


注:因项目是用vue开发的,this 指向均为vue实例,this/this_  后面的变量,均在该组件data中已经定义,变量名称基本明确,不明确的地方会注释出来

① imgX,imgY 背景图片原点(左上角)坐标,因为初始化为平铺画布,为(0,0),

②imgScale 图片放大倍数,

formatMap () {
this.canvas = document.getElementById('canvas');
this.context = this.canvas.getContext('2d');
loadImg () {
this.canvasWidth = this.canvas.width; // canvas画布宽度
this.canvasHeight = this.canvas.height; // canvas互补画布
let this_ = this;
this.img = new Image();
this.img.onload = function(){
this_.imgIsLoaded = true;
// this_.imgWidthHeightRatio = this_.img.width/this_.img.height; 原计划是画布宽高比根据所上传的图片确定修改为固定比例
this_.ratioImgCanvas = this_.img.width/this_.canvasWidth; // 图片的宽度/canvas画布宽度
this_.ratioImgCanvas1 = this_.img.height/this_.canvasHeight; // 图片的高度/canvas画布高度 for (let i=0; i<this_.resPosArr.length;i++) { // resPosArr 为后端取来的坐标数组 longitude 横坐标x,latitude 纵坐标y,包含一些其他相机数据
this_.initArr[i] ={}; // 初始化原有坐标集合,相对背景定位 eg:[{x:110,y:110},{x:220,y:220},{x:330,y:330},{x:110,y:69}];
      this_.initArr[i].x = (this_.resPosArr[i].longitude)/this_.ratioImgCanvas;    // 根据 图片与canvas宽高比换算出,当图片平铺在canvas上时,坐标在canvas上的坐标,方便绘图函数绘制坐标为位置,(放大缩小时需要原有坐标,该数组值不会根据惭怍变化而变化,放大缩小或者拖动)。
this_.initArr[i].y = (this_.resPosArr[i].latitude)/this_.ratioImgCanvas1;
for (let k=0;k<this_.initArr.length;k++) { // iconArr 绘图函数绘图时坐标为位置,放大缩小/拖动,坐标在canvas上的坐标会一直变化(相对背景图片不会变化)
this_.iconArr[k] = {};
this_.iconArr[k].x = this_.initArr[k].x;
this_.iconArr[k].y = this_.initArr[k].y;
this_.drawImageCanvas(); // 调用绘图函数
this.img.src = this.imgSrc; //矢量图
this.icon = new Image();
this.icon.onload = function(){
this_.iconIsLoaded = true;
this.icon.src = "../../../../static/img/map/already_edit.png"; // 地图上原有的图标
this.addIcon = new Image ();
this.addIcon.onload = function () {
this.addIcon.src = '../../../../static/img/map/current_edit.png';// 地图上新增的图标
drawImageCanvas (x,y) {
this.context.clearRect(0,0,this.canvas.width,this.canvas.height); // 清空背景
// 画背景
for (let i = 0;i < this.iconArr.length;i ++) {
this.context.drawImage(this.icon,this.iconArr[i].x-16,this.iconArr[i].y-16,32,32) // 画原有坐标(坐标集合)
if (x !== undefined && y !== undefined && x !== '' && y !== '') {
this.context.drawImage(this.addIcon,x-16,y-16,32,32) // 画新增坐标
}else if (this.addIconX !== '' && this.addIconY !== ''){
this.context.drawImage(this.addIcon,this.addIconX-16,this.addIconY-16,32,32) // 画新增坐标
mouseEvent () {
let this_ = this;
this.canvas.onmousedown = function (event) {
let pos0 = this_.windowToCanvas(this_.canvas,event.clientX,event.clientY); // 调用窗口坐标转canvas坐标函数
let pos = this_.windowToCanvas(this_.canvas,event.clientX,event.clientY);
this_.canvas.onmousemove = function (event) {
let pos1 = this_.windowToCanvas(this_.canvas,event.clientX,event.clientY);
/*按下坐标在新增坐标上,拖动坐标位置or拖动背景图片*/ // 注:此处为操作逻辑处理,当按下位置在新增坐标上,拖动时 拖动的是新增坐标,背景不会动,否则拖动背景
