

步骤1:把hive-hbase-handler-1.2.1.jar cp到hbase/lib 下,同时把hbase中的所有的jar,cp到hive/lib

[root@node101 lib]# scp /usr/local/hive-1.2./lib/hive-hbase-handler-1.2..jar node104:/usr/local/hbase-
hive-hbase-handler-1.2..jar % 113KB .2KB/s :

[root@node104 lib]# scp /usr/local/hbase-* node101:/usr/local/hive-1.2.1/lib/

步骤2:在hive的配置文件hive-site.xml 增加属性:hbase连接的zookeeper节点



CREATE TABLE hbasetbl(key int, value string)
STORED BY 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.hbase.HBaseStorageHandler'
WITH SERDEPROPERTIES ("hbase.columns.mapping" = ":key,cf1:val")
TBLPROPERTIES ("hbase.table.name" = "xyz", "hbase.mapred.output.outputtable" = "xyz");



如果Hbase不存在表xyx,那么hive创建表xyz之后,在HBase也会创建xyz表,在Hive里向表xyz插入数据 数据会存到HBase里而不是Hive。


(key string, id string, user_id string)
STORED BY 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.hbase.HBaseStorageHandler'
WITH SERDEPROPERTIES ("hbase.columns.mapping" = ":key,order:order_id,order:user_id")
TBLPROPERTIES ("hbase.table.name" = "t_order");

创建外部表,需要HBase要事先有这个表:create 't_order','order',否则会报错

hive和hbase同步 整合


1. 在hive中创建hbase的event_log对应表

key string, pl string, en string, s_time bigint, p_url string, u_ud string, u_sd string
) ROW FORMAT SERDE 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.hbase.HBaseSerDe'
STORED BY 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.hbase.HBaseStorageHandler'
with serdeproperties('hbase.columns.mapping'=':key,log:pl,log:en,log:s_time,log:p_url,log:u_ud,log:u_sd')

-- 2. 在hive中创建mysql的对应表,执行HQL之后分析的结果保存该表,然后通过sqoop工具导出到mysql

CREATE TABLE `stats_view_depth` (
`platform_dimension_id` bigint ,
`data_dimension_id` bigint ,
`kpi_dimension_id` bigint ,
`pv1` bigint ,
`pv2` bigint ,
`pv3` bigint ,
`pv4` bigint ,
`pv5_10` bigint ,
`pv10_30` bigint ,
`pv30_60` bigint ,
`pv60_plus` bigint ,
`created` string
) row format delimited fields terminated by '\t';

3. hive创建临时表:把hql分析之后的中间结果存放到当前的临时表。

CREATE TABLE `stats_view_depth_tmp`(`pl` string, `date` string, `col` string, `ct` bigint);

4. 编写UDF(platformdimension & datedimension)<需要注意,要删除DimensionConvertClient类中所有FileSystem关闭的操作>

-- 5. 上传transformer-0.0.1.jar到hdfs的/sxt/transformer文件夹中
-- 6. 创建hive的function

create function platform_convert as 'com.sxt.transformer.hive.PlatformDimensionUDF' using jar 'hdfs://sxt/sxt/transformer/transformer-0.0.1.jar';
create function date_convert as 'com.sxt.transformer.hive.DateDimensionUDF' using jar 'hdfs://sxt/sxt/transformer/transformer-0.0.1.jar';


7. hql编写(统计用户角度的浏览深度)<注意:时间为外部给定>

from (
pl, from_unixtime(cast(s_time/ as bigint),'yyyy-MM-dd') as day, u_ud,
(case when count(p_url) = then "pv1"
when count(p_url) = then "pv2"
when count(p_url) = then "pv3"
when count(p_url) = then "pv4"
when count(p_url) >= and count(p_url) < then "pv5_10"
when count(p_url) >= and count(p_url) < then "pv10_30"
when count(p_url) >= and count(p_url) < then "pv30_60"
else 'pv60_plus' end) as pv
from event_logs
and p_url is not null
and pl is not null
and s_time >= unix_timestamp('2019-07-08','yyyy-MM-dd')*
and s_time < unix_timestamp('2019-07-09','yyyy-MM-dd')*
group by
pl, from_unixtime(cast(s_time/ as bigint),'yyyy-MM-dd'), u_ud
) as tmp
insert overwrite table stats_view_depth_tmp
select pl,day,pv,count(distinct u_ud) as ct where u_ud is not null group by pl,day,pv;


