ios PromiseKit
- 高级开发是高度异步的,PromiseKit收集了一些帮助函数,让我们开发过程中使用的典型异步模式更加令人愉悦。
2. promise.h介绍
- @import Foundation.NSObject;
- typedef void (^PromiseResolver)(id);
- /**
- A `Promise` represents the future value of a task.
- To obtain the value of a `Promise`, call `then`. When the asynchronous task that this `Promise` represents has resolved successfully, the block you pass to `then` will be executed with the resolved value. If the `Promise` has already been resolved succesfully at the time you `then` the `Promise`, the block will be executed immediately.
- Effective use of Promises involves chaining `then`s, where the return value from one `then` is fed as the value of the next, et cetera.
- For a thorough overview of Promises, @see
- */
- @interface Promise : NSObject
- /**
- The pattern of Promises is defined by the method: `then`.
- Provide a block to `then`, your block may take one or no arguments, and return an object or have no return value. We use block introspection to provide such flexibility.
- Returning from your block will resolve the next `Promise` with that value.
- If an exception is thrown inside your block, or you return an `NSError` object the next `Promise` will be rejected. @see `catch` for documentation on error handling.
- @return A new `Promise` to be executed after the block passed to this `then`
- */
- - (Promise *(^)(id))then;
- - (Promise *(^)(id))catch;
- /**
- Returns a new Promise that is resolved when all passed Promises are resolved.
- If an array is passed then the returned `Promise` is resolved once all of the `Promise`s in the array are resolved. The returned Promise is rejected if *any* of the `Promise`s received by `when` fail.
- The returned `Promise` is resolved with an array of results indexed as the original array passed to when. If you pass a single value to when, you will not get an array in subsequent `then`s.
- Any `catch` handler will be called with a single `NSError` where the `PMKThrown` key of its `userInfo` will be an array of results. The results usually is a mixed array of `NSError`s and non-errors since usually not all the `Promise`s fail.
- @param promiseOrArrayOfPromisesOrValue an array of Promises, a single Promise or a single value of any type.
- */
- + (Promise *)when:(id)promiseOrArrayOfPromisesOrValue;
- /**
- Loops until one or more promises have resolved.
- Because Promises are single-shot, the block to until must return one or more promises. They are then `when`’d. If they succeed the until loop is concluded. If they fail then the @param `catch` handler is executed.
- If the `catch` throws or returns an `NSError` then the loop is ended.
- If the `catch` handler returns a Promise then re-execution of the loop is suspended upon resolution of that Promise. If the Promise succeeds then the loop continues. If it fails the loop ends.
- An example usage is an app starting up that must get data from the Internet before the main ViewController can be shown. You can `until` the poll Promise and in the catch handler decide if the poll should be reattempted or not, perhaps returning a `UIAlertView.promise` allowing the user to choose if they continue or not.
- */
- + (Promise *)until:(id(^)(void))blockReturningPromiseOrArrayOfPromises catch:(id)catchHandler;
- /**
- Create a new root Promise.
- Pass a block to this constructor, the block must take two arguments that point to the `fulfiller` and `rejecter` of this Promise. Fulfill or reject this Promise using those blocks and the Promise chain that roots to this Promise will be resolved accordingly.
- */
- + (Promise *)new:(void(^)(PromiseResolver fulfiller, PromiseResolver rejecter))block;
- /**
- @return A new `Promise` that is already resolved with @param value. Calling `then` on a resolved `Promise` executes the provided block immediately.
- */
- + (Promise *)promiseWithValue:(id)value;
- @end
- #define PMKErrorDomain @"PMKErrorDomain"
- #define PMKThrown @"PMKThrown"
- #define PMKErrorCodeThrown 1
- #define PMKErrorCodeUnknown 2
- #define PMKErrorCodeInvalidUsage 3
- /**
- Executes @param block via `dispatch_async` with `DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT`.
- The returned `Promise` is resolved with the value returned from @param block (if any). Any `then` or `catch` attached to the returned `Promise` is exectued on the main queue.
- @param block A block to be executed in the background.
- @return A new `Promise` to be executed after @param block.
- */
- Promise *dispatch_promise(id block);
- @import Dispatch.queue;
- /**
- Executes @param block via `dispatch_async` on the specified queue.
- @see dispatch_promise
- */
- Promise *dispatch_promise_on(dispatch_queue_t q, id block);
- NSString *imageURL = @"";
- /*!
- * GCD
- dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0), ^{
- NSData *data = [NSData dataWithContentsOfURL:[NSURL URLWithString:imageURL]];
- dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
- self.TKImageview.image = [[UIImage alloc]initWithData:data];
- });
- });
- */
- /*!
- * promiseKit
- */
- dispatch_promise(^{
- return imageURL;
- }).then(^(NSString *md5){
- return [NSURLConnection GET:@"%@",md5];
- }).then(^(UIImage *gravatarImage){
- self.TKImageview.image = gravatarImage;
- });
- [NSURLConnection GET:@""].then(^(NSData *data){
- }).catch(^(NSError *error){
- NSHTTPURLResponse *rsp = error.userInfo[PMKURLErrorFailingURLResponse];
- int HTTPStatusCode = rsp.statusCode;
- });
- void (^errorHandler)(NSError *) = ^(NSError *error){
- NSLog(@"error : %@",error.userInfo);
- };
- NSURLRequest *rq = [NSURLRequest requestWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@""]];
- [NSURLConnection sendAsynchronousRequest:rq queue:[NSOperationQueue mainQueue] completionHandler:^(NSURLResponse *response, NSData *data, NSError *connectionError) {
- if (connectionError) {
- errorHandler(connectionError);
- } else {
- id jsonError;
- id json = [NSJSONSerialization JSONObjectWithData:data options: error:&jsonError];
- if (jsonError) {
- errorHandler(jsonError);
- } else {
- NSLog(@"%@",json);
- /*
- id home = [json valueForKeyPath:@"user.home.address"];
- [[CLGeocoder new] geocodeAddressString:home completionHandler:^(NSArray *placemarks, NSError *error) {
- if (error) {
- errorHandler(error);
- } else {
- MKDirectionsRequest *rq = [MKDirectionsRequest new];
- rq.source = [MKMapItem mapItemForCurrentLocation];
- rq.destination = [[MKMapItem alloc] initWithPlacemark:[[MKPlacemark alloc] initWithPlacemark:placemarks[0]]];
- MKDirections *directions = [[MKDirections alloc] initWithRequest:rq];
- [directions calculateDirectionsWithCompletionHandler:^(MKDirectionsResponse *response, NSError *error) {
- if (error) {
- errorHandler(error);
- } else {
- //…
- }
- }];
- }
- }];
- */
- }
- }
- }];
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