var sum = 0;
var args = arguments;
var len = args.length;
for(var i = 0;i < len;i++){
var num = args[i];
sum += num;
return sum;
var math = require('./math');
exports.increment = function(val){
return math.add(val, 1);
var increment = require('./increment.js');
require.load = function (context, moduleName, url) {
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', url, true);
xhr.onreadystatechange = function () {
if (xhr.readyState === 4) {
//Support anonymous modules.
// script processing rules learned from RequireJS
// TODO: pass a validate function into loadScript to check if a success really is a success
// insert script
var el = doc.createElement('script');
// initial script processing
function process (ev) {
ev = ev || global.event;
// detect when it's done loading
// ev.type == 'load' is for all browsers except IE6-9
// IE6-9 need to use onreadystatechange and look for
// el.readyState in {loaded, complete} (yes, we need both)
if (ev.type == 'load' || readyStates[el.readyState]) {
delete activeScripts[];
// release event listeners
el.onload = el.onreadystatechange = el.onerror = ''; // ie cries if we use undefined
function fail (e) {
// some browsers send an event, others send a string,
// but none of them send anything useful, so just say we failed:
failure(new Error('Syntax or http error: ' + def.url));
// set type first since setting other properties could
// prevent us from setting this later
// actually, we don't even need to set this at all
//el.type = 'text/javascript';
// using dom0 event handlers instead of wordy w3c/ms
el.onload = el.onreadystatechange = process;
el.onerror = fail;
// js! plugin uses alternate mimetypes
el.type = def.mimetype || 'text/javascript';
// TODO: support other charsets?
el.charset = 'utf-8';
el.async = !def.order;
el.src = def.url;
// loading will start when the script is inserted into the dom.
// IE will load the script sync if it's in the cache, so
// indicate the current resource definition if this happens.
activeScripts[] = el;
head.insertBefore(el, insertBeforeEl);
// the js! plugin uses this
return el;
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