with tmp as
select pl,`date` as date1,ct as pv1, as pv2, as pv3, as pv4, as pv5_10, as pv10_30, as pv30_60, as pv60_plus from stats_view_depth_tmp where col='pv1' union all
select pl,`date` as date1, as pv1,ct as pv2, as pv3, as pv4, as pv5_10, as pv10_30, as pv30_60, as pv60_plus from stats_view_depth_tmp where col='pv2' union all
select pl,`date` as date1, as pv1, as pv2,ct as pv3, as pv4, as pv5_10, as pv10_30, as pv30_60, as pv60_plus from stats_view_depth_tmp where col='pv3' union all
select pl,`date` as date1, as pv1, as pv2, as pv3,ct as pv4, as pv5_10, as pv10_30, as pv30_60, as pv60_plus from stats_view_depth_tmp where col='pv4' union all
select pl,`date` as date1, as pv1, as pv2, as pv3, as pv4,ct as pv5_10, as pv10_30, as pv30_60, as pv60_plus from stats_view_depth_tmp where col='pv5_10' union all
select pl,`date` as date1, as pv1, as pv2, as pv3, as pv4, as pv5_10,ct as pv10_30, as pv30_60, as pv60_plus from stats_view_depth_tmp where col='pv10_30' union all
select pl,`date` as date1, as pv1, as pv2, as pv3, as pv4, as pv5_10, as pv10_30,ct as pv30_60, as pv60_plus from stats_view_depth_tmp where col='pv30_60' union all
select pl,`date` as date1, as pv1, as pv2, as pv3, as pv4, as pv5_10, as pv10_30, as pv30_60,ct as pv60_plus from stats_view_depth_tmp where col='pv60_plus' union all select 'all' as pl,`date` as date1,ct as pv1, as pv2, as pv3, as pv4, as pv5_10, as pv10_30, as pv30_60, as pv60_plus from stats_view_depth_tmp where col='pv1' union all
select 'all' as pl,`date` as date1, as pv1,ct as pv2, as pv3, as pv4, as pv5_10, as pv10_30, as pv30_60, as pv60_plus from stats_view_depth_tmp where col='pv2' union all
select 'all' as pl,`date` as date1, as pv1, as pv2,ct as pv3, as pv4, as pv5_10, as pv10_30, as pv30_60, as pv60_plus from stats_view_depth_tmp where col='pv3' union all
select 'all' as pl,`date` as date1, as pv1, as pv2, as pv3,ct as pv4, as pv5_10, as pv10_30, as pv30_60, as pv60_plus from stats_view_depth_tmp where col='pv4' union all
select 'all' as pl,`date` as date1, as pv1, as pv2, as pv3, as pv4,ct as pv5_10, as pv10_30, as pv30_60, as pv60_plus from stats_view_depth_tmp where col='pv5_10' union all
select 'all' as pl,`date` as date1, as pv1, as pv2, as pv3, as pv4, as pv5_10,ct as pv10_30, as pv30_60, as pv60_plus from stats_view_depth_tmp where col='pv10_30' union all
select 'all' as pl,`date` as date1, as pv1, as pv2, as pv3, as pv4, as pv5_10, as pv10_30,ct as pv30_60, as pv60_plus from stats_view_depth_tmp where col='pv30_60' union all
select 'all' as pl,`date` as date1, as pv1, as pv2, as pv3, as pv4, as pv5_10, as pv10_30, as pv30_60,ct as pv60_plus from stats_view_depth_tmp where col='pv60_plus'
from tmp
insert overwrite table stats_view_depth
select ,,,sum(pv1),sum(pv2),sum(pv3),sum(pv4),sum(pv5_10),sum(pv10_30),sum(pv30_60),sum(pv60_plus),'2019-07-08' group by pl,date1;

7. sqoop脚步编写(统计用户角度)

sqoop export --connect jdbc:mysql://hh:3306/report --username hive --password hive --table stats_view_depth --export-dir /hive/bigdater.db/stats_view_depth/* --input-fields-terminated-by "\\t" --update-mode allowinsert --update-key platform_dimension_id,data_dimension_id,kpi_dimension_id

