Follow these steps to configure github if you are the first time to use Github

1. Sign up a username using email address in

2. Let manager to add you to a repository

If you have github account, then you don't need to do step 1

3. If you have decided not to use the recommended HTTPS method, we can use SSH keys to establish a secure connection between your computer and GitHub.   See details in the link    Note: We can change our email

  ssh-keygen -t rsa -C ""

  Go to home/you/.ssh/ to copy the content of publick key to github account setting->SSH key, we can add several keys if you want to use github from different PCs.

4. Set Up Git: See details in the link

  sudo apt-get install git

  git clone  

  git config --global user.mail ""

  git config --global "yourname"

  ssh -T

  git clone SSH url

5. Until now, you can pull the source code from github

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