Yesterday she came to me with a Sony Xperia Z2 D6503. Guess what? She forgot the pattern so she could not unlock her phone.You guys could take a look at her phone as below:

I installed Sony Companion and connected it to my workstation. All she want was data, so I used Sony Companion to backup data. Unfortunately a waring poped up and said it could not connect unless I unlock the phone first.

What will you do in such situation? USB Debuggin mode is off and with pattern lock on. Sony Xerpia would allow you to unlock bootloader and root, but once you unlock bootloader and all data is gone...Like I said: Never,Never,Nerver give up. So I started to press buttions on the phone, I remember I took a picture accidently. Guess what? Sony companion could backup now!!!

Also you could backup all Apps data in the path /data.

Backup began~

Backup compledted successfully.

The backup file was 2.12GB.

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