The <provider> Element
Like Activity and Service components, a subclass of ContentProvider must be defined in the manifest file for its application, using the <provider> element. The Android system gets the following information from the element:
- Authority (android:authorities)
Symbolic names that identify the entire provider within the system. This attribute is described in more detail in the section Designing Content URIs.
- Provider class name ( android:name ) 注意:是class name
The class that implements ContentProvider. This class is described in more detail in the section Implementing the ContentProvider Class.
- Permissions 权限
Attributes that specify the permissions that other applications must have in order to access the provider's data:
- android:grantUriPermssions: Temporary permission flag.
- android:permission: Single provider-wide read/write permission.
- android:readPermission: Provider-wide read permission.
- android:writePermission: Provider-wide write permission.
Permissions and their corresponding attributes are described in more detail in the section Implementing Content Provider Permissions.
- Startup and control attributes 启动属性
These attributes determine how and when the Android system starts the provider, the process characteristics of the provider, and other run-time settings:
- android:enabled: Flag allowing the system to start the provider.
- 是否随系统启动
- android:exported: Flag allowing other applications to use this provider.
- android:initOrder: The order in which this provider should be started, relative to other providers in the same process.
- 是否初始化
- android:multiProcess: Flag allowing the system to start the provider in the same process as the calling client.
- 与客户端同进程
- android:process: The name of the process in which the provider should run.
- android:syncable: Flag indicating that the provider's data is to be sync'ed with data on a server.
- android:enabled: Flag allowing the system to start the provider.
The attributes are fully documented in the dev guide topic for the <provider> element.
- 详见 guide/topics/manifest/provider-element.html
- Informational attributes
An optional icon and label for the provider:
- android:icon: A drawable resource containing an icon for the provider. The icon appears next to the provider's label in the list of apps in Settings > Apps > All.
- android:label: An informational label describing the provider or its data, or both. The label appears in the list of apps in Settings > Apps > All.
The attributes are fully documented in the dev guide topic for the <provider> element.
- 详见 guide/topics/manifest/provider-element.html
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