测试类定义了一个数组变量public $marker = array(),他的目的主要是用来记录我们在文件中添加的测试点。
public function mark($name)
$this->marker[$name] = microtime(TRUE);
public function elapsed_time($point1 = '', $point2 = '', $decimals = 4)
if ($point1 === '')
return '{elapsed_time}';
} if ( ! isset($this->marker[$point1]))
return '';
} if ( ! isset($this->marker[$point2]))
$this->marker[$point2] = microtime(TRUE);
} return number_format($this->marker[$point2] - $this->marker[$point1], $decimals);
$elapsed = $BM->elapsed_time('total_execution_time_start', 'total_execution_time_end');
$output = str_replace(array('{elapsed_time}', '{memory_usage}'), array($elapsed, $memory), $output);
public function memory_usage()
return '{memory_usage}';
class CI_Benchmark { /**
* List of all benchmark markers
* @var array
public $marker = array(); /**
* Set a benchmark marker
* Multiple calls to this function can be made so that several
* execution points can be timed.
* @param string $name Marker name
* @return void
public function mark($name)
$this->marker[$name] = microtime(TRUE);
} // -------------------------------------------------------------------- /**
* Elapsed time
* Calculates the time difference between two marked points.
* If the first parameter is empty this function instead returns the
* {elapsed_time} pseudo-variable. This permits the full system
* execution time to be shown in a template. The output class will
* swap the real value for this variable.
* @param string $point1 A particular marked point
* @param string $point2 A particular marked point
* @param int $decimals Number of decimal places
* @return string Calculated elapsed time on success,
* an '{elapsed_string}' if $point1 is empty
* or an empty string if $point1 is not found.
public function elapsed_time($point1 = '', $point2 = '', $decimals = 4)
if ($point1 === '')
return '{elapsed_time}';
} if ( ! isset($this->marker[$point1]))
return '';
} if ( ! isset($this->marker[$point2]))
$this->marker[$point2] = microtime(TRUE);
} return number_format($this->marker[$point2] - $this->marker[$point1], $decimals);
} // -------------------------------------------------------------------- /**
* Memory Usage
* Simply returns the {memory_usage} marker.
* This permits it to be put it anywhere in a template
* without the memory being calculated until the end.
* The output class will swap the real value for this variable.
* @return string '{memory_usage}'
public function memory_usage()
return '{memory_usage}';
} }
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