


  as_view-->dispatch -->initialize_request-->initial-->perform_authentication-->check_permissions-->check_throttles(就是在这里实现了频率限制)

     def initial(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
Runs anything that needs to occur prior to calling the method handler.
self.format_kwarg = self.get_format_suffix(**kwargs) # Perform content negotiation and store the accepted info on the request
neg = self.perform_content_negotiation(request)
request.accepted_renderer, request.accepted_media_type = neg # Determine the API version, if versioning is in use.
version, scheme = self.determine_version(request, *args, **kwargs)
request.version, request.versioning_scheme = version, scheme # Ensure that the incoming request is permitted # 身份验证
# 权限验证
# 访问频率限制


     def check_throttles(self, request):
Check if request should be throttled.
Raises an appropriate exception if the request is throttled.
for throttle in self.get_throttles():
if not throttle.allow_request(request, self):
self.throttled(request, throttle.wait())


  1. self.get_throttles() 通过列表推导式拿到了注册的throttle类,并将其实例化返回

     def get_throttles(self):
Instantiates and returns the list of throttles that this view uses.
return [throttle() for throttle in self.throttle_classes]

  2. throttle.allow_request说明throttle类中一定要实现allow_request方法,并且返回值为True表示正确允许访问,就执行下次循环,检查下一个频率控制对象




 class BaseThrottle(object):
Rate throttling of requests.
""" def allow_request(self, request, view):
Return `True` if the request should be allowed, `False` otherwise.
raise NotImplementedError('.allow_request() must be overridden') def get_ident(self, request):
Identify the machine making the request by parsing HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR
if present and number of proxies is > 0. If not use all of
HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR if it is available, if not use REMOTE_ADDR.
xff = request.META.get('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR')
remote_addr = request.META.get('REMOTE_ADDR')
num_proxies = api_settings.NUM_PROXIES if num_proxies is not None:
if num_proxies == 0 or xff is None:
return remote_addr
addrs = xff.split(',')
client_addr = addrs[-min(num_proxies, len(addrs))]
return client_addr.strip() return ''.join(xff.split()) if xff else remote_addr def wait(self):
Optionally, return a recommended number of seconds to wait before
the next request.
return None

  3. 如果返回值为False,就执行 self.throttled

# 抛出Throttled异常
1 def throttled(self, request, wait):
If request is throttled, determine what kind of exception to raise.
raise exceptions.Throttled(wait)


# Throttled异常类
1 class Throttled(APIException):
status_code = status.HTTP_429_TOO_MANY_REQUESTS
default_detail = _('Request was throttled.')
extra_detail_singular = 'Expected available in {wait} second.'
extra_detail_plural = 'Expected available in {wait} seconds.'
default_code = 'throttled' def __init__(self, wait=None, detail=None, code=None):
if detail is None:
detail = force_text(self.default_detail)
if wait is not None:
wait = math.ceil(wait)
detail = ' '.join((
self.wait = wait
super(Throttled, self).__init__(detail, code)









 class MyThrottle(BaseThrottle):
ctime = time.time def get_ident(self, request): """
Identify the machine making the request by parsing HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR
if present and number of proxies is > 0. If not use all of
HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR if it is available, if not use REMOTE_ADDR.
""" user = request.user
if user:
# 有用户身份,直接返回用户
return user xff = request.META.get('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR')
remote_addr = request.META.get('REMOTE_ADDR')
num_proxies = api_settings.NUM_PROXIES if num_proxies is not None:
if num_proxies == 0 or xff is None:
return remote_addr
addrs = xff.split(',')
client_addr = addrs[-min(num_proxies, len(addrs))]
return client_addr.strip() return ''.join(xff.split()) if xff else remote_addr def allow_request(self, request, view):
Return `True` if the request should be allowed, `False` otherwise.
:param request:
:param view:
:return: True,表示可以通过;False表示已超过限制,不允许访问
# 获取用户唯一标识(如:IP) # 允许一分钟访问10次
num_request = 10
time_request = 60 now = self.ctime()
ident = self.get_ident(request)
self.ident = ident
if ident not in RECORD:
RECORD[ident] = [now, ]
return True
history = RECORD[ident]
while history and history[-1] <= now - time_request:
if len(history) < num_request:
history.insert(0, now)
return True def wait(self):
Optionally, return a recommended number of seconds to wait before
the next request.
last_time = RECORD[self.ident][0]
now = self.ctime()
return int(60 + last_time - now)
 class MemberPrograms(APIView):
throttle_classes = [MyThrottle, ] def get(self, request):
programs = MemberProgram.objects.all().values()
return JsonResponse(list(programs), safe=False)




