
 1 package interfaces;
3 interface Service {
4 void method1();
5 void method2();
6 }
8 interface ServiceFactory {
9 Service getService();
10 }
12 class Implementation1 implements Service {
13 Implementation1() {}
14 public void method1() { System.out.println("Implementation1 method1"); }
15 public void method2() { System.out.println("Implementation1 method2"); }
16 }
18 class Implementation1Factory implements ServiceFactory {
19 public Service getService() {
20 return new Implementation1();
21 }
22 }
24 class Implementation2 implements Service {
25 Implementation2() {}
26 public void method1() { System.out.println("Implementation2 method1"); }
27 public void method2() { System.out.println("Implementation2 method2"); }
28 }
30 class Implementation2Factory implements ServiceFactory {
31 public Service getService() {
32 return new Implementation2();
33 }
34 }
36 public class Factories {
37 public static void serviceConsumer(ServiceFactory fact) {
38 Service s = fact.getService();
39 s.method1();
40 s.method2();
41 }
42 public static void main(String[] args) {
43 serviceConsumer(new Implementation1Factory());
44 serviceConsumer(new Implementation2Factory());
45 }
46 }


 1 #include <stdio.h>
3 class Service {
4 public:
5 virtual void method1() = 0;
6 virtual void method2() = 0;
7 };
9 class ServiceFactory {
10 public:
11 virtual Service* getService() = 0;
12 };
14 class Implementation1 :public Service {
15 public:
16 Implementation1() {}
17 virtual void method1() { printf("Implementation1 method1\n"); }
18 virtual void method2() { printf("Implementation1 method2\n"); }
19 };
21 class Implementation2 :public Service {
22 public:
23 Implementation2() {}
24 virtual void method1() { printf("Implementation2 method1\n"); }
25 virtual void method2() { printf("Implementation2 method2\n"); }
26 };
28 class Implementation1ServiceFactory :public ServiceFactory {
29 public:
30 Implementation1ServiceFactory() {}
31 virtual Service* getService() {
32 return new Implementation1();
33 }
34 };
36 class Implementation2ServiceFactory :public ServiceFactory {
37 public:
38 Implementation2ServiceFactory() {}
39 virtual Service* getService() {
40 return new Implementation2();
41 }
42 };
44 void serviceConsumer(ServiceFactory* fact) {
45 Service* s = fact->getService();
46 s->method1();
47 s->method2();
48 }
50 int main()
51 {
52 serviceConsumer(new Implementation1ServiceFactory());
53 serviceConsumer(new Implementation2ServiceFactory());
54 return 0;
55 }


 1 package innerclasses;
3 interface Service {
4 void method1();
5 void method2();
6 }
8 interface ServiceFactory {
9 Service getService();
10 }
12 class Implementation1 implements Service {
13 private Implementation1() {}
14 public void method1() { System.out.println("Implementation1 method1"); }
15 public void method2() { System.out.println("Implementation1 method2"); }
16 public static ServiceFactory factory = new ServiceFactory() {
17 @Override
18 public Service getService() {
19 return new Implementation1();
20 }
21 };
22 }
24 class Implementation2 implements Service {
25 private Implementation2() {}
26 public void method1() { System.out.println("Implementation2 method1"); }
27 public void method2() { System.out.println("Implementation2 method2"); }
28 public static ServiceFactory factory = new ServiceFactory() {
29 @Override
30 public Service getService() {
31 return new Implementation2();
32 }
33 };
34 }
36 public class Factories {
37 public static void serviceConsumer(ServiceFactory fact) {
38 Service s = fact.getService();
39 s.method1();
40 s.method2();
41 }
42 public static void main(String[] args) {
43 serviceConsumer(Implementation1.factory);
44 serviceConsumer(Implementation2.factory);
45 }
46 }



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