

(2)weakref_impl是weakref_type 的子类

android_atomic_dec(&mCount) == 1  mCount减1,但是返回的是mCount减1之前的值。如果返回1,表示这次减过之后引用计数就是0了,就把对象delete掉。

android_atomic_inc(&impl->mStrong)  mCount加1,但是返回的是mCount加1之前的值。

android_atomic_add(-INITIAL_STRONG_VALUE, &impl->mStrong);  加一个数,在此加的是(-INITIAL_STRONG_VALUE)

android_atomic_cmpxchg(curCount, curCount+1, &impl->mStrong) 表示如果impl->mStrong的值为curCount,则把impl->mString的值改为curCount+1

enum {
    OBJECT_LIFETIME_WEAK    = 0x0001,
    OBJECT_LIFETIME_MASK    = 0x0001

void    extendObjectLifetime(int32_t mode);

void RefBase::extendObjectLifetime(int32_t mode)
    android_atomic_or(mode, &mRefs->mFlags);  // 用mode给weakref_impl的mFlags赋值     mFlags只在这一个地方赋值


incStrong中, 将强引用数与弱引用数同时 +1

decStrong中,将强引用数与弱引用数同时 -1

incWeak中,只有弱引用数 +1

decWeak中,只有弱引用数 -1


weakref_impl.mFlag == OBJECT_LIFETIME_STRONG时:
    记住:使用wp时,要有sp生成,否则可能会引起segment fault。
weakref_impl.mFlag == OBJECT_LIFETIME_WEAK时:


void RefBase::incStrong(const void* id) const
weakref_impl* const refs = mRefs;
refs->incWeak(id); refs->addStrongRef(id);
const int32_t c = android_atomic_inc(&refs->mStrong);    
ALOG_ASSERT(c > 0, "incStrong() called on %p after last strong ref", refs);
ALOGD("incStrong of %p from %p: cnt=%d\n", this, id, c);
} //refs->mStrong= INITIAL_STRONG_VALUE + 1 - INITIAL_STRONG_VALUE = 1 最终为1
android_atomic_add(-INITIAL_STRONG_VALUE, &refs->mStrong);

第一次创建强引用会回调RefBase的onFirstRef()方法,这个方法很重要,派生类可以重载次方法,做一些初始化操作。在audio system中,很多类重载此方法!!!

