1. 准备工作
2. linux环境以命令行方式执行job和trans
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a. Pan的命令行选项和语法
语法: -option=value arg1 arg2
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Switch | Purpose |
rep | Enterprise or database repository name, if you are using one |
user | Repository username |
pass | Repository password |
trans | The name of the transformation (as it appears in the repository) to launch |
dir | The repository directory that contains the transformation, including the leading slash |
file | If you are calling a local KTR file, this is the filename, including the path if it is not in the local directory |
level | The logging level (Basic, Detailed, Debug, Rowlevel, Error, Nothing) |
logfile | A local filename to write log output to |
listdir | Lists the directories in the specified repository |
listtrans | Lists the transformations in the specified repository directory |
listrep | Lists the available repositories |
exprep | Exports all repository objects to one XML file |
norep | Prevents Pan from logging into a repository. If you have set the KETTLE_REPOSITORY, KETTLE_USER, and KETTLE_PASSWORD environment variables, then this option will enable you to prevent Pan from logging into the specified repository, assuming you would like to execute a local KTR file instead. |
safemode | Runs in safe mode, which enables extra checking |
version | Shows the version, revision, and build date |
param | Set a named parameter in a name=value format. For example: -param:FOO=bar |
listparam | List information about the defined named parameters in the specified transformation. |
maxloglines | The maximum number of log lines that are kept internally by PDI. Set to 0 to keep all rows (default) |
maxlogtimeout | The maximum age (in minutes) of a log line while being kept internally by PDI. Set to 0 to keep all rows indefinitely (default) |
sh -rep=initech_pdi_repo -user=pgibbons -pass=lumburghsux -trans=TPS_reports_2011
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./ -file=/home/hadoop/workplace/kettle/trans/test_cml.ktr -norep
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Switch | urpose |
rep | Enterprise or database repository name, if you are using one |
user | Repository username |
pass Repository | password |
job | The name of the job (as it appears in the repository) to launch |
dir | The repository directory that contains the job, including the leading slash |
file | If you are calling a local KJB file, this is the filename, including the path if it is not in the local directory |
level | The logging level (Basic, Detailed, Debug, Rowlevel, Error, Nothing) |
logfile | A local filename to write log output to |
listdir | Lists the sub-directories within the specified repository directory |
listjob | Lists the jobs in the specified repository directory |
listrep | Lists the available repositories |
export | Exports all linked resources of the specified job. The argument is the name of a ZIP file. |
norep | Prevents Kitchen from logging into a repository. If you have set the KETTLE_REPOSITORY, KETTLE_USER, and KETTLE_PASSWORD environment variables, then this option will enable you to prevent Kitchen from logging into the specified repository, assuming you would like to execute a local KTR file instead. |
version | Shows the version, revision, and build date |
param | Set a named parameter in a name=value format. For example: -param:FOO=bar |
listparam | List information about the defined named parameters in the specified job. |
maxloglines | The maximum number of log lines that are kept internally by PDI. Set to 0 to keep all rows (default) |
maxlogtimeout | The maximum age (in minutes) of a log line while being kept internally by PDI. Set to 0 to keep all rows indefinitely (default) |
/home/kettle/data-integration/ -file=/home/kettle/transition/move.kjb -log=log.log
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$kitchen路径 -file=$job路径 log=$log路径
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命令 | 描述 |
-file | job或trans文件路径 |
-norep | 标明不是资源库里的文件 |
-param | 参数设置 |
-logfile | log输出文件名 |
-level | log级别 (Basic, Detailed, Debug, Rowlevel, Error, Nothing) |
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