







  1. 掌握四种访问权限修饰符的使用特点;
  2. 掌握Object类的用途及常用API;
  3. 掌握ArrayList类的定义方法及用途;
  4. 掌握枚举类定义方法及用途;
  5. 结合本章实验内容,理解继承与多态性两个面向对象程序设计特征,并体会其优点。


(1) 掌握四种访问权限修饰符的使用特点;








class Parent {
private String p1 = "这是Parent的私有属性";
public String p2 = "这是Parent的公有属性";
protected String p3 = "这是Parent受保护的属性";
String p4 = "这是Parent的默认属性";
private void pMethod1() {
public void pMethod2() {
protected void pMethod3() {
void pMethod4() {
class Son extends Parent{
private String s1 = "这是Son的私有属性";
public String s2 = "这是Son的公有属性";
protected String s3 = "这是Son受保护的属性";
String s4 = "这是Son的默认属性";
public void sMethod1() {
private void sMethod2() {
protected void sMethod() {
void sMethod4() {
public class Demo {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Parent parent=new Parent();
Son son=new Son();
System.out.println(...); //分别尝试用parent调用Paren类的方法、用son调用Son类的方法



public protected (default) private









package equals;

* This program demonstrates the equals method.
* @version 1.12 2012-01-26
* @author Cay Horstmann
public class EqualsTest
public static void main(String[] args)
var alice1 = new Employee("Alice Adams", , , , );
var alice2 = alice1;
var alice3 = new Employee("Alice Adams", , , , );
var bob = new Employee("Bob Brandson", , , , ); System.out.println("alice1 == alice2: " + (alice1 == alice2)); System.out.println("alice1 == alice3: " + (alice1 == alice3)); System.out.println("alice1.equals(alice3): " + alice1.equals(alice3)); System.out.println("alice1.equals(bob): " + alice1.equals(bob)); System.out.println("bob.toString(): " + bob); var carl = new Manager("Carl Cracker", , , , );
var boss = new Manager("Carl Cracker", , , , );
System.out.println("boss.toString(): " + boss);
System.out.println("carl.equals(boss): " + carl.equals(boss));
System.out.println("alice1.hashCode(): " + alice1.hashCode());
System.out.println("alice3.hashCode(): " + alice3.hashCode());
System.out.println("bob.hashCode(): " + bob.hashCode());
System.out.println("carl.hashCode(): " + carl.hashCode());


package equals;

import java.time.*;
import java.util.Objects; public class Employee
private String name;
private double salary;
private LocalDate hireDay; public Employee(String name, double salary, int year, int month, int day)
this.name = name;
this.salary = salary;
hireDay = LocalDate.of(year, month, day);
} public String getName()
return name;
} public double getSalary()
return salary;
} public LocalDate getHireDay()
return hireDay;
} public void raiseSalary(double byPercent)
double raise = salary * byPercent / ;
salary += raise;
} public boolean equals(Object otherObject)
// a quick test to see if the objects are identical
if (this == otherObject) return true; // must return false if the explicit parameter is null
if (otherObject == null) return false; // if the classes don't match, they can't be equal
if (getClass() != otherObject.getClass()) return false; // now we know otherObject is a non-null Employee
var other = (Employee) otherObject; // test whether the fields have identical values
return Objects.equals(name, other.name)
&& salary == other.salary && Objects.equals(hireDay, other.hireDay);
} public int hashCode()
return Objects.hash(name, salary, hireDay);
} public String toString()
return getClass().getName() + "[name=" + name + ",salary=" + salary + ",hireDay="
+ hireDay + "]";


package equals;

public class Manager extends Employee
private double bonus; public Manager(String name, double salary, int year, int month, int day)
super(name, salary, year, month, day);
bonus = ;
} public double getSalary()
double baseSalary = super.getSalary();
return baseSalary + bonus;
} public void setBonus(double bonus)
this.bonus = bonus;
} public boolean equals(Object otherObject)
if (!super.equals(otherObject)) return false;
var other = (Manager) otherObject;
// super.equals checked that this and other belong to the same class
return bonus == other.bonus;
} public int hashCode()
return java.util.Objects.hash(super.hashCode(), bonus);
} public String toString()
return super.toString() + "[bonus=" + bonus + "]";




package equals;