RefBase.h 源文件

#define ANDROID_REF_BASE_H #include <cutils/atomic.h> #include <stdint.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h> #include <utils/StrongPointer.h>
#include <utils/TypeHelpers.h> // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace android { class TextOutput;
TextOutput& printWeakPointer(TextOutput& to, const void* val); // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #define COMPARE_WEAK(_op_) \
inline bool operator _op_ (const sp<T>& o) const { \
return m_ptr _op_ o.m_ptr; \
} \
inline bool operator _op_ (const T* o) const { \
return m_ptr _op_ o; \
} \
template<typename U> \
inline bool operator _op_ (const sp<U>& o) const { \
return m_ptr _op_ o.m_ptr; \
} \
template<typename U> \
inline bool operator _op_ (const U* o) const { \
return m_ptr _op_ o; \
} // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- class ReferenceRenamer {
// destructor is purposedly not virtual so we avoid code overhead from
// subclasses; we have to make it protected to guarantee that it
// cannot be called from this base class (and to make strict compilers
// happy).
~ReferenceRenamer() { }
virtual void operator()(size_t i) const = 0;
}; // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- class RefBase
void incStrong(const void* id) const;
void decStrong(const void* id) const; void forceIncStrong(const void* id) const; //! DEBUGGING ONLY: Get current strong ref count.
int32_t getStrongCount() const; class weakref_type                      
RefBase* refBase() const; void incWeak(const void* id);
void decWeak(const void* id); // acquires a strong reference if there is already one.
bool attemptIncStrong(const void* id); // acquires a weak reference if there is already one.
// This is not always safe. see ProcessState.cpp and BpBinder.cpp
// for proper use.
bool attemptIncWeak(const void* id); //! DEBUGGING ONLY: Get current weak ref count.
int32_t getWeakCount() const; //! DEBUGGING ONLY: Print references held on object.
void printRefs() const; //! DEBUGGING ONLY: Enable tracking for this object.
// enable -- enable/disable tracking
// retain -- when tracking is enable, if true, then we save a stack trace
// for each reference and dereference; when retain == false, we
// match up references and dereferences and keep only the
// outstanding ones. void trackMe(bool enable, bool retain);
}; weakref_type* createWeak(const void* id) const; weakref_type* getWeakRefs() const; //! DEBUGGING ONLY: Print references held on object.
inline void printRefs() const { getWeakRefs()->printRefs(); } //! DEBUGGING ONLY: Enable tracking of object.
inline void trackMe(bool enable, bool retain)
getWeakRefs()->trackMe(enable, retain);
} typedef RefBase basetype; protected:
virtual ~RefBase(); //! Flags for extendObjectLifetime()
enum {
}; void extendObjectLifetime(int32_t mode); //! Flags for onIncStrongAttempted()
enum {
}; virtual void onFirstRef();
virtual void onLastStrongRef(const void* id);
virtual bool onIncStrongAttempted(uint32_t flags, const void* id);
virtual void onLastWeakRef(const void* id); private:
friend class weakref_type;
class weakref_impl; RefBase(const RefBase& o);
RefBase& operator=(const RefBase& o); private:
friend class ReferenceMover; static void renameRefs(size_t n, const ReferenceRenamer& renamer); static void renameRefId(weakref_type* ref,
const void* old_id, const void* new_id); static void renameRefId(RefBase* ref,
const void* old_id, const void* new_id); weakref_impl* const mRefs;
}; // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- template <class T>
class LightRefBase
inline LightRefBase() : mCount(0) { }
inline void incStrong(__attribute__((unused)) const void* id) const {
inline void decStrong(__attribute__((unused)) const void* id) const {
if (android_atomic_dec(&mCount) == 1) {
delete static_cast<const T*>(this);
//! DEBUGGING ONLY: Get current strong ref count.
inline int32_t getStrongCount() const {
return mCount;
} typedef LightRefBase<T> basetype; protected:
inline ~LightRefBase() { } private:
friend class ReferenceMover;
inline static void renameRefs(size_t n, const ReferenceRenamer& renamer) { }
inline static void renameRefId(T* ref,
const void* old_id, const void* new_id) { } private:
mutable volatile int32_t mCount;
}; // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- template <typename T>
class wp
typedef typename RefBase::weakref_type weakref_type; inline wp() : m_ptr(0) { } wp(T* other);
wp(const wp<T>& other);
wp(const sp<T>& other);
template<typename U> wp(U* other);
template<typename U> wp(const sp<U>& other);
template<typename U> wp(const wp<U>& other); ~wp(); // Assignment wp& operator = (T* other);
wp& operator = (const wp<T>& other);
wp& operator = (const sp<T>& other); template<typename U> wp& operator = (U* other);
template<typename U> wp& operator = (const wp<U>& other);
template<typename U> wp& operator = (const sp<U>& other); void set_object_and_refs(T* other, weakref_type* refs); // promotion to sp sp<T> promote() const; // Reset void clear(); // Accessors inline weakref_type* get_refs() const { return m_refs; } inline T* unsafe_get() const { return m_ptr; } // Operators COMPARE_WEAK(==)
COMPARE_WEAK(>=) inline bool operator == (const wp<T>& o) const {
return (m_ptr == o.m_ptr) && (m_refs == o.m_refs);
template<typename U>
inline bool operator == (const wp<U>& o) const {
return m_ptr == o.m_ptr;
} inline bool operator > (const wp<T>& o) const {
return (m_ptr == o.m_ptr) ? (m_refs > o.m_refs) : (m_ptr > o.m_ptr);
template<typename U>
inline bool operator > (const wp<U>& o) const {
return (m_ptr == o.m_ptr) ? (m_refs > o.m_refs) : (m_ptr > o.m_ptr);
} inline bool operator < (const wp<T>& o) const {
return (m_ptr == o.m_ptr) ? (m_refs < o.m_refs) : (m_ptr < o.m_ptr);
template<typename U>
inline bool operator < (const wp<U>& o) const {
return (m_ptr == o.m_ptr) ? (m_refs < o.m_refs) : (m_ptr < o.m_ptr);
inline bool operator != (const wp<T>& o) const { return m_refs != o.m_refs; }
