5.Inheritance Strategy(继承策略)【EFcode-first系列】
我们已经在code-first 约定一文中,已经知道了Code-First为每一个具体的类,创建数据表。
但是你可以自己利用继承设计领域类,面向对象的技术包含“has a”和“is a”的关系即,有什么,是什么,的关系,但是基于SQL关系的实体和数据表集合之前,只是有“has a ”的关系。数据库管理系统(SQL database management systems)不支持继承类型,所以,你怎么将面向对象的领域实体和关系型的数据库映射在一起呢???
- Table per Hierarchy (TPH): This approach suggests one table for the entire class inheritance hierarchy. Table includes discriminator column which distinguishes between inheritance classes. This is a default inheritance mapping strategy in Entity Framework.
- Table per Type (TPT): This approach suggests a separate table for each domain class.
- Table per Concrete class (TPC): This approach suggests one table for one concrete class, but not for the abstract class. So, if you inherit the abstract class in multiple concrete classes, then the properties of the abstract class will be part of each table of the concrete class.
We are not going into detail here. Visit the following reference link for more detailed information:
- Inheritance with EF Code First: Table per Hierarchy (TPH)
- Inheritance with EF Code First: Table per Type (TPT)
- Inheritance with EF Code First: Table per Concrete class (TPC)
We have seen default Code First conventions in the previous section. Learn how to configure domain classes in order to override these conventions in the next section.
- 什么是Code First
- 简单的Code First例子
- Code-First 约定
- DB Initialization(数据库初始化)
- Inheritance Strategy(继承策略)
- Configure Domain Classes(配置领域类)
- DataAnnotations(数据注解)
- Fluent API
- Configure One-to-One(配置一对一关系)
- Configure One-to-Many(配置一对多关系)
- Configure Many-to-Many(配置多对多关系)
- Move Configurations(数据迁移)
- DB Initialization Strategy(数据库初始化策略)
- ...待续.....
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