8. shell脚步编写 通过脚本自动化操作



endDate='' until [ $# -eq ]
if [ $'x' = '-sdx' ]; then
elif [ $'x' = '-edx' ]; then
done if [ -n "$startDate" ] && [ -n "$endDate" ]; then
echo "use the arguments of the date"
echo "use the default date"
startDate=$(date -d last-day +%Y-%m-%d)
endDate=$(date +%Y-%m-%d)
echo "run of arguments. start date is:$startDate, end date is:$endDate"
echo "start run of view depth job " ## 用户角度浏览深度分析
echo "start insert user data to hive tmp table"
hive -e "from (select pl, from_unixtime(cast(s_time/1000 as bigint),'yyyy-MM-dd') as day, u_ud, (case when count(p_url) = 1 then 'pv1' when count(p_url) = 2 then 'pv2' when count(p_url) = 3 then 'pv3' when count(p_url) = 4 then 'pv4' when count(p_url) >= 5 and count(p_url) <10 then 'pv5_10' when count(p_url) >= 10 and count(p_url) <30 then 'pv10_30' when count(p_url) >=30 and count(p_url) <60 then 'pv30_60' else 'pv60_plus' end) as pv from event_logs where en='e_pv' and p_url is not null and pl is not null and s_time >= unix_timestamp('$startDate','yyyy-MM-dd')*1000 and s_time < unix_timestamp('$endDate','yyyy-MM-dd')*1000 group by pl, from_unixtime(cast(s_time/1000 as bigint),'yyyy-MM-dd'), u_ud) as tmp insert overwrite table stats_view_depth_tmp select pl,day,pv,count(distinct u_ud) as ct where u_ud is not null group by pl,day,pv" echo "start insert user data to hive table"
hive -e "with tmp as (select pl,date,ct as pv1,0 as pv2,0 as pv3,0 as pv4,0 as pv5_10,0 as pv10_30,0 as pv30_60,0 as pv60_plus from stats_view_depth_tmp where col='pv1' union all select pl,date,0 as pv1,ct as pv2,0 as pv3,0 as pv4,0 as pv5_10,0 as pv10_30,0 as pv30_60,0 as pv60_plus from stats_view_depth_tmp where col='pv2' union all select pl,date,0 as pv1,0 as pv2,ct as pv3,0 as pv4,0 as pv5_10,0 as pv10_30,0 as pv30_60,0 as pv60_plus from stats_view_depth_tmp where col='pv3' union all select pl,date,0 as pv1,0 as pv2,0 as pv3,ct as pv4,0 as pv5_10,0 as pv10_30,0 as pv30_60,0 as pv60_plus from stats_view_depth_tmp where col='pv4' union all select pl,date,0 as pv1,0 as pv2,0 as pv3,0 as pv4,ct as pv5_10,0 as pv10_30,0 as pv30_60,0 as pv60_plus from stats_view_depth_tmp where col='pv5_10' union all select pl,date,0 as pv1,0 as pv2,0 as pv3,0 as pv4,0 as pv5_10,ct as pv10_30,0 as pv30_60,0 as pv60_plus from stats_view_depth_tmp where col='pv10_30' union all select pl,date,0 as pv1,0 as pv2,0 as pv3,0 as pv4,0 as pv5_10,0 as pv10_30,ct as pv30_60,0 as pv60_plus from stats_view_depth_tmp where col='pv30_60' union all select pl,date,0 as pv1,0 as pv2,0 as pv3,0 as pv4,0 as pv5_10,0 as pv10_30,0 as pv30_60,ct as pv60_plus from stats_view_depth_tmp where col='pv60_plus' union all select 'all' as pl,date,ct as pv1,0 as pv2,0 as pv3,0 as pv4,0 as pv5_10,0 as pv10_30,0 as pv30_60,0 as pv60_plus from stats_view_depth_tmp where col='pv1' union all select 'all' as pl,date,0 as pv1,ct as pv2,0 as pv3,0 as pv4,0 as pv5_10,0 as pv10_30,0 as pv30_60,0 as pv60_plus from stats_view_depth_tmp where col='pv2' union all select 'all' as pl,date,0 as pv1,0 as pv2,ct as pv3,0 as pv4,0 as pv5_10,0 as pv10_30,0 as pv30_60,0 as pv60_plus from stats_view_depth_tmp where col='pv3' union all select 'all' as pl,date,0 as pv1,0 as pv2,0 as pv3,ct as pv4,0 as pv5_10,0 as pv10_30,0 as pv30_60,0 as pv60_plus from stats_view_depth_tmp where col='pv4' union all select 'all' as pl,date,0 as pv1,0 as pv2,0 as pv3,0 as pv4,ct as pv5_10,0 as pv10_30,0 as pv30_60,0 as pv60_plus from stats_view_depth_tmp where col='pv5_10' union all select 'all' as pl,date,0 as pv1,0 as pv2,0 as pv3,0 as pv4,0 as pv5_10,ct as pv10_30,0 as pv30_60,0 as pv60_plus from stats_view_depth_tmp where col='pv10_30' union all select 'all' as pl,date,0 as pv1,0 as pv2,0 as pv3,0 as pv4,0 as pv5_10,0 as pv10_30,ct as pv30_60,0 as pv60_plus from stats_view_depth_tmp where col='pv30_60' union all select 'all' as pl,date,0 as pv1,0 as pv2,0 as pv3,0 as pv4,0 as pv5_10,0 as pv10_30,0 as pv30_60,ct as pv60_plus from stats_view_depth_tmp where col='pv60_plus' ) from tmp insert overwrite table stats_view_depth select platform_convert(pl),date_convert(date),5,sum(pv1),sum(pv2),sum(pv3),sum(pv4),sum(pv5_10),sum(pv10_30),sum(pv30_60),sum(pv60_plus),date group by pl,date" #会话角度浏览深度分析
