1. def fetch(ip):
  2. url = 'http://ip.taobao.com/service/getIpInfo.php?ip=' + ip
  3. result = []
  4. try:
  5. response = urllib.urlopen(url).read()
  6. jsondata = json.loads(response)
  7. if jsondata[u'code'] == 0:
  8. result.append(jsondata[u'data'][u'ip'].encode('utf-8'))
  9. result.append(jsondata[u'data'][u'country'].encode('utf-8'))
  10. result.append(jsondata[u'data'][u'country_id'].encode('utf-8'))
  11. result.append(jsondata[u'data'][u'area'].encode('utf-8'))
  12. result.append(jsondata[u'data'][u'area_id'].encode('utf-8'))
  13. result.append(jsondata[u'data'][u'region'].encode('utf-8'))
  14. result.append(jsondata[u'data'][u'region_id'].encode('utf-8'))
  15. result.append(jsondata[u'data'][u'city'].encode('utf-8'))
  16. result.append(jsondata[u'data'][u'city_id'].encode('utf-8'))
  17. result.append(jsondata[u'data'][u'county'].encode('utf-8'))
  18. result.append(jsondata[u'data'][u'county_id'].encode('utf-8'))
  19. result.append(jsondata[u'data'][u'isp'].encode('utf-8'))
  20. result.append(jsondata[u'data'][u'isp_id'].encode('utf-8'))
  21. else:
  22. return 0, result
  23. except:
  24. logging.exception("Url open failed:" + url)
  25. return 0, result
  26. return 1, result
  28. def worker(ratelimit, jobs, results, progress):
  29. global cancel
  30. while not cancel:
  31. try:
  32. ratelimit.ratecontrol()
  33. ip = jobs.get(timeout=2) # Wait 2 seconds
  34. ok, result = fetch(ip)
  35. if not ok:
  36. logging.error("Fetch information failed, ip:{}".format(ip))
  37. progress.put("") # Notify the progress even it failed
  38. elif result is not None:
  39. results.put(" ".join(result))
  40. jobs.task_done() # Notify one item
  41. except Queue.Empty:
  42. pass
  43. except:
  44. logging.exception("Unknown Error!")
  1. def process(target, results, progress):
  2. global cancel
  3. while not cancel:
  4. try:
  5. line = results.get(timeout=5)
  6. except Queue.Empty:
  7. pass
  8. else:
  9. print >>target, line
  10. progress.put("")
  11. results.task_done()
  1. def progproc(progressbar, count, progress):
  2. """
  3. Since ProgressBar is not a thread-safe class, we use a Queue to do the counting job, like
  4. two other threads. Use this thread do the printing of progress bar. By the way, it will
  5. print to stderr, which does not conflict with the default result output(stdout).
  6. """
  7. idx = 1
  8. while True:
  9. try:
  10. progress.get(timeout=5)
  11. except Queue.Empty:
  12. pass
  13. else:
  14. progressbar.update(idx)
  15. idx += 1


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