template<typename U> inline bool operator != (const wp<U>& o) const { return !operator == (o); }
inline bool operator <= (const wp<T>& o) const { return !operator > (o); }
template<typename U> inline bool operator <= (const wp<U>& o) const { return !operator > (o); }
inline bool operator >= (const wp<T>& o) const { return !operator < (o); }
template<typename U> inline bool operator >= (const wp<U>& o) const { return !operator < (o); } private:
template<typename Y> friend class sp;
template<typename Y> friend class wp; T* m_ptr;
weakref_type* m_refs;
}; template <typename T>
TextOutput& operator<<(TextOutput& to, const wp<T>& val); #undef COMPARE_WEAK // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// No user serviceable parts below here. template<typename T>
wp<T>::wp(T* other)
: m_ptr(other)
if (other) m_refs = other->createWeak(this);
} template<typename T>
wp<T>::wp(const wp<T>& other)
: m_ptr(other.m_ptr), m_refs(other.m_refs)
if (m_ptr) m_refs->incWeak(this);
} template<typename T>
wp<T>::wp(const sp<T>& other)
: m_ptr(other.m_ptr)
if (m_ptr) {
m_refs = m_ptr->createWeak(this);
} template<typename T> template<typename U>
wp<T>::wp(U* other)
: m_ptr(other)
if (other) m_refs = other->createWeak(this);
} template<typename T> template<typename U>
wp<T>::wp(const wp<U>& other)
: m_ptr(other.m_ptr)
if (m_ptr) {
m_refs = other.m_refs;
} template<typename T> template<typename U>
wp<T>::wp(const sp<U>& other)
: m_ptr(other.m_ptr)
if (m_ptr) {
m_refs = m_ptr->createWeak(this);
} template<typename T>
if (m_ptr) m_refs->decWeak(this);
} template<typename T>
wp<T>& wp<T>::operator = (T* other)
weakref_type* newRefs =
other ? other->createWeak(this) : 0;
if (m_ptr) m_refs->decWeak(this);
m_ptr = other;
m_refs = newRefs;
return *this;
} template<typename T>
wp<T>& wp<T>::operator = (const wp<T>& other)
weakref_type* otherRefs(other.m_refs);
T* otherPtr(other.m_ptr);
if (otherPtr) otherRefs->incWeak(this);
if (m_ptr) m_refs->decWeak(this);
m_ptr = otherPtr;
m_refs = otherRefs;
return *this;
} template<typename T>
wp<T>& wp<T>::operator = (const sp<T>& other)
weakref_type* newRefs =
other != NULL ? other->createWeak(this) : 0;
T* otherPtr(other.m_ptr);
if (m_ptr) m_refs->decWeak(this);
m_ptr = otherPtr;
m_refs = newRefs;
return *this;
} template<typename T> template<typename U>
wp<T>& wp<T>::operator = (U* other)
weakref_type* newRefs =
other ? other->createWeak(this) : 0;
if (m_ptr) m_refs->decWeak(this);
m_ptr = other;
m_refs = newRefs;
return *this;
} template<typename T> template<typename U>
wp<T>& wp<T>::operator = (const wp<U>& other)
weakref_type* otherRefs(other.m_refs);
U* otherPtr(other.m_ptr);
if (otherPtr) otherRefs->incWeak(this);
if (m_ptr) m_refs->decWeak(this);
m_ptr = otherPtr;
m_refs = otherRefs;
return *this;
} template<typename T> template<typename U>
wp<T>& wp<T>::operator = (const sp<U>& other)
weakref_type* newRefs =
other != NULL ? other->createWeak(this) : 0;
U* otherPtr(other.m_ptr);
if (m_ptr) m_refs->decWeak(this);
m_ptr = otherPtr;
m_refs = newRefs;
return *this;
} template<typename T>
void wp<T>::set_object_and_refs(T* other, weakref_type* refs)
if (other) refs->incWeak(this);
if (m_ptr) m_refs->decWeak(this);
m_ptr = other;
m_refs = refs;
} template<typename T>
sp<T> wp<T>::promote() const
sp<T> result;
if (m_ptr && m_refs->attemptIncStrong(&result)) {
return result;
} template<typename T>
void wp<T>::clear()
if (m_ptr) {
m_ptr = 0;
} template <typename T>
inline TextOutput& operator<<(TextOutput& to, const wp<T>& val)
return printWeakPointer(to, val.unsafe_get());
} // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // this class just serves as a namespace so TYPE::moveReferences can stay
// private.
class ReferenceMover {
// it would be nice if we could make sure no extra code is generated
// for sp<TYPE> or wp<TYPE> when TYPE is a descendant of RefBase:
// Using a sp<RefBase> override doesn't work; it's a bit like we wanted
// a template<typename TYPE inherits RefBase> template... template<typename TYPE> static inline
void move_references(sp<TYPE>* d, sp<TYPE> const* s, size_t n) { class Renamer : public ReferenceRenamer {
sp<TYPE>* d;
sp<TYPE> const* s;
virtual void operator()(size_t i) const {
// The id are known to be the sp<>'s this pointer
TYPE::renameRefId(d[i].get(), &s[i], &d[i]);
Renamer(sp<TYPE>* d, sp<TYPE> const* s) : s(s), d(d) { }
}; memmove(d, s, n*sizeof(sp<TYPE>));
TYPE::renameRefs(n, Renamer(d, s));
} template<typename TYPE> static inline
void move_references(wp<TYPE>* d, wp<TYPE> const* s, size_t n) { class Renamer : public ReferenceRenamer {
wp<TYPE>* d;
wp<TYPE> const* s;
virtual void operator()(size_t i) const {
// The id are known to be the wp<>'s this pointer
TYPE::renameRefId(d[i].get_refs(), &s[i], &d[i]);
Renamer(wp<TYPE>* d, wp<TYPE> const* s) : s(s), d(d) { }
}; memmove(d, s, n*sizeof(wp<TYPE>));
TYPE::renameRefs(n, Renamer(d, s));
}; // specialization for moving sp<> and wp<> types.
// these are used by the [Sorted|Keyed]Vector<> implementations
// sp<> and wp<> need to be handled specially, because they do not
// have trivial copy operation in the general case (see RefBase.cpp
// when DEBUG ops are enabled), but can be implemented very
// efficiently in most cases. template<typename TYPE> inline
void move_forward_type(sp<TYPE>* d, sp<TYPE> const* s, size_t n) {
ReferenceMover::move_references(d, s, n);
} template<typename TYPE> inline
void move_backward_type(sp<TYPE>* d, sp<TYPE> const* s, size_t n) {
ReferenceMover::move_references(d, s, n);
} template<typename TYPE> inline
void move_forward_type(wp<TYPE>* d, wp<TYPE> const* s, size_t n) {
ReferenceMover::move_references(d, s, n);
} template<typename TYPE> inline
void move_backward_type(wp<TYPE>* d, wp<TYPE> const* s, size_t n) {
ReferenceMover::move_references(d, s, n);
} }; // namespace android // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #endif // ANDROID_REF_BASE_H