echo "start insert session data to hive tmp table"
hive -e "from (select pl, from_unixtime(cast(s_time/1000 as bigint),'yyyy-MM-dd') as day, u_sd, (case when count(p_url) = 1 then 'pv1' when count(p_url) = 2 then 'pv2' when count(p_url) = 3 then 'pv3' when count(p_url) = 4 then 'pv4' when count(p_url) >= 5 and count(p_url) <10 then 'pv5_10' when count(p_url) >= 10 and count(p_url) <30 then 'pv10_30' when count(p_url) >=30 and count(p_url) <60 then 'pv30_60' else 'pv60_plus' end) as pv from event_logs where en='e_pv' and p_url is not null and pl is not null and s_time >= unix_timestamp('$startDate','yyyy-MM-dd')*1000 and s_time < unix_timestamp('$endDate','yyyy-MM-dd')*1000 group by pl, from_unixtime(cast(s_time/1000 as bigint),'yyyy-MM-dd'), u_sd ) as tmp insert overwrite table stats_view_depth_tmp select pl,day,pv,count(distinct u_sd) as ct where u_sd is not null group by pl,day,pv" ## insert into
echo "start insert session data to hive table"
hive --database bigdater -e "with tmp as (select pl,date,ct as pv1,0 as pv2,0 as pv3,0 as pv4,0 as pv5_10,0 as pv10_30,0 as pv30_60,0 as pv60_plus from stats_view_depth_tmp where col='pv1' union all select pl,date,0 as pv1,ct as pv2,0 as pv3,0 as pv4,0 as pv5_10,0 as pv10_30,0 as pv30_60,0 as pv60_plus from stats_view_depth_tmp where col='pv2' union all select pl,date,0 as pv1,0 as pv2,ct as pv3,0 as pv4,0 as pv5_10,0 as pv10_30,0 as pv30_60,0 as pv60_plus from stats_view_depth_tmp where col='pv3' union all select pl,date,0 as pv1,0 as pv2,0 as pv3,ct as pv4,0 as pv5_10,0 as pv10_30,0 as pv30_60,0 as pv60_plus from stats_view_depth_tmp where col='pv4' union all select pl,date,0 as pv1,0 as pv2,0 as pv3,0 as pv4,ct as pv5_10,0 as pv10_30,0 as pv30_60,0 as pv60_plus from stats_view_depth_tmp where col='pv5_10' union all select pl,date,0 as pv1,0 as pv2,0 as pv3,0 as pv4,0 as pv5_10,ct as pv10_30,0 as pv30_60,0 as pv60_plus from stats_view_depth_tmp where col='pv10_30' union all select pl,date,0 as pv1,0 as pv2,0 as pv3,0 as pv4,0 as pv5_10,0 as pv10_30,ct as pv30_60,0 as pv60_plus from stats_view_depth_tmp where col='pv30_60' union all select pl,date,0 as pv1,0 as pv2,0 as pv3,0 as pv4,0 as pv5_10,0 as pv10_30,0 as pv30_60,ct as pv60_plus from stats_view_depth_tmp where col='pv60_plus' union all select 'all' as pl,date,ct as pv1,0 as pv2,0 as pv3,0 as pv4,0 as pv5_10,0 as pv10_30,0 as pv30_60,0 as pv60_plus from stats_view_depth_tmp where col='pv1' union all select 'all' as pl,date,0 as pv1,ct as pv2,0 as pv3,0 as pv4,0 as pv5_10,0 as pv10_30,0 as pv30_60,0 as pv60_plus from stats_view_depth_tmp where col='pv2' union all select 'all' as pl,date,0 as pv1,0 as pv2,ct as pv3,0 as pv4,0 as pv5_10,0 as pv10_30,0 as pv30_60,0 as pv60_plus from stats_view_depth_tmp where col='pv3' union all select 'all' as pl,date,0 as pv1,0 as pv2,0 as pv3,ct as pv4,0 as pv5_10,0 as pv10_30,0 as pv30_60,0 as pv60_plus from stats_view_depth_tmp where col='pv4' union all select 'all' as pl,date,0 as pv1,0 as pv2,0 as pv3,0 as pv4,ct as pv5_10,0 as pv10_30,0 as pv30_60,0 as pv60_plus from stats_view_depth_tmp where col='pv5_10' union all select 'all' as pl,date,0 as pv1,0 as pv2,0 as pv3,0 as pv4,0 as pv5_10,ct as pv10_30,0 as pv30_60,0 as pv60_plus from stats_view_depth_tmp where col='pv10_30' union all select 'all' as pl,date,0 as pv1,0 as pv2,0 as pv3,0 as pv4,0 as pv5_10,0 as pv10_30,ct as pv30_60,0 as pv60_plus from stats_view_depth_tmp where col='pv30_60' union all select 'all' as pl,date,0 as pv1,0 as pv2,0 as pv3,0 as pv4,0 as pv5_10,0 as pv10_30,0 as pv30_60,ct as pv60_plus from stats_view_depth_tmp where col='pv60_plus' ) from tmp insert into table stats_view_depth select platform_convert(pl),date_convert(date),6,sum(pv1),sum(pv2),sum(pv3),sum(pv4),sum(pv5_10),sum(pv10_30),sum(pv30_60),sum(pv60_plus),'2015-12-13' group by pl,date" ## sqoop
echo "run the sqoop script,insert hive data to mysql table"
sqoop export --connect jdbc:mysql://hh:3306/report --username hive --password hive --table stats_view_depth --export-dir /hive/bigdater.db/stats_view_depth/* --input-fields-terminated-by \\t --update-mode allowinsert --update-key platform_dimension_id,data_dimension_id,kpi_dimension_id
echo "complete run the view depth job"


