Oracle Database - Enterprise Edition - Version to [Release 9.2 to 11.2]
Information in this document applies to any platform.
***Checked for relevance on 24-Jan-2012***


How to know which parameter is obsolete and/or deprecated when the only message on screen when
attempting to start a database is "ORA-32004: obsolete and/or deprecated parameter(s) specified" ?


1. Look at the DBA's alert log of the associated instance as newer versions of the RDBMS software will identify the parameters that are obsolete and/or deprecated within the alert log at the time that an instance startup is initiated.

2. If the alert log is not available or does not identify the obsolete or deprecated parameter and the database is accessible then check to see that none of the parameters in the parameter initialization file match a parameter name stored in the V$OBSOLETE_PARAMETER view of that same database. 
Especially review any parameter where V$OBSOLETE_PARAMETER.ISSPECIFIED='TRUE'.

If there is a match, then it is an obsolete parameter.

3. If the alert log is not available or does not identify the obsolete or deprecated parameter then check to see that none of the parameters in the parameter initialization file match a parameter name listed within the migration guide's list of deprecated parameters or it's list of obsolete parameters.

To resolve ORA-32004 errors, remove the identified obsolete parameters are restart the database.

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