 class RefBase
void incStrong(const void* id) const;
void decStrong(const void* id) const; void forceIncStrong(const void* id) const; //! DEBUGGING ONLY: Get current strong ref count.
int32_t getStrongCount() const; weakref_type* createWeak(const void* id) const; weakref_type* getWeakRefs() const; typedef RefBase basetype; protected:
virtual ~RefBase(); //! Flags for extendObjectLifetime()
enum {
}; void extendObjectLifetime(int32_t mode); //! Flags for onIncStrongAttempted()
enum {
}; virtual void onFirstRef();
virtual void onLastStrongRef(const void* id);
virtual bool onIncStrongAttempted(uint32_t flags, const void* id);
virtual void onLastWeakRef(const void* id); private:
friend class weakref_type;
class weakref_impl; RefBase(const RefBase& o);
RefBase& operator=(const RefBase& o); };


 template <class T>
class LightRefBase
inline LightRefBase() : mCount(0) { }
inline void incStrong(__attribute__((unused)) const void* id) const {
inline void decStrong(__attribute__((unused)) const void* id) const {
if (android_atomic_dec(&mCount) == 1) {
delete static_cast<const T*>(this);
//! DEBUGGING ONLY: Get current strong ref count.
inline int32_t getStrongCount() const {
return mCount;
} typedef LightRefBase<T> basetype; protected:
inline ~LightRefBase() { } private:
friend class ReferenceMover;
inline static void renameRefs(size_t n, const ReferenceRenamer& renamer) { }
inline static void renameRefId(T* ref,
const void* old_id, const void* new_id) { } private:
mutable volatile int32_t mCount;