import java.time.*;
import java.util.Objects; public class Employee
private String name; //实例域定义
private double salary;
private LocalDate hireDay; public Employee(String name, double salary, int year, int month, int day)//构造器定义
this.name = name;
this.salary = salary;
hireDay = LocalDate.of(year, month, day);
public String getName() {
return name;
} public double getSalary() {
return salary;
} public LocalDate getHireDay() {
return hireDay;
public void raiseSalary(double byPercent)
double raise=salary*byPercent/;
} @Override
public boolean equals(Object otherObject) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
if(this==otherObject) return true;
if(this==null) return false;
if(getClass() != otherObject.getClass()) return false;
Employee other=(Employee)otherObject;
return Objects.equals(name,other.name)&&salary == other.salary&&Objects.equals(hireDay,other.hireDay);
public int hashCode() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return Objects.hash(name,salary,hireDay);
} @Override
public String toString() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return getClass().getName()+"[name="+name+",salary="+salary+",hireday="+hireDay+"]";
} }


package equals;

public class Manager extends Employee
private double bonus;
public Manager(String name, double salary, int year, int month, int day) {
super(name, salary, year, month, day);
// TODO Auto-generated constructor stub
bonus = ;
public void setBonus(double bonus) {
this.bonus = bonus;
public double getSalary() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
double baseSalary= super.getSalary();
return baseSalary+bonus;
public boolean equals(Object otherObject) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
if(!super.equals(otherObject)) return false;
Manager other=(Manager)otherObject;
return bonus==other.bonus;
public int hashCode() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return super.hashCode()+*new Double(bonus).hashCode();
public String toString() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return super.toString()+"[bonus="+bonus+"]";
} }



l 在elipse IDE中调试运行程序5-11(教材182页),结合程序运行结果理解程序;

l 掌握ArrayList类的定义及用法;

l 在程序中相关代码处添加新知识的注释;

l 设计适当的代码,测试ArrayList类的set()、get()、remove()、size()等方法的用法。


package arrayList;

import java.util.*;

* This program demonstrates the ArrayList class.
* @version 1.11 2012-01-26
* @author Cay Horstmann
public class ArrayListTest
public static void main(String[] args)
// fill the staff array list with three Employee objects
var staff = new ArrayList<Employee>(); staff.add(new Employee("Carl Cracker", , , , ));
staff.add(new Employee("Harry Hacker", , , , ));
staff.add(new Employee("Tony Tester", , , , )); // raise everyone's salary by 5%
for (Employee e : staff)
e.raiseSalary(); // print out information about all Employee objects
for (Employee e : staff)
System.out.println("name=" + e.getName() + ",salary=" + e.getSalary() + ",hireDay="
+ e.getHireDay());
package arrayList;

import java.time.*;

public class Employee
private String name;
private double salary;
private LocalDate hireDay; public Employee(String name, double salary, int year, int month, int day)
this.name = name;
this.salary = salary;
hireDay = LocalDate.of(year, month, day);
} public String getName()
return name;
} public double getSalary()
return salary;
} public LocalDate getHireDay()
return hireDay;
} public void raiseSalary(double byPercent)
double raise = salary * byPercent / ;
salary += raise;




ackage arrayList;

import java.util.*;

* This program demonstrates the ArrayList class.
* @version 1.11 2012-01-26
* @author Cay Horstmann
public class ArrayListTest
private static final Employee element = null;
private static final int index = ; public static void main(String[] args)
// fill the staff array list with three Employee objects
ArrayList<Employee> staff = new ArrayList<Employee>(); //用三个Employee对象填充数组 staff.add(new Employee("Carl Cracker", , , , ));
staff.add(new Employee("Harry Hacker", , , , ));
staff.add(new Employee("Tony Tester", , , , ));
ArrayList<Employee> list = new ArrayList<Employee>(); //size()的用法
int size=staff.size();
for(int i=;i<staff.size();i++)
Employee e=staff.get(i);
System.out.println("name=" + e.getName() + ",salary=" + e.getSalary() + ",hireDay="
+ e.getHireDay());
staff.set(, new Employee("llx", , , , ));
Employee e=staff.get();
System.out.println("修改后的数据为:name=" + e.getName() + ",salary=" + e.getSalary() + ",hireDay="
+ e.getHireDay()); //remove()的用法
int size1=staff.size();
for(int i=;i<staff.size();i++)
Employee p=staff.get(i);
System.out.println("name=" + p.getName() + ",salary=" + p.getSalary() + ",hireDay="
+ p.getHireDay());
} // raise everyone's salary by 5%
for (Employee e1 : staff) //把每个人的薪资提高%5
e1.raiseSalary(); // print out information about all Employee objects
for (Employee e1 : staff) //输出所有雇员对象的信息
System.out.println("name=" + e1.getName() + ",salary=" + e1.getSalary() + ",hireDay="
+ e1.getHireDay()); //利用getName(),getSalary() 和getHireDay()方法输出所有雇员对象的信息



l 编辑、编译、调试运行程序5-12(教材189页),结合运行结果理解程序;

l 掌握枚举类的定义及用法;

l 在程序中相关代码处添加新知识的注释;

l 删除程序中Size枚举类,背录删除代码,在代码录入中掌握枚举类的定义要求。(15分)


package enums;

import java.util.*;

