题目:there are two sorted arrays nums1 and nums2 of size m and n respectively.

Find the median of the two sorted arrays.

The overall run time complexity should be O(log(m+n))



class Solution:
# @param {integer[]} nums1
# @param {integer[]} nums2
# @return {float}
def findMedianSortedArrays(self, nums1, nums2):
nums = nums1[:] # 构建一个list,并将nums1的值赋给它
x = len(nums1)
y = len(nums2)
for i in range(x + y):
if i < len(nums):
if len(nums2) == 0: break # 如果nums2没有数了就跳出
elif nums[i] < nums2[0]:
else: # 否则将nums2[0]插入到i位置
num = nums2.pop(0)
nums.insert(i, num)
else: break
n = len(nums)/2 # 输出结果
if len(nums)%2 == 0: return (nums[n] + nums[n-1])/2.0
else: return nums[n]



假设A数组中取第X个数, B数组中取第Y个数,并且满足X+Y=K, 若A[X] < B[Y],则比A[X]小的数必然少于K个,也就是说A[1]到A[X]都比第K个数要小,可以舍弃掉然后求第K-X小的数,反之亦然

class Solution:
def findMedianSortedArrays(self, A, B):
totlen = len(A) + len(B)
if (1 & totlen): # 通过位运算判断奇偶数,nice
return self.findK(A, B, (totlen+1)/2)
return (self,findK(A, B, totlen/2) + self.findK(A, B, totlen/2+1))/2.0 def findK(self, A, B, K):
la, lb, pa, pb = len(A), len(B), min(K/2, len(A)), K - (min(K/2, len(A)))
if (la > lb): return self.findK(B, A, K)
if (la == 0): return B[K-1]
if (K == 1): return min(A[0], B[0])
if A[pa-1] < B[pb-1]: return self.findK(A[pa:], B, K-pa)
elif A[pa-1] > B[pb-1]: return self.findK(A, B[pb:], K-pb)
else: return A[pa-1]

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