   // 坐标为一个点,画布上以坐标为中心点画一个32px*32px的正方形,这样就有了鼠标按下的判断区间
if (pos.x > this_.addIconX1-16 && pos.x < this_.addIconX1+16 && pos.y > this_.addIconY1-16 && pos.y <this_.addIconY1+16) {
     // 当拖动新增坐标时 ,鼠标位置为新增坐标位置
this_.addIconX2 = pos1.x;
this_.addIconY2 = pos1.y;
}else{ // 鼠标按下的位置在画布上(不在新增坐标上)
/*鼠标移出canvas画布外=> 禁止拖动*/
if (pos1.x >= this_.canvas.width-20 || pos1.y >= this_.canvas.height-20 || pos1.x <=20 || pos1.y<=20) {
this_.canvas.onmousemove = null;
return false;
let x = pos1.x-pos.x; // 鼠标按下坐标与移动坐标差值
let y = pos1.y-pos.y;
pos = pos1;
this_.imgX += x;
this_.imgY += y;
if (this_.imgX >= 0) {
this_.imgX =0;
if (this_.imgY >= 0) {
this_.imgY = 0;
if (-(this_.imgX) >= (this_.canvas.width * this_.imgScale - this_.canvas.width )) {
this_.imgX = -(this_.canvas.width * this_.imgScale - this_.canvas.width)
if (-(this_.imgY)>=(this_.canvas.height * this_.imgScale - this_.canvas.height )) {
this_.imgY = -(this_.canvas.height * this_.imgScale - this_.canvas.height)
// console.log('画布原点',this_.imgX,this_.imgY);
for (let j = 0;j < this_.iconArr.length;j++) { // 坐标集合移动处理 此处为拖动时坐标处理 => 不理解可以在纸上画画,确定坐标数据计算方式
this_.iconArr[j].x = this_.imgX + this_.initArr[j].x;
this_.iconArr[j].y = this_.imgY + this_.initArr[j].y;
this_.drawImageCanvas(this_.addIconX1,this_.addIconY1); // 绘制图片/ 新增坐标相对canvas不变化 addIconX1,在拖动时为定值,拖动时在canvas上的位置没变化
this_.canvas.onmouseup = function(event){
let pos2 = this_.windowToCanvas(this_.canvas,event.clientX,event.clientY);
this_.canvas.style.cursor = "default";
this_.canvas.onmousemove = this_.cnvs_getCoordinates; // 鼠标在canvas上越过时触发函数,为实现其他功能暂时忽略
this_.canvas.onmouseup = null; /*鼠标按下抬起时,是否产生移动=》是:拖动事件,否:点击事件*/
let x1 = pos2.x - pos0.x;
let y1 = pos2.y - pos0.y;
if (x1 ===0 && y1 === 0) {
for (let i = 0;i<this_.iconArr.length;i++) {
if (pos2.x >= this_.iconArr[i].x-16 && pos2.x <= this_.iconArr[i].x+16 && pos2.y >= this_.iconArr[i].y-16 && pos2.y <= this_.iconArr[i].y+16) {
this_.handleCanvasIconClick(i,pos2) // 点击时 当点击在原有坐标上可进行修改操作调用函数 暂时忽略
}else {
/*当拖动新增坐标时,鼠标移动最终位置位置,为新增坐标最终位置 => 注意点*/
if (pos.x > this_.addIconX1-16 && pos.x < this_.addIconX1+16 && pos.y > this_.addIconY1-16 && pos.y <this_.addIconY1+16) {
this_.addIconX1 = this_.addIconX2;
this_.addIconY1 = this_.addIconY2;
// 放大方法图片是以中心点放大 缩小同理,计算方式比较简单
magnifyFn () {
this.alertMsgBox.style.display = 'none';
if (this.imgScale<3.6) {
this.imgScale *= 1.2;
this.imgX = (this.canvas.width - this.canvas.width * this.imgScale) / 2;
this.imgY = (this.canvas.height - this.canvas.height * this.imgScale) / 2;
  // 放大缩小需处理 原有坐标集合,注意点
for (let i=0;i<this.initArr.length;i++) {
this.initArr[i].x = this.initArr[i].x * 1.2;
this.initArr[i].y = this.initArr[i].y * 1.2;
for (let j=0;j<this.iconArr.length;j++) {
