His Royal Highness King of Berland Berl XV was a very wise man and had a very accomplished wife, who was aware of the fact, that prominent and outstanding personalities once having written down their names on the pages of glorious History, remain there forever.
His Royal Highness King Berl XV experienced an intrinsic, lost nowadays, deep and sincere sense of respect and trust for his beloved spouse. So he decided to acquire a chronicler of his own. Due to the ambiguous nature of misunderstanding and the crying injustice
of history to ambiguity, he decided to leave all his royal responsibilities aside and made up his royal mind to find the chronicler, who will make him famous, depicting all his heroic deeds truthfully and gloriously enough.
The King assembled the greatest minds of his kingdom at the Academic Chroniclers Meeting (ACM), as he named it, and decided to test their might. The task was to build the Smallest Lexicographical Concatenation (SLC) out of the given
N strings. SLC of N strings s1,..., sN is the lexicographically smallest their concatenation
si1 +... + siN, where
i1,..., iN is a permutation of integers from 1 through
N. It's a great privilege to be a chronicler, so don't miss your chance and don't screw it up! Make the king choose you!
N (1 ≤ N ≤ 100) indicating the number of strings. The following
N lines contain N strings, one string per line. The length of each string is no more than 100 characters. Each string consists only of lowercase Latin letters. There are no any leading or trailing spaces.
Sample Input
- #include<iostream>
- #include<set>
- #include<string>
- using namespace std;
- class mstring{
- public:
- string str;
- bool operator<(const mstring &t1) const{
- return (str+t1.str < t1.str+str);
- }
- mstring(){};
- mstring(string a){str=a;};
- };
- int main(){
- multiset<mstring> s;
- int n;
- while(cin>>n){
- s.clear();
- string str;
- cin.ignore();
- while(n--){
- cin>>str;
- s.insert( mstring(str));
- }
- multiset<mstring> ::iterator itr =s.begin();
- while(itr!=s.end()){
- cout<<(*itr).str;
- itr++;
- }
- cout<<endl;
- }
- return 0;
- }
排出来的应该是acaac 而不是acaca!
比较的方法就是 a+b<b+a!
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