MySQL [Warning] Can’t create test file xxx lower-test(转)
add by zhj:修改的数据库的datadir,然后数据库就无法启动了,错误如下
2014-12-11 16:22:57 26309 [Warning] Can't create test file /data/mysql/server2.lower-test
2014-12-11 16:22:57 26309 [Warning] Can't create test file /data/mysql/server2.lower-test
2014-12-11 16:22:57 26309 [Warning] Buffered warning: Changed limits: max_open_files: 1024 (requested 5000) 2014-12-11 16:22:57 26309 [Warning] Buffered warning: Changed limits: table_cache: 431 (requested 2000) 2014-12-11 16:22:57 26309 [Note] Plugin 'FEDERATED' is disabled.
^G/usr/sbin/mysqld: Can't find file: './mysql/plugin.frm' (errno: 13 - Permission denied)
2014-12-11 16:22:57 26309 [ERROR] Can't open the mysql.plugin table. Please run mysql_upgrade to create it.
另外,SELinux之于MySQL 这篇文章也写的很好。
你无数次地试图service mysql start,或者 /etc/init.d/mysql start,以及mysql_install_db!
setenforce 0
修改/etc/selinux/config文件中设置SELINUX=disabled ,然后重启或等待下次重启。(我用的是Azure的Ubuntu14.04,没有这个目录,OK,那就省事了)
在 /etc/apparmor.d/usr.sbin.mysqld 这个文件中,有这两行,规定了mysql使用的数据文件路径权限
/var/lib/mysql/ r,
/var/lib/mysql/** rwk,
/data/mysql/ r,
/data/mysql/** rwk,
重启: sudo service apparmor restart
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