HDU 4189 Cybercrime Donut Investigation 线段树+思路
分析:使得abs(qx - xi) + abs(qy - yi)最小,因为带了个绝对值,所以没法直接套用一些数据结构中查询最值的操作,一时间也没什么头绪。后来看到上面的博客,才明白可以分情况讨论,把绝对值去掉。
qx >= xi && qy >= yi
qx >= xi && qy <= yi
qx <= xi && qy >= yi
qx <= xi && qy <= yi
当 qx > xi && qy > yi 时,直接去绝对值得到:qx - xi + qy - yi = ( qx + qy ) - ( xi +yi ),因为对于每个查询qx + qy相当于一个常数,所以若使qx - xi + qy - yi最小,则 (xi + yi) 最大即可。
- #include <cstdio>
- #include <cstring>
- #include <cstdlib>
- #include <algorithm>
- #define LL long long int
- #define lson l, m, rt << 1
- #define rson m + 1, r, rt << 1 | 1
- using namespace std;
- const int MAXN = + ;
- const LL INF = 1LL << ;
- struct node
- {
- LL x, y;
- int id;
- void readNode()
- {
- scanf( "%I64d%I64d", &x, &y );
- return;
- }
- };
- bool cmp1( node a, node b )
- {
- if ( a.x != b.x ) return a.x < b.x;
- if ( a.y != b.y ) return a.y < b.y;
- return a.id < b.id;
- }
- bool cmp2( node a, node b )
- {
- if ( a.x != b.x ) return b.x < a.x;
- if ( a.y != b.y ) return a.y < b.y;
- return b.id < a.id;
- }
- bool cmp3( node a, node b )
- {
- if ( a.x != b.x ) return b.x < a.x;
- if ( a.y != b.y ) return a.y < b.y;
- return a.id < b.id;
- }
- bool cmp4( node a, node b )
- {
- if ( a.x != b.x ) return a.x < b.x;
- if ( a.y != b.y ) return a.y < b.y;
- return b.id < a.id;
- }
- int N, Q;
- int all, cntY;
- node D[MAXN];
- LL maxi[ MAXN << ];
- LL ans[MAXN];
- LL hashY[MAXN];
- void build( int l, int r, int rt )
- {
- maxi[rt] = -INF;
- if ( l == r ) return;
- int m = ( l + r ) >> ;
- build( lson );
- build( rson );
- return;
- }
- void PushUp( int rt )
- {
- maxi[rt] = max( maxi[rt << ], maxi[rt << | ] );
- }
- void update( LL val, int pos, int l, int r, int rt )
- {
- if ( l == pos && r == pos )
- {
- maxi[rt] = max( maxi[rt], val );
- return;
- }
- int m = ( l + r ) >> ;
- if ( pos <= m ) update( val, pos, lson );
- else update( val, pos, rson );
- PushUp( rt );
- return;
- }
- LL query( int L, int R, int l, int r, int rt )
- {
- if ( L <= l && r <= R )
- {
- return maxi[rt];
- }
- LL res = -INF;
- int m = ( l + r ) >> ;
- if ( L <= m ) res = max( res, query( L, R, lson ) );
- if ( R > m ) res = max( res, query( L, R, rson ) );
- return res;
- }
- void init()
- {
- for ( int i = ; i < N; ++i )
- {
- D[i].readNode();
- D[i].id = -;
- hashY[i] = D[i].y;
- }
- scanf( "%d", &Q );
- for ( int i = ; i < Q; ++i )
- {
- D[ N + i ].readNode();
- D[ N + i ].id = i;
- hashY[ N + i ] = D[N + i].y;
- ans[i] = INF;
- }
- all = N + Q;
- sort( hashY, hashY + all );
- cntY = unique( hashY, hashY + all ) - hashY;
- return;
- }
- int main()
- {int cas = ;
- while ( scanf( "%d", &N ), N != - )
- {
- init();
- build( , cntY, );
- sort( D, D + all, cmp1 );
- for ( int i = ; i < all; ++i )
- {
- int id = lower_bound( hashY, hashY + cntY, D[i].y ) - hashY;
- ++id;
- if ( D[i].id == - ) update( D[i].x + D[i].y, id, , cntY, );
- else
- {
- ans[ D[i].id ] = min( ans[ D[i].id ], D[i].x + D[i].y - query( , id, , cntY, ) );
- }
- }
- build( , cntY, );
- sort( D, D + all, cmp2 );
- for ( int i = all - ; i >= ; --i )
- {
- int id = lower_bound( hashY, hashY + cntY, D[i].y ) - hashY;
- ++id;
- if ( D[i].id == - ) update( D[i].x - D[i].y, id, , cntY, );
- else
- {
- ans[ D[i].id ] = min( ans[ D[i].id ], D[i].x - D[i].y - query( id, cntY, , cntY, ) );
- }
- }
- build( , cntY, );
- sort( D, D + all, cmp3 );
- for ( int i = ; i < all; ++i )
- {
- int id = lower_bound( hashY, hashY + cntY, D[i].y ) - hashY;
- ++id;
- if ( D[i].id == - ) update( D[i].y - D[i].x, id, , cntY, );
- else
- {
- ans[ D[i].id ] = min( ans[ D[i].id ], D[i].y - D[i].x - query( , id, , cntY, ) );
- }
- }
- build( , cntY, );
- sort( D, D + all, cmp4 );
- for ( int i = all - ; i >= ; --i )
- {
- int id = lower_bound( hashY, hashY + cntY, D[i].y ) - hashY;
- ++id;
- if ( D[i].id == - ) update( -D[i].x - D[i].y, id, , cntY, );
- else
- {
- ans[ D[i].id ] = min( ans[ D[i].id ], -D[i].x - D[i].y - query( id, cntY, , cntY, ) );
- }
- }
- if ( cas ) puts("");
- for ( int i = ; i < Q; ++i )
- printf( "%I64d\n", ans[i] );
- ++cas;
- }
- return ;
- }
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