• 如何使用graph-tool模块,如何导入?如何使用graph,使用其算法?
  • 如何使用Boost Graph库,安装,测试?

1 创建和操纵图

  • 如何创建空图?

    g = Graph()

  • 如何精准的创建有向图和无向图?

    ug = Graph(directed=False)

  • 如何切换有向和无向?


  • 如何查询图的有向和无向属性?

    assert(ug.is_directed() == False)

  • 如何通过一个已有的图创建新图?

    g1 = Graph()

    g2 = Graph(g1)

  • 如何添加顶点?

    v1 = g.add_vertex()

    v2 = g.add_vertex()

  • 如何创建边?

    e = g.add_edge(v1, v2)

  • 如何浏览显示已有的图?

    graph_draw(g, vertex_text=g.vertex_index, vertex_font_size=18,output_size=(200, 200), output="two-nodes.png")

  • 如何获得顶点的出度?


  • 怎么返回一条边的source和target?

    print(e.source(), e.target())

  • 如何创建顶点,创建指定数量的顶点?

    vlist = g.add_vertex(10)


  • 如何获得顶点的索引?

    v = g.add_vertex()



  • 怎么将顶点和边删除?fast == True选项如何使用?set_fast_edge_removal()如何使用?



  • 如何通过索引获得顶点?

    v = g.vertex(8)

  • 如何通过索引获得边?

    g.add_edge(g.vertex(2), g.vertex(3))

    e = g.edge(2, 3)

  • 如何显示边的索引?

    e = g.add_edge(g.vertex(0), g.vertex(1))


1.1 遍历顶点和边

1.1.1 遍历所有顶点或边

  • 如何遍历图所有的顶点或边?


  1. for v in g.vertices():
  2. print(v)
  3. for e in g.edges():
  4. print(e)

1.1.2 遍历一个顶点的neighbourhood

  • 如何遍历顶点的出/入边以及出/入邻接点




  1. from itertools import izip
  2. for v in g.vertices():
  3. for e in v.out_edges():
  4. print(e)
  5. for w in v.out_neighbours():
  6. print(w)
  7. # the edge and neighbours order always match
  8. for ew in izip(v.out_edges(), v.out_neighbours()):
  9. assert(e.target() == w)

2 属性映射

  • 什么是属性映射?有哪几种类型?由哪个类操作?属性映射的值得类型有哪几种?




    bool、int16_t、int32_t、int64_t、double、long double、string、vector bool

    vector uint8_t、vector int16_t、vector int32_t、vector int64_t、vector double

    vector long double、vector string、python::object

  • 如何为图创建新的属性映射?




  • 如何访问属性映射?


    vprop_double = g.new_vertex_property("double") 顶点的属性映射

    vprop_double[g.vertex(10)] = 3.1416


    vprop_vint = g.new_vertex_property("vector<int>") 顶点的属性映射

    vprop_vint[g.vertex(40)] = [1, 3, 42, 54]


    eprop_dict = g.new_edge_property("object") 边的属性映射

    eprop_dict[g.edges().next()] = {"foo": "bar", "gnu": 42}


    gprop_bool = g.new_graph_property("bool") 图的属性映射

    gprop_bool[g] = True

  • 属性映射访问的其他形式?

    vprop_double.get_array()[:] = random(g.num_vertices()) get_array()方法

    vprop_double.a = random(g.num_vertices()) a属性

2.1 内部属性映射

  • 什么是内部属性映射?


  • 怎么使用内部属性映射?


    vertex_properties vp

    edge_properties ep

    graph_properties gp

  • 区分类型,名字和值!!!

  1. >>> gprop = g.new_graph_property("int") #定义了一个类型
  2. >>> g.graph_properties["foo"] = gprop # 定义了一个变量
  3. >>> g.graph_properties["foo"] = 42 # 为变量赋了一个值
  4. >>> print(g.graph_properties["foo"]) #输出变量的值
  5. 42
  6. >>> del g.graph_properties["foo"] # 删除了定义过的变量
  • 如何通过属性访问属性映射?
  1. >>> vprop = g.new_vertex_property("double")
  2. >>> g.vp.foo = vprop # 等价于g.vertex_properties["foo"] = vprop
  3. >>> v = g.vertex(0)
  4. >>> g.vp.foo[v] = 3.14 #等价于v.vertex_properties["foo"] = 3.14
  5. >>> print(g.vp.foo[v])
  6. 3.14


  • 图保存和加载的四种格式?


