







#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstdio>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
#include <queue>
#include <cmath>
#include <stack>
#include <cstring>
using namespace std;
#define INF 0xfffffff
#define min(a,b) (a<b?a:b)
#define maxn 100010 #define lson root<<1///左儿子 相当于 root*2
#define rson root<<1|1///右儿子
typedef __int64 LL;
int n, m, val[maxn]; struct node
int L, R;
LL Sum, Inc;///Sum保存区间的和, Inc保存这个区间内所有的数字都加上Inc
int Mid()
return (L + R)/;
} Tree[maxn*]; void Bulid(int root,int L,int R)
Tree[root].L = L;
Tree[root].R = R;
Tree[root].Sum = Tree[root].Inc = ;
if(L == R)
Tree[root].Sum = val[L];
return ;
Bulid(lson, L, Tree[root].Mid() );
Bulid(rson, Tree[root].Mid()+, R);
Tree[root].Sum = Tree[lson].Sum + Tree[rson].Sum;
} void Add(int root,int L,int R,int v)
if(L == Tree[root].L && R == Tree[root].R)
{/**如果上述条件满足了,说明整个区间都要加上一个 v,这个时候我们只需要更新 Inc就可以了*/
Tree[root].Inc += v;
return ;
Tree[root].Sum += (R - L + )*v; /**继续向下递增*/
if( R <= Tree[root].Mid() )
Add(lson, L, R, v);
else if(L > Tree[root].Mid() )
Add(rson, L, R, v);
Add(lson, L, Tree[root].Mid(), v);
Add(rson, Tree[root].Mid()+, R, v);
} LL QuerySum(int root,int L,int R)
LL Sum = ;
if(Tree[root].L == L && Tree[root].R == R)/**如果区间完全吻合了,可以直接算出来*/
return Tree[root].Inc * (R - L + ) + Tree[root].Sum; /**否则我们需要向下继续更新 Inc*/
Tree[root].Sum += Tree[root].Inc * (Tree[root].R - Tree[root].L + ); Tree[lson].Inc += Tree[root].Inc;
Tree[rson].Inc += Tree[root].Inc; Tree[root].Inc = ;
if(L > Tree[root].Mid() )
Sum += QuerySum(rson,L,R);
else if(R <= Tree[root].Mid() )
Sum += QuerySum(lson,L,R);
Sum += QuerySum(lson,L, Tree[root].Mid() );
Sum += QuerySum(rson,Tree[root].Mid()+, R);
} return Sum;
} int main()
int Q;
char ch[];
scanf("%d %d",&n, &Q);
for(int i=; i<=n; i++)
Bulid(,,n); while( Q-- )
int a, b, c;
scanf("%s", ch); if(ch[] == 'Q')
scanf("%d %d",&a, &b);
printf("%I64d\n", QuerySum(,a,b) );
scanf("%d %d %d",&a, &b, &c);
return ;

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