Problem B: The Largest Clique

Given a directed graph G, consider the following transformation. First, create a new graph T(G) to have the same vertex set as G. Create a directed edge between two vertices u and v in T(G) if and only if there is a path between u and v in G that follows the directed edges only in the forward direction. This graph T(G) is often called the transitive closure of G.

We define a clique in a directed graph as a set of vertices U such that for any two vertices u and v in U, there is a directed edge either from u to v or from v to u (or both). The size of a clique is the number of vertices in the clique.

The number of cases is given on the first line of input. Each test case describes a graph G. It begins with a line of two integers n and m, where 0 ≤ n ≤ 1000 is the number of vertices of G and 0 ≤ m ≤ 50,000 is the number of directed edges of G. The vertices of G are numbered from 1 to n. The following m lines contain two distinct integers u and v between 1 and n which define a directed edge from u to v in G.

For each test case, output a single integer that is the size of the largest clique in T(G).

Sample input

5 5
1 2
2 3
3 1
4 1
5 2

Output for sample input


Zachary Friggstad


 #include <iostream>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <algorithm>
#include <stack>
#include <vector> using namespace std; const int MAX_N = ;
const int edge = 5e4 + ;
int N,M;
int low[MAX_N],pre[MAX_N],cmp[MAX_N];
int first[MAX_N],Next[edge],v[edge];
int ind[MAX_N],oud[MAX_N];
int dfs_clock,scc_cnt;
int dep[MAX_N];
int num[MAX_N];
stack <int > S;
vector<int > G[MAX_N]; void dfs(int u) {
pre[u] = low[u] = ++dfs_clock;
for(int e = first[u]; e != -; e = Next[e]) {
if(!pre[ v[e] ]) {
low[u] = min(low[u],low[ v[e] ]);
} else if( !cmp[ v[e] ]) {
low[u] = min(low[u],pre[ v[e] ]);
} if(pre[u] == low[u]) {
for(;;) {
int x =; S.pop();
cmp[x] = scc_cnt;
if(x == u) break;
void scc() {
dfs_clock = scc_cnt = ;
memset(pre,,sizeof(pre)); for(int i = ; i <= N; ++i) if(!pre[i]) dfs(i);
} void dfs1(int u) {
pre[u] = ;
for(int i = ; i < G[u].size(); ++i) {
if(!pre[ G[u][i] ]) {
dfs1( G[u][i] );
dep[u] = max(dep[u],dep[ G[u][i] ] + num[u]);
} void solve() {
for(int i = ; i <= scc_cnt; ++i) G[i].clear();
for(int i = ; i <= scc_cnt; ++i) dep[i] = num[i]; for(int i = ; i <= N; ++i) {
for(int e = first[i]; e != -; e = Next[e]) {
if(cmp[i] == cmp[ v[e] ]) continue;
G[ cmp[i] ].push_back(cmp[ v[e] ]);
} memset(pre,,sizeof(pre));
for(int i = ; i <= scc_cnt; ++i) {
if(!pre[i]) dfs1(i);
} int ans = ;
for(int i = ; i <= scc_cnt; ++i) {
ans = max(ans,dep[i]);
} printf("%d\n",ans); } void add_edge(int id,int u) {
int e = first[u];
Next[id] = e;
first[u] = id;
int main()
int t;
while(t--) {
for(int i = ; i <= N; ++i) first[i] = -;
memset(num,,sizeof(num)); for(int i = ; i <= M; ++i) {
int u;
} solve();
//cout << "Hello world!" << endl;
return ;

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