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    Fiddler 4 1.设置: Tools ->  Telerik Fiddler Options 勾选远程 手机安装证书 ->使用Android手机的浏览器打开:http://10.2. ...

  4. Java字符串之间拼接时,如果有null值,则会直接拼接上null

    package com.fgy.demo; public class demo06 { public static void main(String[] args) { String str1 = & ...

  5. SpringBoot使用thymeleaf案例

    1 编写application.properties文件 spring.thymeleaf.prefix=classpath:/templates/ spring.thymeleaf.suffix=. ...

  6. App版本更新接口的设计

    前段时间公司业务调整,新开了新的移动端的项目,所以和朋友聊到了“版本号”和“版本更新所需的数据表设计”. 一般来讲大部分的软件版本号分3段,比如 A.B.C A 表示大版本号,一般当软件整体重写,或出 ...

  7. Tensorflow细节-P212-循环神经网络

    本节的循环神经网络一图足以说明 import numpy as np X = [1, 2] state = [0.0, 0.0] # 定义RNN的参数 # 以下两个本来是像这样分开的,但是在运算时合并 ...

  8. 实训作业5(lang、util)

    实验内容和原理: 1.将布尔型.整型.长整型.双精度型作为参数,实例化相应的包装类对象,并输出对象的数值. package 包装; public class integer { public stat ...

  9. 好的想法只是OKR的开始--创业者谨记

    每一个出版过作品的作家都有这样的体验:有人找到你,说他有一个极妙的想法,并迫不及待的想和你一起实现这个想法:结局也总是差不多,它们艰难的完成了灵感部分,而你只需要简单的把它写成小说,收益则需要五五分成 ...

  10. jsp解决大文件断点续传

    我们平时经常做的是上传文件,上传文件夹与上传文件类似,但也有一些不同之处,这次做了上传文件夹就记录下以备后用. 这次项目的需求: 支持大文件的上传和续传,要求续传支持所有浏览器,包括ie6,ie7,i ...