
package com.zh.oukele.util;

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map; public class CreateSqlUtil { public static void main(String[] args) { Map<String ,Object> map = new HashMap<>();
try {
System.out.println(getSql("table_name", "delete", map, false, ""));
} catch (Exception e) {
} } /**
* 动态组装 简单sql语法
* @param tableName 表名
* @param operation 操作标识符 select|delete|update ,默认为 select
* @param mapData 数据的map集合
* @param useMySQL true|false , false 为使用动态组装SQL,true为使用自已的sql
* @param mySql 自已的sql
* 注意:update 这里,where xxx = xxx ,的时候,mapData 里的键必须要有 Key_ 前缀(其他的 并不影响到)
* @return
* @throws Exception
public static String getSql(String tableName, String operation, Map<?,?> mapData,boolean useMySQL,String mySql) throws Exception {
String sql = null;
// 使用组装sql的功能
if( !useMySQL){
if( !(tableName != null && !tableName.equals("") && tableName.length() > 0 ) ){
throw new Exception(" 参数 tableName 的值为空!");
}else if( !(mapData != null && !mapData.equals("") && mapData.size() > 0 ) ){
throw new Exception(" 参数 mapData 的值为空!");
// 操作标识 默认为 select
String operations = "select";
String condition = " a.* from " + tableName + " a where ";
if( operation != null && !operation.equals("") ){
if( operation.equals("update") || operation.equals("UPDATE") ){
operations = "update";
condition = " " + tableName + " a set ";
}else if( operation.equals("delete") || operation.equals("DELETE") ){
operations = "delete";
condition = " from " + tableName + " a where ";
}else if( operation.equals("insert") || operation.equals("INSERT") ){
operations = "insert";
condition = " into " + tableName + " values (";
String link = "";
Iterator<?> iterator = mapData.keySet().iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
String next = (String) iterator.next();
condition += link + next;
link = ",";
condition += ") values( ";
String value= "";
String link ="";
String keyValueOperations = " where ";
Iterator<? extends Map.Entry<?, ?>> iterator = mapData.entrySet().iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
Map.Entry<?, ?> next = iterator.next();
if( next.getValue() instanceof String ){
value = "'" + next.getValue() +"'";
}else {
value = "" + next.getValue() +"";
if( next.getKey().toString().lastIndexOf("Key_") == -1 ){
if( !operations.equals("insert")){
if( operations.equals("select") || operations.equals("delete")){
condition += link + "a." + next.getKey();
condition += "=" + value;
link = " and ";
}else {
condition += link + "a." + next.getKey();
condition += "=" + value;
link = ",";
}else {
condition += link + value;
link = ",";
}else {
} // 组装 insert sql 的结尾
if( operations.equals("insert") ){
condition += ")";
}else if(operations.equals("update")){ // 组装 update sql 的结尾
condition += " where ";
String and = "";
Iterator<? extends Map.Entry<?, ?>> iterator1 = mapData.entrySet().iterator();
while (iterator1.hasNext()) {
Map.Entry<?, ?> next = iterator1.next();
if( next.getValue() instanceof String ){
value = "'" + next.getValue() +"'";
}else {
value = "" + next.getValue() +"";
String key = next.getKey().toString();
if( key.lastIndexOf("Key_") != -1 ){
key = key.substring(key.indexOf("Key_")+ 4,key.length());
condition += and +"a." +key + "=" + value;
and = " and ";
} sql = operations + condition;
}else { // 不使用组装sql的功能
sql = mySql;
return sql;


    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

        Map<String ,Object> map = new HashMap<>();
map.put("Key_stuSex","VVV"); String select = getSql1("table_name", "select", map, false, "");
System.out.println(select); System.out.println(); String insert = getSql1("table_name", "insert", map, false, "");
System.out.println(insert); System.out.println(); String delete = getSql1("table_name", "delete", map, false, "");
System.out.println(delete); System.out.println(); String update = getSql1("table_name", "update", map, false, "");
System.out.println(update); }



