本文将以模板库中的complx复数类的部分内容为核心,在分析源代码的同时,讲解一些良好的代码风格和编程习惯,比如inline内联函数的使用、friend友元函数的使用、函数参数及返回值何时pass by value何时pass by reference等等。
#ifndef __COMPLEX__
#define __COMPLEX__ class complex
complex(double r = , double i = )
: re (r), im (i)
{ }
complex& operator += (const complex&);
double real () const { return re; }
double imag () const { return im; }
double re, im; friend complex& __doapl (complex*, const complex&);
}; #endif
#include "complex.h"
#include <iostream> using namespace std; inline complex& __doapl(complex* ths, const complex& r)
ths->re += r.re;
ths->im += r.im;
return *ths;
} inline complex& complex::operator += (const complex& r)
return __doapl (this, r);
} inline double imag (const complex& x)
return x.imag ();
} inline double real (const complex& x)
return x.real ();
} inline complex operator + (const complex& x, const complex& y)
return complex (real (x) + real (y), imag (x) + imag (y));
} inline complex operator + (const complex& x, double y)
return complex (real (x) + y, imag (x));
} inline complex operator + (double x, const complex& y)
return complex (x + real (y), imag (y));
} ostream& operator << (ostream& os, const complex& x)
return os << ' (' << real (x) << "," << imag (x) << ')';
1.1 initialization list
complex(double r = 0, double i = 0)
: re (r), im (i)
{ }
值得注意的是,变量的初始化尽量放在初始化列表中(initialization list)。当然,完全可以在构造函数的函数体中赋值进行初始化。不过,侯捷指出,一个对象在产生过程中分为初始化和成功产生两部分,initialization list相当于在初始化过程中对变量赋值,而在函数体中赋值则是放弃了initialization list初始化这一过程,会降低效率。对于“性能榨汁机”的C++语言来讲,重视每个细节效率的重要性是毫无疑问的。
//程序1.2 2
complex& operator += (const complex&);
friend complex& __doapl (complex*, const complex&);
2.1 友元函数及内联函数
inline complex& __doapl(complex* ths, const complex& r)
ths->re += r.re;
ths->im += r.im;
return *ths;
2.2 隐藏的“this”
inline complex& complex::operator += (const complex& r)
return __doapl (this, r);
2.3 不能为reference的返回值
inline complex operator + (const complex& x, const complex& y)
return complex (real (x) + real (y), imag (x) + imag (y));
} inline complex operator + (const complex& x, double y)
return complex (real (x) + y, imag (x));
} inline complex operator + (double x, const complex& y)
return complex (x + real (y), imag (y));
注意,这里函数的返回值不能返回reference,这其实是使用临时对象(typename ()),在函数体内定义变量,然后把这个变量的引用传递出去,函数结束后变量本体死亡,传出去的引用既没有意义了。
2.4 非成员函数的操作符重载
ostream& operator << (ostream& os, const complex& x)
return os << ' (' << real (x) << "," << imag (x) << ')';
我们知道,操作符重载只作用在左边的操作数上,试想一下,如果把“<<”定义为成员函数,那每次调用岂不是要这样c1 << cout
#ifndef __MYCOMPLEX__
#define __MYCOMPLEX__ class complex;
__doapl (complex* ths, const complex& r);
__doami (complex* ths, const complex& r);
__doaml (complex* ths, const complex& r); class complex
complex (double r = , double i = ): re (r), im (i) { }
complex& operator += (const complex&);
complex& operator -= (const complex&);
complex& operator *= (const complex&);
complex& operator /= (const complex&);
double real () const { return re; }
double imag () const { return im; }
double re, im; friend complex& __doapl (complex *, const complex&);
friend complex& __doami (complex *, const complex&);
friend complex& __doaml (complex *, const complex&);
}; inline complex&
__doapl (complex* ths, const complex& r)
ths->re += r.re;
ths->im += r.im;
return *ths;
} inline complex&
complex::operator += (const complex& r)
return __doapl (this, r);
} inline complex&
__doami (complex* ths, const complex& r)
ths->re -= r.re;
ths->im -= r.im;
return *ths;
} inline complex&
complex::operator -= (const complex& r)
return __doami (this, r);
} inline complex&
__doaml (complex* ths, const complex& r)
double f = ths->re * r.re - ths->im * r.im;
ths->im = ths->re * r.im + ths->im * r.re;
ths->re = f;
return *ths;
} inline complex&
complex::operator *= (const complex& r)
return __doaml (this, r);
} inline double
imag (const complex& x)
return x.imag ();
} inline double
real (const complex& x)
return x.real ();
} inline complex
operator + (const complex& x, const complex& y)
return complex (real (x) + real (y), imag (x) + imag (y));
} inline complex
operator + (const complex& x, double y)
return complex (real (x) + y, imag (x));
} inline complex
operator + (double x, const complex& y)
return complex (x + real (y), imag (y));
} inline complex
operator - (const complex& x, const complex& y)
return complex (real (x) - real (y), imag (x) - imag (y));
} inline complex
operator - (const complex& x, double y)
return complex (real (x) - y, imag (x));
} inline complex
operator - (double x, const complex& y)
return complex (x - real (y), - imag (y));
} inline complex
operator * (const complex& x, const complex& y)
return complex (real (x) * real (y) - imag (x) * imag (y),
real (x) * imag (y) + imag (x) * real (y));
} inline complex
operator * (const complex& x, double y)
return complex (real (x) * y, imag (x) * y);
} inline complex
operator * (double x, const complex& y)
return complex (x * real (y), x * imag (y));
} complex
operator / (const complex& x, double y)
return complex (real (x) / y, imag (x) / y);
} inline complex
operator + (const complex& x)
return x;
} inline complex
operator - (const complex& x)
return complex (-real (x), -imag (x));
} inline bool
operator == (const complex& x, const complex& y)
return real (x) == real (y) && imag (x) == imag (y);
} inline bool
operator == (const complex& x, double y)
return real (x) == y && imag (x) == ;
} inline bool
operator == (double x, const complex& y)
return x == real (y) && imag (y) == ;
} inline bool
operator != (const complex& x, const complex& y)
return real (x) != real (y) || imag (x) != imag (y);
} inline bool
operator != (const complex& x, double y)
return real (x) != y || imag (x) != ;
} inline bool
operator != (double x, const complex& y)
return x != real (y) || imag (y) != ;
} #include <cmath> inline complex
polar (double r, double t)
return complex (r * cos (t), r * sin (t));
} inline complex
conj (const complex& x)
return complex (real (x), -imag (x));
} inline double
norm (const complex& x)
return real (x) * real (x) + imag (x) * imag (x);
} ostream&
operator << (ostream& os, const complex& x)
return os << '(' << real (x) << ',' << imag (x) << ')';
} #endif //__MYCOMPLEX__
#include <iostream>
#include "complex.h" using namespace std; int main()
complex c1(, );
complex c2(, ); cout << c1 << endl;
cout << c2 << endl; cout << c1+c2 << endl;
cout << c1-c2 << endl;
cout << c1*c2 << endl;
cout << c1 / << endl; cout << conj(c1) << endl;
cout << norm(c1) << endl;
cout << polar(,) << endl; cout << (c1 += c2) << endl; cout << (c1 == c2) << endl;
cout << (c1 != c2) << endl;
cout << +c2 << endl;
cout << -c2 << endl; cout << (c2 - ) << endl;
cout << ( + c2) << endl; return ;
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