  • 图从文件保存和加载的方法,从磁盘加载的方法?





  1. g = Graph()
  2. g.save("my_graph.xml.gz")
  3. g2 = load_graph("my_graph.xml.gz")



一个例子:构建一个 Price网络

  • 如何看懂Price网络的代码?
  1. #! /usr/bin/env python
  2. # We will need some things from several places
  3. from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function
  4. import sys
  5. if sys.version_info < (3,):
  6. range = xrange
  7. import os
  8. from pylab import * # for plotting
  9. from numpy.random import * # for random sampling
  10. seed(42)
  11. # We need to import the graph_tool module itself
  12. from graph_tool.all import *
  13. # let's construct a Price network (the one that existed before Barabasi). It is
  14. # a directed network, with preferential attachment. The algorithm below is
  15. # very naive, and a bit slow, but quite simple.
  16. # We start with an empty, directed graph
  17. g = Graph()
  18. # We want also to keep the age information for each vertex and edge. For that
  19. # let's create some property maps
  20. v_age = g.new_vertex_property("int")
  21. e_age = g.new_edge_property("int")
  22. # The final size of the network
  23. N = 100000
  24. # We have to start with one vertex
  25. v = g.add_vertex()
  26. v_age[v] = 0
  27. # we will keep a list of the vertices. The number of times a vertex is in this
  28. # list will give the probability of it being selected.
  29. vlist = [v]
  30. # let's now add the new edges and vertices
  31. for i in range(1, N):
  32. # create our new vertex
  33. v = g.add_vertex()
  34. v_age[v] = i
  35. # we need to sample a new vertex to be the target, based on its in-degree +
  36. # 1. For that, we simply randomly sample it from vlist.
  37. i = randint(0, len(vlist))
  38. target = vlist[i]
  39. # add edge
  40. e = g.add_edge(v, target)
  41. e_age[e] = i
  42. # put v and target in the list
  43. vlist.append(target)
  44. vlist.append(v)
  45. # now we have a graph!
  46. # let's do a random walk on the graph and print the age of the vertices we find,
  47. # just for fun.
  48. v = g.vertex(randint(0, g.num_vertices()))
  49. while True:
  50. print("vertex:", int(v), "in-degree:", v.in_degree(), "out-degree:",
  51. v.out_degree(), "age:", v_age[v])
  52. if v.out_degree() == 0:
  53. print("Nowhere else to go... We found the main hub!")
  54. break
  55. n_list = []
  56. for w in v.out_neighbours():
  57. n_list.append(w)
  58. v = n_list[randint(0, len(n_list))]
  59. # let's save our graph for posterity. We want to save the age properties as
  60. # well... To do this, they must become "internal" properties:
  61. g.vertex_properties["age"] = v_age
  62. g.edge_properties["age"] = e_age
  63. # now we can save it
  64. g.save("price.xml.gz")
  65. # Let's plot its in-degree distribution
  66. in_hist = vertex_hist(g, "in")
  67. y = in_hist[0]
  68. err = sqrt(in_hist[0])
  69. err[err >= y] = y[err >= y] - 1e-2
  70. figure(figsize=(6,4))
  71. errorbar(in_hist[1][:-1], in_hist[0], fmt="o", yerr=err,
  72. label="in")
  73. gca().set_yscale("log")
  74. gca().set_xscale("log")
  75. gca().set_ylim(1e-1, 1e5)
  76. gca().set_xlim(0.8, 1e3)
  77. subplots_adjust(left=0.2, bottom=0.2)
  78. xlabel("$k_{in}$")
  79. ylabel("$NP(k_{in})$")
  80. tight_layout()
  81. savefig("price-deg-dist.pdf")
  82. savefig("price-deg-dist.png")

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