* This program demonstrates enumerated types.
* @version 1.0 2004-05-24
* @author Cay Horstmann
public class EnumTest
public static void main(String[] args)
var in = new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.print("Enter a size: (SMALL, MEDIUM, LARGE, EXTRA_LARGE) ");
String input = in.next().toUpperCase();
Size size = Enum.valueOf(Size.class, input);
System.out.println("size=" + size);
System.out.println("abbreviation=" + size.getAbbreviation());
if (size == Size.EXTRA_LARGE)
System.out.println("Good job--you paid attention to the _.");
} enum Size
SMALL("S"), MEDIUM("M"), LARGE("L"), EXTRA_LARGE("XL"); private Size(String abbreviation) { this.abbreviation = abbreviation; }
public String getAbbreviation() { return abbreviation; } private String abbreviation;


package enums;

import java.util.*;

* This program demonstrates enumerated types.
* @version 1.0 2004-05-24
* @author Cay Horstmann
public class EnumTest
public static void main(String[] args)
var in = new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.print("Enter a size: (SMALL, MEDIUM, LARGE, EXTRA_LARGE) ");
String input = in.next().toUpperCase();
Size size = Enum.valueOf(Size.class, input); //静态方法valueOf
System.out.println("size=" + size);
System.out.println("abbreviation=" + size.getAbbreviation());
if (size == Size.EXTRA_LARGE)
System.out.println("Good job--you paid attention to the _.");
enum Size
SMALL("S"), MEDIUM("M"), LARGE("L"), EXTRA_LARGE("XL"); //实例名 private Size(String abbreviation) { this.abbreviation = abbreviation; }
public String toString() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return super.toString();
} public String getAbbreviation() {
return abbreviation;
public void setAbbreviation(String abbreviation) {
this.abbreviation = abbreviation;
} private String abbreviation;


测试程序4  录入以下代码,结合程序运行结果了解方法的可变参数用法(5分)

public class TestVarArgus {
public static void dealArray(int... intArray){
for (int i : intArray)
System.out.print(i +" "); System.out.println();
public static void main(String args[]){
dealArray(, , );


实验3 编程练习  参照输出样例补全程序,使程序输出结果与输出样例一致(10分)

public class Demo {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Son son = new Son();
class Parent {
Parent() {
System.out.println("Parent's Constructor without parameter");
Parent(boolean b) {
System.out.println("Parent's Constructor with a boolean parameter");
public void method() {
System.out.println("Parent's method()");
class Son extends Parent {
Parent's Constructor with a boolean parameter
Son's Constructor without parameter
Son's method()
Parent's method()


public class Demo {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Son son = new Son();
class Parent {
Parent() {
System.out.println("Parent's Constructor without parameter");
Parent(boolean b) {
System.out.println("Parent's Constructor with a boolean parameter");
public void method() {
System.out.println("Parent's method()");
class Son extends Parent {
System.out.println("Son's Constructor without parameter");
System.out.println("Son's method()");


3. 实验总结:

本次试验学习了访问修饰符有四种public protected 默认的不写的 private,public 访问权限最大,同包(同文件夹)里面的类绝对是可以互相访问的,不同包中的类只要经过import得到了路径后也是可以通过类的对象访问的,protected 和 默认的比public访问权限都要小(不能在其他包中被访问除非继承这里是指protected)但他们两之间有细微的区别就是在不同包中的类继承protected和 默认的时候 ,继承的类能够访问用protected修饰的成员而不能访问默认即不写修饰符的成员,private 范围最小 只能在类内部的成员之间进行访问,外部的类是绝对没有办法通过对象访问到私有成员的,继承的类也不会继承private的成员在Java中,ArrayList类可以解决运行时动态更改数组的问题。ArrayList使用起来有点像数组,但是在添加或删除元素时,具有自动调节数组容量的功能,而不需要为此编写任何代码。在今后的学习中要多思考,多去理解代码,理解各种参数的使用方法。


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