 template <typename T>
class wp
typedef typename RefBase::weakref_type weakref_type; inline wp() : m_ptr(0) { } wp(T* other);
wp(const wp<T>& other);
wp(const sp<T>& other);
template<typename U> wp(U* other);
template<typename U> wp(const sp<U>& other);
template<typename U> wp(const wp<U>& other); ~wp(); // Assignment wp& operator = (T* other);
wp& operator = (const wp<T>& other);
wp& operator = (const sp<T>& other); template<typename U> wp& operator = (U* other);
template<typename U> wp& operator = (const wp<U>& other);
template<typename U> wp& operator = (const sp<U>& other); void set_object_and_refs(T* other, weakref_type* refs); // promotion to sp sp<T> promote() const; // Reset void clear(); // Accessors inline weakref_type* get_refs() const { return m_refs; } inline T* unsafe_get() const { return m_ptr; } // Operators COMPARE_WEAK(==)
COMPARE_WEAK(>=) inline bool operator == (const wp<T>& o) const {
return (m_ptr == o.m_ptr) && (m_refs == o.m_refs);
template<typename U>
inline bool operator == (const wp<U>& o) const {
return m_ptr == o.m_ptr;
} inline bool operator > (const wp<T>& o) const {
return (m_ptr == o.m_ptr) ? (m_refs > o.m_refs) : (m_ptr > o.m_ptr);
template<typename U>
inline bool operator > (const wp<U>& o) const {
return (m_ptr == o.m_ptr) ? (m_refs > o.m_refs) : (m_ptr > o.m_ptr);
} inline bool operator < (const wp<T>& o) const {
return (m_ptr == o.m_ptr) ? (m_refs < o.m_refs) : (m_ptr < o.m_ptr);
template<typename U>
inline bool operator < (const wp<U>& o) const {
return (m_ptr == o.m_ptr) ? (m_refs < o.m_refs) : (m_ptr < o.m_ptr);
inline bool operator != (const wp<T>& o) const { return m_refs != o.m_refs; }
template<typename U> inline bool operator != (const wp<U>& o) const { return !operator == (o); }
inline bool operator <= (const wp<T>& o) const { return !operator > (o); }
template<typename U> inline bool operator <= (const wp<U>& o) const { return !operator > (o); }
inline bool operator >= (const wp<T>& o) const { return !operator < (o); }
template<typename U> inline bool operator >= (const wp<U>& o) const { return !operator < (o); } private:
template<typename Y> friend class sp;
template<typename Y> friend class wp; T* m_ptr;
weakref_type* m_refs;


 template<typename T>
wp<T>::wp(T* other)
: m_ptr(other)
if (other) m_refs = other->createWeak(this);
} template<typename T>
wp<T>::wp(const wp<T>& other)
: m_ptr(other.m_ptr), m_refs(other.m_refs)
if (m_ptr) m_refs->incWeak(this);
} template<typename T>
wp<T>::wp(const sp<T>& other)
: m_ptr(other.m_ptr)
if (m_ptr) {
m_refs = m_ptr->createWeak(this);
} template<typename T> template<typename U>
wp<T>::wp(U* other)
: m_ptr(other)
if (other) m_refs = other->createWeak(this);
} template<typename T> template<typename U>
wp<T>::wp(const wp<U>& other)
: m_ptr(other.m_ptr)
if (m_ptr) {
m_refs = other.m_refs;
} template<typename T> template<typename U>
wp<T>::wp(const sp<U>& other)
: m_ptr(other.m_ptr)
if (m_ptr) {
m_refs = m_ptr->createWeak(this);
} template<typename T>
if (m_ptr) m_refs->decWeak(this);
} template<typename T>
wp<T>& wp<T>::operator = (T* other)
weakref_type* newRefs =
other ? other->createWeak(this) : 0;
if (m_ptr) m_refs->decWeak(this);
m_ptr = other;
m_refs = newRefs;
return *this;
} template<typename T>
wp<T>& wp<T>::operator = (const wp<T>& other)
weakref_type* otherRefs(other.m_refs);
T* otherPtr(other.m_ptr);
if (otherPtr) otherRefs->incWeak(this);
if (m_ptr) m_refs->decWeak(this);
m_ptr = otherPtr;
m_refs = otherRefs;
return *this;
} template<typename T>
wp<T>& wp<T>::operator = (const sp<T>& other)
weakref_type* newRefs =
other != NULL ? other->createWeak(this) : 0;
T* otherPtr(other.m_ptr);
if (m_ptr) m_refs->decWeak(this);
m_ptr = otherPtr;
m_refs = newRefs;
return *this;
} template<typename T> template<typename U>
wp<T>& wp<T>::operator = (U* other)
weakref_type* newRefs =
other ? other->createWeak(this) : 0;
if (m_ptr) m_refs->decWeak(this);
m_ptr = other;
m_refs = newRefs;
return *this;
} template<typename T> template<typename U>
wp<T>& wp<T>::operator = (const wp<U>& other)
weakref_type* otherRefs(other.m_refs);
U* otherPtr(other.m_ptr);
if (otherPtr) otherRefs->incWeak(this);
if (m_ptr) m_refs->decWeak(this);
m_ptr = otherPtr;
m_refs = otherRefs;
return *this;
} template<typename T> template<typename U>
wp<T>& wp<T>::operator = (const sp<U>& other)
weakref_type* newRefs =
other != NULL ? other->createWeak(this) : 0;
U* otherPtr(other.m_ptr);
if (m_ptr) m_refs->decWeak(this);
m_ptr = otherPtr;
m_refs = newRefs;
return *this;
} template<typename T>
void wp<T>::set_object_and_refs(T* other, weakref_type* refs)
if (other) refs->incWeak(this);
if (m_ptr) m_refs->decWeak(this);
m_ptr = other;
m_refs = refs;
} template<typename T>
sp<T> wp<T>::promote() const
sp<T> result;
if (m_ptr && m_refs->attemptIncStrong(&result)) {
return result;
} template<typename T>
void wp<T>::clear()
if (m_ptr) {
m_ptr = 0;