  其实restframework已经帮我们实现了一些简单的频率限制类  我们只需要稍加修改,比如SimpleRateThrottle

 class SimpleRateThrottle(BaseThrottle):

A simple cache implementation, that only requires `.get_cache_key()`
to be overridden. The rate (requests / seconds) is set by a `throttle` attribute on the View
class. The attribute is a string of the form 'number_of_requests/period'. Period should be one of: ('s', 'sec', 'm', 'min', 'h', 'hour', 'd', 'day') Previous request information used for throttling is stored in the cache.
cache = default_cache
timer = time.time
cache_format = 'throttle_%(scope)s_%(ident)s'
scope = None # 频率的key名 # 必须设置
THROTTLE_RATES = api_settings.DEFAULT_THROTTLE_RATES # {scope:rate} 比如:{‘scopre’:10/m} def __init__(self):
if not getattr(self, 'rate', None):
self.rate = self.get_rate()
self.num_requests, self.duration = self.parse_rate(self.rate) def get_cache_key(self, request, view):
必须重写,返回一个唯一的身份值作为缓存的key Should return a unique cache-key which can be used for throttling.
Must be overridden. May return `None` if the request should not be throttled.
raise NotImplementedError('.get_cache_key() must be overridden') def get_rate(self):
Determine the string representation of the allowed request rate.
if not getattr(self, 'scope', None):
# 那不到scope就抛出异常
msg = ("You must set either `.scope` or `.rate` for '%s' throttle" %
raise ImproperlyConfigured(msg) try:
# 从{scope:rate}中尝试取rate
return self.THROTTLE_RATES[self.scope]
except KeyError:
# 取不到就抛出异常,所以rate也必须设置
msg = "No default throttle rate set for '%s' scope" % self.scope
raise ImproperlyConfigured(msg) def parse_rate(self, rate):
Given the request rate string, return a two tuple of:
<allowed number of requests>, <period of time in seconds>
if rate is None:
       # 未设置频率就说明不做限制
return (None, None)
num, period = rate.split('/')
num_requests = int(num)
duration = {'s': 1, 'm': 60, 'h': 3600, 'd': 86400}[period[0]]
return (num_requests, duration) def allow_request(self, request, view):
Implement the check to see if the request should be throttled. On success calls `throttle_success`.
On failure calls `throttle_failure`.
if self.rate is None:
       # 没有频率限制
return True self.key = self.get_cache_key(request, view)
if self.key is None:
       # 没有key,说明没有访问记录,允许访问
return True
      # 获取历史请求时间列表
self.history = self.cache.get(self.key, [])
self.now = self.timer() # Drop any requests from the history which have now passed the
# throttle duration
     # 如果历史访问时间列表有记录,并且列表记录中最早的访问时间小于当前时间-限制时间,说明已经过了限制时间
     # 例如,假设请求都在同一分钟内比较容易理解:list = [4,10,23] 表示在第4,10,25秒分表访问了一次
     # 当前时间56秒 限制是20秒内3次:
     # 56-20 = 25 只要列表最后一个元素小于25,那说明已经过了限制时间,距离最早的一次访问,就删除列表中的23: [4,10]
     # 持续循环检查,直到[]为空,或者这次请求距离列表最早的请求小于频率限制时间
while self.history and self.history[-1] <= self.now - self.duration:
# 删除掉这条记录,pop()删除列表最后一个元素
        # 如果列表中的访问时间记录次数等于限制次数,说明没有被pop掉的记录,访问请求失败,否则请求成功
if len(self.history) >= self.num_requests:
return self.throttle_failure()
return self.throttle_success() def throttle_success(self):
Inserts the current request's timestamp along with the key
into the cache.
     # 成功,就将当前时间插入访问记录列表的最前面
self.history.insert(0, self.now)
self.cache.set(self.key, self.history, self.duration)
return True def throttle_failure(self):
Called when a request to the API has failed due to throttling.
return False def wait(self):
Returns the recommended next request time in seconds.
if self.history:
remaining_duration = self.duration - (self.now - self.history[-1])
remaining_duration = self.duration available_requests = self.num_requests - len(self.history) + 1
if available_requests <= 0:
return None return remaining_duration / float(available_requests)



class MyThrottle(SimpleRateThrottle):
rate = '10/m' # 每分钟只能访问10次 def get_cache_key(self, request, view):
user = request.user
if user:
return user xff = request.META.get('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR')
remote_addr = request.META.get('REMOTE_ADDR')
num_proxies = api_settings.NUM_PROXIES if num_proxies is not None:
if num_proxies == 0 or xff is None:
return remote_addr
addrs = xff.split(',')
client_addr = addrs[-min(num_proxies, len(addrs))]
return client_addr.strip()



                REST_FRAMEWORK = {






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