The standard library function calloc(n,size) returns a pointer to n objects of size size , with the storage initialized to zero. Write calloc , by calling malloc or by modifying it.

Exercise 8.6. The standard library function calloc(n, size) returns a pointer to n objects
of size size, with the storage initialised to zero. Write calloc, by calling
malloc or by modifying it. Author: Bryan Williams */ #include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h> /*
Decided to re-use malloc for this because :
1) If the implementation of malloc and the memory management layer changes, this will be ok.
2) Code re-use is great. */
void *mycalloc(size_t nmemb, size_t size)
void *Result = NULL; /* use malloc to get the memory */
Result = malloc(nmemb * size); /* and clear the memory on successful allocation */
if(NULL != Result)
memset(Result, 0x00, nmemb * size);
} /* and return the result */
return Result;
} /* simple test driver, by RJH */ #include <stdio.h> int main(void)
int *p = NULL;
int i = ; p = mycalloc(, sizeof *p);
if(NULL == p)
printf("mycalloc returned NULL.\n");
for(i = ; i < ; i++)
printf("%08X ", p[i]);
if(i % == )
} return ;


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