RefBase.cpp 源文件



 class RefBase::weakref_impl : public RefBase::weakref_type
volatile int32_t mStrong;
volatile int32_t mWeak;
RefBase* const mBase;
volatile int32_t mFlags; weakref_impl(RefBase* base)
, mWeak(0)
, mBase(base)
, mFlags(0)
} void addStrongRef(const void* /*id*/) { }
void removeStrongRef(const void* /*id*/) { }
void renameStrongRefId(const void* /*old_id*/, const void* /*new_id*/) { }
void addWeakRef(const void* /*id*/) { }
void removeWeakRef(const void* /*id*/) { }
void renameWeakRefId(const void* /*old_id*/, const void* /*new_id*/) { }
void printRefs() const { }
void trackMe(bool, bool) { } };


 #define INITIAL_STRONG_VALUE (1<<28)

 void RefBase::incStrong(const void* id) const
weakref_impl* const refs = mRefs;
refs->incWeak(id); refs->addStrongRef(id);
const int32_t c = android_atomic_inc(&refs->mStrong);
ALOG_ASSERT(c > 0, "incStrong() called on %p after last strong ref", refs);
ALOGD("incStrong of %p from %p: cnt=%d\n", this, id, c);
} android_atomic_add(-INITIAL_STRONG_VALUE, &refs->mStrong);
} void RefBase::decStrong(const void* id) const
weakref_impl* const refs = mRefs;
const int32_t c = android_atomic_dec(&refs->mStrong);
ALOGD("decStrong of %p from %p: cnt=%d\n", this, id, c);
ALOG_ASSERT(c >= 1, "decStrong() called on %p too many times", refs);
if (c == 1) {
delete this;
} void RefBase::forceIncStrong(const void* id) const
weakref_impl* const refs = mRefs;
refs->incWeak(id); refs->addStrongRef(id);
const int32_t c = android_atomic_inc(&refs->mStrong);
ALOG_ASSERT(c >= 0, "forceIncStrong called on %p after ref count underflow",
ALOGD("forceIncStrong of %p from %p: cnt=%d\n", this, id, c);
#endif switch (c) {
android_atomic_add(-INITIAL_STRONG_VALUE, &refs->mStrong);
// fall through...
case 0:
} int32_t RefBase::getStrongCount() const
return mRefs->mStrong;
} RefBase::weakref_type* RefBase::createWeak(const void* id) const
return mRefs;
} RefBase::weakref_type* RefBase::getWeakRefs() const
return mRefs;
} RefBase::RefBase()
: mRefs(new weakref_impl(this))
} RefBase::~RefBase()
if (mRefs->mStrong == INITIAL_STRONG_VALUE) {
// we never acquired a strong (and/or weak) reference on this object.
delete mRefs;
} else {
// life-time of this object is extended to WEAK or FOREVER, in
// which case weakref_impl doesn't out-live the object and we
// can free it now.
// It's possible that the weak count is not 0 if the object
// re-acquired a weak reference in its destructor
if (mRefs->mWeak == 0) {
delete mRefs;
// for debugging purposes, clear this.
const_cast<weakref_impl*&>(mRefs) = NULL;
} void RefBase::extendObjectLifetime(int32_t mode)
android_atomic_or(mode, &mRefs->mFlags);
} void RefBase::onFirstRef()
} void RefBase::onLastStrongRef(const void* /*id*/)
} bool RefBase::onIncStrongAttempted(uint32_t flags, const void* id)
return (flags&FIRST_INC_STRONG) ? true : false;
} void RefBase::onLastWeakRef(const void* /*id*/)

RefBase::weakref_type 类的函数实现:

 RefBase* RefBase::weakref_type::refBase() const
return static_cast<const weakref_impl*>(this)->mBase;
} void RefBase::weakref_type::incWeak(const void* id)
weakref_impl* const impl = static_cast<weakref_impl*>(this);
const int32_t c = android_atomic_inc(&impl->mWeak);
ALOG_ASSERT(c >= 0, "incWeak called on %p after last weak ref", this);
} void RefBase::weakref_type::decWeak(const void* id)
weakref_impl* const impl = static_cast<weakref_impl*>(this);
const int32_t c = android_atomic_dec(&impl->mWeak);
ALOG_ASSERT(c >= 1, "decWeak called on %p too many times", this);
if (c != 1) return; if ((impl->mFlags&OBJECT_LIFETIME_WEAK) == OBJECT_LIFETIME_STRONG) {
// This is the regular lifetime case. The object is destroyed
// when the last strong reference goes away. Since weakref_impl
// outlive the object, it is not destroyed in the dtor, and
// we'll have to do it here.
if (impl->mStrong == INITIAL_STRONG_VALUE) {
// Special case: we never had a strong reference, so we need to
// destroy the object now.
delete impl->mBase;
} else {
// ALOGV("Freeing refs %p of old RefBase %p\n", this, impl->mBase);
delete impl;
} else {
// less common case: lifetime is OBJECT_LIFETIME_{WEAK|FOREVER}
// this is the OBJECT_LIFETIME_WEAK case. The last weak-reference
// is gone, we can destroy the object.
delete impl->mBase;
} bool RefBase::weakref_type::attemptIncStrong(const void* id)
incWeak(id); weakref_impl* const impl = static_cast<weakref_impl*>(this);
int32_t curCount = impl->mStrong; ALOG_ASSERT(curCount >= 0,
"attemptIncStrong called on %p after underflow", this); while (curCount > 0 && curCount != INITIAL_STRONG_VALUE) {
// we're in the easy/common case of promoting a weak-reference
// from an existing strong reference.
if (android_atomic_cmpxchg(curCount, curCount+1, &impl->mStrong) == 0) {
// the strong count has changed on us, we need to re-assert our
// situation.
curCount = impl->mStrong;
} if (curCount <= 0 || curCount == INITIAL_STRONG_VALUE) {
// we're now in the harder case of either:
// - there never was a strong reference on us
// - or, all strong references have been released
// this object has a "normal" life-time, i.e.: it gets destroyed
// when the last strong reference goes away
if (curCount <= 0) {
// the last strong-reference got released, the object cannot
// be revived.
return false;
} // here, curCount == INITIAL_STRONG_VALUE, which means
// there never was a strong-reference, so we can try to
// promote this object; we need to do that atomically.
while (curCount > 0) {
if (android_atomic_cmpxchg(curCount, curCount + 1,
&impl->mStrong) == 0) {
// the strong count has changed on us, we need to re-assert our
// situation (e.g.: another thread has inc/decStrong'ed us)
curCount = impl->mStrong;
} if (curCount <= 0) {
// promote() failed, some other thread destroyed us in the
// meantime (i.e.: strong count reached zero).
return false;
} else {
// this object has an "extended" life-time, i.e.: it can be
// revived from a weak-reference only.
// Ask the object's implementation if it agrees to be revived
if (!impl->mBase->onIncStrongAttempted(FIRST_INC_STRONG, id)) {
// it didn't so give-up.
return false;
// grab a strong-reference, which is always safe due to the
// extended life-time.
curCount = android_atomic_inc(&impl->mStrong);
} // If the strong reference count has already been incremented by
// someone else, the implementor of onIncStrongAttempted() is holding
// an unneeded reference. So call onLastStrongRef() here to remove it.
// (No, this is not pretty.) Note that we MUST NOT do this if we
// are in fact acquiring the first reference.
if (curCount > 0 && curCount < INITIAL_STRONG_VALUE) {
} impl->addStrongRef(id); #if PRINT_REFS
ALOGD("attemptIncStrong of %p from %p: cnt=%d\n", this, id, curCount);
#endif // now we need to fix-up the count if it was INITIAL_STRONG_VALUE
// this must be done safely, i.e.: handle the case where several threads
// were here in attemptIncStrong().
curCount = impl->mStrong;
while (curCount >= INITIAL_STRONG_VALUE) {
"attemptIncStrong in %p underflowed to INITIAL_STRONG_VALUE",
if (android_atomic_cmpxchg(curCount, curCount-INITIAL_STRONG_VALUE,
&impl->mStrong) == 0) {
// the strong-count changed on us, we need to re-assert the situation,
// for e.g.: it's possible the fix-up happened in another thread.
curCount = impl->mStrong;
} return true;
} bool RefBase::weakref_type::attemptIncWeak(const void* id)
weakref_impl* const impl = static_cast<weakref_impl*>(this); int32_t curCount = impl->mWeak;
ALOG_ASSERT(curCount >= 0, "attemptIncWeak called on %p after underflow",
while (curCount > 0) {
if (android_atomic_cmpxchg(curCount, curCount+1, &impl->mWeak) == 0) {
curCount = impl->mWeak;
} if (curCount > 0) {
} return curCount > 0;
} int32_t RefBase::weakref_type::getWeakCount() const
return static_cast<const weakref_impl*>(this)->mWeak;
} void RefBase::weakref_type::printRefs() const
static_cast<const weakref_impl*>(this)->printRefs();
} void RefBase::weakref_type::trackMe(bool enable, bool retain)
static_cast<weakref_impl*>(this)->trackMe(enable, retain);

