Please check whether system data has been changed, and save data in time Configuration console time out, please press any key to log on Login authentication Password:
Enter system view, return user view with Ctrl+Z.
[R2]user-interface conso
[R2]user-interface console
[R2-ui-console0]authentication-mode aaa
[R2-aaa]local-user user0 pass
[R2-aaa]local-user user0 password cip
[R2-aaa]local-user user0 password cipher huawei123
Info: Add a new user.
[R2-aaa]local-user user1 ?
access-limit Set access limit of user(s)
ftp-directory Set user(s) FTP directory permitted
idle-timeout Set the timeout period for terminal user(s)
password Set password
privilege Set admin user(s) level
service-type Service types for authorized user(s)
state Activate/Block the user(s)
user-group User group
[R2-aaa]local-user user1 pass
[R2-aaa]local-user user1 password ?
cipher User password with cipher text
[R2-aaa]local-user user1 password ci
[R2-aaa]local-user user1 password cipher huawei123
Info: Add a new user.
[R2-aaa]local-user user2 pass
[R2-aaa]local-user user2 password cip
[R2-aaa]local-user user2 password cipher huawei123
Info: Add a new user.
<R2>q Configuration console exit, please press any key to log on Login authentication Username:user0
User view commands:
arp-ping ARP-ping
autosave <Group> autosave command group
backup Backup information
cd Change current directory
clear <Group> clear command group
clock Specify the system clock
cls Clear screen
compare Compare configuration file
copy Copy from one file to another
debugging <Group> debugging command group
delete Delete a file
dialer Dialer
dir List files on a filesystem
display Display information
factory-configuration Factory configuration
fixdisk Try to restory disk
format Format file system
free Release a user terminal interface
ftp Establish an FTP connection
help Description of the interactive help system
hwtacacs-user HWTACACS user
license <Group> license command group
lldp Link Layer Discovery Protocol <R2>
设置user0用户为0级 访问级别
Configuration console exit, please press any key to log on Login authentication Username:user0
User view commands:
arp-ping ARP-ping
autosave <Group> autosave command group
backup Backup information
cd Change current directory
clear <Group> clear command group
clock Specify the system clock
cls Clear screen
compare Compare configuration file
copy Copy from one file to another
debugging <Group> debugging command group
delete Delete a file
dialer Dialer
dir List files on a filesystem
display Display information
factory-configuration Factory configuration
fixdisk Try to restory disk
format Format file system
free Release a user terminal interface
ftp Establish an FTP connection
help Description of the interactive help system
hwtacacs-user HWTACACS user
license <Group> license command group
lldp Link Layer Discovery Protocol <R2>aaa
Error: Unrecognized command found at '^' position.
Enter system view, return user view with Ctrl+Z.
[R2-aaa]local-user pri
local-user Add/Delete/Set user(s)
[R2-aaa]local-user user
[R2-aaa]local-user user0 ?
access-limit Set access limit of user(s)
ftp-directory Set user(s) FTP directory permitted
idle-timeout Set the timeout period for terminal user(s)
password Set password
privilege Set admin user(s) level
service-type Service types for authorized user(s)
state Activate/Block the user(s)
user-group User group
[R2-aaa]local-user user
[R2-aaa]local-user user0 pri
[R2-aaa]local-user user0 privilege ?
level Set admin user(s) level
[R2-aaa]local-user user0 privilege
Error: Unrecognized command found at '^' position.
[R2-aaa]local-user user0 privilege lev
[R2-aaa]local-user user0 privilege level ?
INTEGER<-> Level value
[R2-aaa]local-user user0 privilege level
[R2-aaa]local-user user
[R2-aaa]local-user user1
[R2-aaa]local-user user1 pri
[R2-aaa]local-user user1 privilege level
[R2-aaa]local-user user1 privilege level
[R2-aaa]local-user user2
[R2-aaa]local-user user2 pri
[R2-aaa]local-user user2 privilege lev
[R2-aaa]local-user user2 privilege level
<R2>q Configuration console exit, please press any key to log on Login authentication Username:user0
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- User last login information:
Access Type: Serial
IP-Address : --
Time : -- ::-:
User view commands:
display Display information
hwtacacs-user HWTACACS user
local-user Add/Delete/Set user(s)
ping Ping function
quit Exit from current mode and enter prior mode
save Save file
super Modify super password parameters
telnet Open a telnet connection
tracert <Group> tracert command group
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