this.iconArr[j].x = this.imgX + this.initArr[j].x;
this.iconArr[j].y = this.imgY + this.initArr[j].y;
return false;
this.$alert('已经最大了', {
confirmButtonText: '确定',
shrinkFn () {
this.alertMsgBox.style.display = 'none';
if (this.imgScale>1) {
this.imgScale /= 1.2;
this.imgX = (this.canvas.width - this.canvas.width * this.imgScale) / 2;
this.imgY = (this.canvas.height - this.canvas.height * this.imgScale) / 2; for (let i=0;i<this.initArr.length;i++) {
this.initArr[i].x = this.initArr[i].x / 1.2;
this.initArr[i].y = this.initArr[i].y / 1.2;
for (let j=0;j<this.iconArr.length;j++) {
this.iconArr[j].x = this.imgX + this.initArr[j].x;
this.iconArr[j].y = this.imgY + this.initArr[j].y;
// console.log('画布原点',this.imgX,this.imgY);
}else {
this.$alert('已经最小了', {
confirmButtonText: '确定',
return false;
// 点击新增坐标按钮后,新增坐标初始位置在canvas画布中心
addBtnClick () {
this.addIconX = this.canvas.width/2;
this.addIconY = this.canvas.height/2;
this.addIconX1 = this.addIconX;
this.addIconY1 = this.addIconY;
saveBtnClick () {
//if (this.locationMapDetail.img == null) {
//this.$alert('该区位暂未上传图片,请先上传图片', {
//confirmButtonText: '确定',
console.log("当前放大倍数",this.imgScale); // 前面对于新增坐标的处理,坐标都是 新增坐标点在canvas上的位置,保存时需要通过计算,得到该坐标在背景图片的位置,保存的也将是计算得来的坐标值。
// 计算这里我是分为两步,稍微有点绕,其实仔细想想也并不难,需多在纸上画画计算一下。
this.fx = ((this.addIconX1) - this.imgX)/this.imgScale;
this.fy = ((this.addIconY1) - this.imgY)/this.imgScale;
// console.log(this.fx,this.fy);
this.sx = (this.fx*this.img.width)/this.canvas.width;
this.sy = (this.fy*this.img.height)/this.canvas.height;
// alert("保存的坐标点为" + this.sx + " : " + this.sy);
this.$post(this.baseUrl + ' 后端接口 ?locationId='+ this.selectedMapId +
'&cameraId=' + this.selectedCameraId + '&longitude='+ this.sx+'&latitude=' + this.sy)
if (res.data.code === '200' && res.data.msg === 'success') {
message: '保存成功',
offset: 600
this.initArr = [];
this.$fetch(this.baseUrl + '/接口地址/' + this.selectedMapId + '?withBlob=true&enableCoordinate=true').then((res)=> {
if (res.data.img == null) {
this.imgSrc = '../../../../static/img/map/zhanweitu.png'
} else {
this.imgSrc = res.data.img;
if (res.data.cameraMapResourceDtos != null) {
this.resPosArr = res.data.cameraMapResourceDtos;
this.cameraCount = this.resPosArr.length;
} else {
this.resPosArr = [];
this.cameraCount = this.resPosArr.length;
}else {
message: '保存失败',
offset: 600,
type: 'warning'
windowToCanvas (canvas,x,y) {
let bbox = canvas.getBoundingClientRect();
return {
x:x - bbox.left - (bbox.width - canvas.width) / 2,
y:y - bbox.top - (bbox.height - canvas.height) / 2
}, 写在最后:这个需求,对于像我这样的canvas新手会有点难度,不过通过找找资料基本也能实现需求的功能。原项目是vue项目,贴的代码中省区了部分页面交互的代码(不然就有点太多了),
代码中this.$notify this.$alert,只是element-ui,中提供的组件无需关注,做前端都应该知道,感兴趣可去官网看看。


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