1. Murano Project Mission

  From the third-party tool developer’s perspective,

  the application catalog will provide a way to publish applications and services,

  including deployment rules and requirements, suggested configuration, output parameters and billing rules.

  It will also provide a way to track billing and usage information.

  From the user’s perspective, the application catalog will be a place to find and self-provision third-party applications and services,

  integrate them into their environment, and track usage information and costs.

2.Modules in Murano



                <------->Applications<------->Packages<------->Packages Classification<------->Packages.zip

(1) Environment

   At first, If we want to deploy an application, we need an environment as  a container for application.

  In fact, we can only deploy an environment, not an application.

  We can find murano environments in this place: Horizon->Murano->Application Catalog->Environments

  Input Environment Name to create an murano environments.

(2)Mirror Images

  We need to mark images from glance, because it is necessary to choose image when deploying an environment.

(3)Packages Setup

  we can setup packages into murano environment by local files, URL and repository like below.

(4)Packages Classification

  Also we can classify package application as below by adding categories or deleting.

(5)Add application to environment

  drag applications to environment and it is ready for deployment.

3. Murano Service Architecture

  The snapshot is about the murano service file catalog.

  (1) cmd provide the interface for external system. For example, Murano Rest API.

    Murano Rest API is developed by Eventlet.wsgi, and also Webob library provide an encapsulation of Request and Response.

    Murano engine provide rpc service for inner system.

    cmd is the entry for Murano Service launch like other OpenStack project.

  (2) api provide the Rest API route in the router.py.

    It obviously provide the function like GET,PUT,POST and DELETE.

    The interfaces implemented as follows and so on:

      a. environment create, delete, rename, show single one or list.

      b. sessions show, configure, delete and deploy.

      c. package create, delete, import, download, show single one or list.

      d. category create, delete, show single one or list.

  (3) common provide base classes and services for Murano Service.

    Also it include some helps, consts and exception defination.

  (4) db provide database models and implementation of database operation.

    For example, Add, Modify, Delete and Query.

    Murano use Alembic library to migrate dabase upgrade or downgrade.

    The Alembic script include database table alter or data change.

  (5) dsl means Domain Specify Language.

    This directory include these functions like that

    Murano package resolver and Murano yaql resolver.

  (6) engine is the core of Murano.

    it makes a maintenance of Murano environment,

    and makes an client manager with heat, keystone, mistral and so on.

  (7) openstack will be removed in current master verison.

    This directory is unused now.

  (8) packages include the solutiuon of Murano PL package and HOT package.

    This module is in charge of validate and analyze the Murano PL package and HOT package.

  (9) tests include the unit test, funcitonal test.

  It is almost Code Architecture Introducation about Murano.

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