler<E>().publish(std::move(event), *static_cast<T*>(this), asyn);
- handler<E>().publish(std::move(event), this->shared_from_this(), asyn);
- }
这里之所以可以用 this->shared_from_this() 来获得类的share_ptr 是因为该类继承了std::enable_shared_from_this,可以看emitter.h源码第33行,类原型大概是这样。
- template<typename T>
- class Emitter : public std::enable_shared_from_this<T> {}
4、将原先的bool publishing 改为std::mutex publishing,防止线程中对ListenerList的操作会造成的未知情况。
对于事件类型,就是一个普通的结构体或类,比如test.cc中的StringEvent 和 IntEvent。但是publish时对Event的构建有时候是可能影响一些性能的,先看test.cc中的48~96:
- class A : public Emitter<A>
- {
- public:
- A()
- {
- cout << "A" << endl;
- }
- void print()
- {
- publish(StringEvent("Hello"), false);
- publish(make_event<StringEvent>("Hello"), true);
- publish(make_unique<StringEvent>("World"), true);
- this_thread::sleep_for(1000ms);
- publish(make_unique<IntEvent>(), true);
- publish(make_unique<IntEvent>(), true);
- }
- ~A()
- {
- cout << "~A" << endl;
- }
- };
- int main()
- {
- shared_ptr<A> em = make_shared<A>();
- em->on<StringEvent>([](StringEvent& ev, shared_ptr<A>& a){
- ev.print();
- });
- em->on<event_ptr<StringEvent>>([](event_ptr<StringEvent>& ev, shared_ptr<A>& a){
- ev->print();
- });
- em->on<event_ptr<IntEvent>>([](event_ptr<IntEvent>& ev, shared_ptr<A>& a){
- ev->print();
- });
- em->print();
- em->thread_join();
- return ;
- }
- A
- StringEvent
- string event:Hello
- ~StringEvent
- ~StringEvent
- ~StringEvent
- ~A
- StringEvent(StringEvent&& e){std::cout << "StringEvent" << endl;}
如果把这句加到StringEvent类中去,就会多打印两次 "StringEvent" 了,大家可以动手试试。
- template<typename E>
- using event_ptr = std::unique_ptr<E>;
- template<typename E, typename... Args>
- event_ptr<E> make_event(Args&&... args) {
- return std::make_unique<E>(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
- }
我还不知道博客园哪里可以上传文件,等我研究一下,把代码传上来。再贴链接。 emitter
2、wait_for,之前我把等待条件放在wait_for中的第三个参数,我们调用notify_all后, wait_for会调用匿名函数,如果条件不满足,就继续等直到超时(注意这里的超时时间还是和给定的参数一样);如果条件满足就返回。现在假设我们wait_for的超时时间非常过长,但是已经没有事件了,这时候我们调用notify_all来终止线程是错误的,原因上面已经说了。这在新代码中作了改进。
给大家造成了困扰, 在这里深感抱歉。
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- chrome开发工具指南(一)
注意:如果你是一个网页开发者同时想要获得最新版本的开发工具,那么你应该使用谷歌浏览器(金丝雀)Canary 版. Chrome 开发者工具 打开Chrome 开发者工具 选择浏览器位于浏览器窗口右上方 ...
- Spring上传文件,图片,以及常见的问题
1. 在工程依赖库下添加文件上传jar包 commons-fileupload-1.2.2.jar commons-io-2.4.jar 2.在springMVC配置文件中配置视图解析multipar ...
- Project 4:Longest Ordered Subsequence
Problem description A numeric sequence of ai is ordered if a1 < a2 < - < aN. Let the subseq ...