sp类声明 (StrongPointer.h)

* Copyright (C) 2005 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#define ANDROID_STRONG_POINTER_H #include <cutils/atomic.h> #include <stdint.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <stdlib.h> // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace android { template<typename T> class wp; // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #define COMPARE(_op_) \
inline bool operator _op_ (const sp<T>& o) const { \
return m_ptr _op_ o.m_ptr; \
} \
inline bool operator _op_ (const T* o) const { \
return m_ptr _op_ o; \
} \
template<typename U> \
inline bool operator _op_ (const sp<U>& o) const { \
return m_ptr _op_ o.m_ptr; \
} \
template<typename U> \
inline bool operator _op_ (const U* o) const { \
return m_ptr _op_ o; \
} \
inline bool operator _op_ (const wp<T>& o) const { \
return m_ptr _op_ o.m_ptr; \
} \
template<typename U> \
inline bool operator _op_ (const wp<U>& o) const { \
return m_ptr _op_ o.m_ptr; \
} // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- template<typename T>
class sp {
inline sp() : m_ptr(0) { } sp(T* other);
sp(const sp<T>& other);
template<typename U> sp(U* other);
template<typename U> sp(const sp<U>& other); ~sp(); // Assignment sp& operator = (T* other);
sp& operator = (const sp<T>& other); template<typename U> sp& operator = (const sp<U>& other);
template<typename U> sp& operator = (U* other); //! Special optimization for use by ProcessState (and nobody else).
void force_set(T* other); // Reset void clear(); // Accessors inline T& operator* () const { return *m_ptr; }
inline T* operator-> () const { return m_ptr; }
inline T* get() const { return m_ptr; } // Operators COMPARE(==)
COMPARE(>=) private:
template<typename Y> friend class sp;
template<typename Y> friend class wp;
void set_pointer(T* ptr);
T* m_ptr;
}; #undef COMPARE // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// No user serviceable parts below here. template<typename T>
sp<T>::sp(T* other)
: m_ptr(other) {
if (other)
} template<typename T>
sp<T>::sp(const sp<T>& other)
: m_ptr(other.m_ptr) {
if (m_ptr)
} template<typename T> template<typename U>
sp<T>::sp(U* other)
: m_ptr(other) {
if (other)
((T*) other)->incStrong(this);
} template<typename T> template<typename U>
sp<T>::sp(const sp<U>& other)
: m_ptr(other.m_ptr) {
if (m_ptr)
} template<typename T>
sp<T>::~sp() {
if (m_ptr)
} template<typename T>
sp<T>& sp<T>::operator =(const sp<T>& other) {
T* otherPtr(other.m_ptr);
if (otherPtr)
if (m_ptr)
m_ptr = otherPtr;
return *this;
} template<typename T>
sp<T>& sp<T>::operator =(T* other) {
if (other)
if (m_ptr)
m_ptr = other;
return *this;
} template<typename T> template<typename U>
sp<T>& sp<T>::operator =(const sp<U>& other) {
T* otherPtr(other.m_ptr);
if (otherPtr)
if (m_ptr)
m_ptr = otherPtr;
return *this;
} template<typename T> template<typename U>
sp<T>& sp<T>::operator =(U* other) {
if (other)
((T*) other)->incStrong(this);
if (m_ptr)
m_ptr = other;
return *this;
} template<typename T>
void sp<T>::force_set(T* other) {
m_ptr = other;
} template<typename T>
void sp<T>::clear() {
if (m_ptr) {
m_ptr = 0;
} template<typename T>
void sp<T>::set_pointer(T* ptr) {
m_ptr = ptr;
} }; // namespace android // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #endif // ANDROID_STRONG_POINTER_H

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