修改 版本一组装insert语法时的一些bug,新增组装查询SQL时, 可使用 a.xxx is not null 条件查询

* 动态组装 简单sql语法
* @param tableName 表名
* @param operation 操作标识符 select|delete|update ,默认为 select
* @param mapData 数据的map集合
* @param useMySQL true|false , false 为使用动态组装SQL,true为使用自已的sql
* @param mySql 自已的sql
* 注意:update 这里,where xxx = xxx ,的时候,mapData 里的键必须要有 Key_ 前缀(其他的 并不影响到)
* @return
* @throws Exception
public static String getSql2(String tableName, String operation, Map<?,?> mapData,boolean useMySQL,String mySql) throws Exception {
String sql = null;
// 使用组装sql的功能
if( !useMySQL){
if( !(tableName != null && !tableName.equals("") && tableName.length() > 0 ) ){
throw new Exception(" 参数 tableName 的值为空!");
}else if( !(mapData != null && !mapData.equals("") && mapData.size() > 0 ) ){
throw new Exception(" 参数 mapData 的值为空!");
// 键组装
// 操作标识 默认为 select
String operations = "select";
String condition = " a.* from " + tableName + " a where ";
if( operation != null && !operation.equals("") ){
if( operation.equals("update") || operation.equals("UPDATE") ){
operations = "update";
condition = " " + tableName + " a set ";
}else if( operation.equals("delete") || operation.equals("DELETE") ){
operations = "delete";
condition = " from " + tableName + " a where ";
}else if( operation.equals("insert") || operation.equals("INSERT") ){
operations = "insert";
condition = " into " + tableName + " values (";
String link = "";
Iterator<?> iterator = mapData.keySet().iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
String next = (String) iterator.next();
if( next.lastIndexOf("Key_") == -1){
condition += link + next;
link = ",";
condition += ") values( ";
} // 值组装
String value= "";
String link ="";
String keyValueOperations = " where ";
Iterator<? extends Map.Entry<?, ?>> iterator = mapData.entrySet().iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
Map.Entry<?, ?> next = iterator.next();
if( next.getValue() instanceof String ){
value = "'" + next.getValue() +"'";
}else {
if( next.getValue() == null ){
value = "";
}else {
value = "" + next.getValue() +"";
if( next.getKey().toString().lastIndexOf("Key_") == -1 ){
if( !operations.equals("insert")){
if( operations.equals("select") || operations.equals("delete")){
condition += link + "a." + next.getKey();
if( value.equals("") ){
condition += value;
}else {
condition += "=" + value;
link = " and ";
}else {
condition += link + " a." + next.getKey();
condition += "=" + value;
link = ",";
}else {
condition += link + value;
link = ",";
}else {
} // 组装 insert sql 的结尾
if( operations.equals("insert") ){
condition += ")";
}else if(operations.equals("update")){ // 组装 update sql 的结尾
condition += " where ";
String and = "";
Iterator<? extends Map.Entry<?, ?>> iterator1 = mapData.entrySet().iterator();
while (iterator1.hasNext()) {
Map.Entry<?, ?> next = iterator1.next();
if( next.getValue() instanceof String ){
value = "'" + next.getValue() +"'";
}else {
value = "" + next.getValue() +"";
String key = next.getKey().toString();
if( key.lastIndexOf("Key_") != -1 ){
key = key.substring(key.indexOf("Key_")+ 4,key.length());
condition += and +"a." +key + "=" + value;
and = " and ";
} sql = operations + condition;
}else { // 不使用组装sql的功能
sql = mySql;
return sql;


    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

        Map<String ,Object> map = new HashMap<>();
map.put("Key_stuSex","VVV"); String select = getSql2("table_name", "select", map, false, "");
System.out.println(select); System.out.println(); String insert = getSql2("table_name", "insert", map, false, "");
System.out.println(insert); System.out.println(); String delete = getSql2("table_name", "delete", map, false, "");
System.out.println(delete); System.out.println(); String update = getSql2("table_name", "update", map, false, "");
System.out.println(update); }



    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

        Map<String ,Object> map = new HashMap<>();
map.put("stuSex is not null or a.stuAge > 19 ",null); String select = getSql2("table_name", "select", map, false, "");
System.out.println(select); }


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