[LeetCode] 310. Minimum Height Trees 解题思路
For a undirected graph with tree characteristics, we can choose any node as the root. The result graph is then a rooted tree. Among all possible rooted trees, those with minimum height are called minimum height trees (MHTs). Given such a graph, write a function to find all the MHTs and return a list of their root labels.
The graph contains n
nodes which are labeled from 0
to n - 1
. You will be given the number n
and a list of undirected edges
(each edge is a pair of labels).
You can assume that no duplicate edges will appear in edges
. Since all edges are undirected, [0, 1]
is the same as [1, 0]
and thus will not appear together in edges
Example 1:
Given n = 4
, edges = [[1, 0], [1, 2], [1, 3]]
- 0
- |
- 1
- / \
- 2 3
return [1]
Example 2:
Given n = 6
, edges = [[0, 3], [1, 3], [2, 3], [4, 3], [5, 4]]
- 0 1 2
- \ | /
- 3
- |
- 4
- |
- 5
return [3, 4]
- How many MHTs can a graph have at most?
(1) According to the definition of tree on Wikipedia: “a tree is an undirected graph in which any two vertices are connected by exactly one path. In other words, any connected graph without simple cycles is a tree.”
(2) The height of a rooted tree is the number of edges on the longest downward path between the root and a leaf.
思路一 :
求最小高度的树,实际上是一个求最优解题目。求最优解,我首先想到的是动态规划(DP)思路。这个题目也确实满足 DP 的两个主要性质:overlapping substructure & optimal substructure 。思路比较直观:
- 视某个节点为树根节点,求这棵树的树高。
- 对所有节点进行上面的求解,得到 n 个树高,其中高度最小的树的树根即为原题目的解。
对于1,如何求解节点 A 为树根的树高?
假设已知 A 的所有相邻节点分别为树根的各个子树的树高,那么 A根的树高等于 已知的各个子树树高中的最大值 加一。方程式表达如下,即状态转换方程:
height(A) = max(height(A.next0), height(A.next2),... height(A.nextk)) + 1
对于2, 存在大量重复计算。可以借助表格,将已计算的树分支高度保存下来后续使用,避免重复计算。将当前节点以及其中一个相邻节点组合分支方向,求得该分支高度后存入 map<string, int> direc_height 中,其中 direc 有这两个节点组成作为 key ,height 表示高度。
若不使用表格优化,时间复杂度为 O(V*E)。使用表格,相当于进行了剪枝,会快不少。跑 LeetCode 的大集合 V = 1000, E =2000 ,测试耗时是 820ms,可惜没能过 submit 要求。
- private:
- // dirct consists of two node cur_next, height means the height of the subtree which souce node is the current node and walk forward on the cur_next direction
- map<string, int> direc_height;
- public:
- /**
- * calulate the height of a tree which parent node is p and current node is node
- *
- */
- int getHeight(gnode* node, gnode* p){
- int h = ;
- for (int i = ; i < node->neighbours.size(); i++){
- gnode* tmpn = node->neighbours[i];
- if (tmpn == p){
- continue;
- }
- int tmph;
- string str = to_string(node->val) + "_" + to_string(tmpn->val);
- if(direc_height.count(str) != ){
- tmph = direc_height[str];
- }else{
- tmph = getHeight(tmpn, node);
- direc_height[str] = tmph;
- }
- h = max(h, tmph);
- }
- return h + ;
- }
- vector<int> findMinHeightTrees(int n, vector<pair<int, int>>& edges) {
- map<int, gnode*> val_node;
- for(int i = ; i < n ; i++){
- gnode* node = new gnode(i);
- val_node[i] = node;
- }
- for (int i = ; i < edges.size(); i++){
- pair<int, int> pp = edges[i];
- val_node[pp.first]->neighbours.push_back(val_node[pp.second]);
- val_node[pp.second]->neighbours.push_back(val_node[pp.first]);
- }
- int minh = INT_MAX;
- map<int, int> node_height;
- map<int, gnode*>::iterator m_iter;
- for(m_iter = val_node.begin(); m_iter != val_node.end(); m_iter++){
- int h = getHeight(m_iter->second, NULL);
- node_height[m_iter->first] = h;
- minh = min(minh, h);
- }
- vector<int> res;
- map<int, int>::iterator mii_iter;
- for(mii_iter = node_height.begin(); mii_iter != node_height.end(); mii_iter++){
- if(mii_iter->second == minh){
- res.push_back(mii_iter->first);
- }
- }
- return res;
- }
思路二 :
除了 DP 方案,没有想到其他思路,在网上借鉴了其他了的想法,理解后实现通过。
这个思路实际上是一个 BFS 思路。和常见的从根节点进行 BFS 不同,这里从叶子节点开始进行 BFS。
所有入度(即相连边数)为 1 的节点即是叶子节点。找高度最小的节点,即找离所有叶子节点最远的节点,也即找最中心的节点。
- 每次去掉当前图的所有叶子节点,重复此操作直到只剩下最后的根。
根据这个思路可以回答题目中的 [ hint : How many MHTs can a graph have at most? ],只能有一个或者两个最小高度树树根。证明省略。
- class TNode{
- public:
- int val;
- unordered_set<TNode*> neighbours;
- TNode(int val){
- this->val = val;
- }
- };
- vector<int> findMinHeightTrees(int n, vector<pair<int, int>>& edges) {
- map<int, TNode*> val_node;
- for (int i = ; i < n ; i++){
- TNode* tmp = new TNode(i);
- val_node[i] = tmp;
- }
- for (int i = ; i < edges.size(); i++){
- pair<int, int> pp = edges[i];
- val_node[pp.first]->neighbours.insert(val_node[pp.second]);
- val_node[pp.second]->neighbours.insert(val_node[pp.first]);
- }
- map<int, TNode*>::iterator m_iter;
- while(val_node.size() > ){
- // obtain all leaves in current graph;
- list<TNode*> listg;
- for ( m_iter = val_node.begin(); m_iter != val_node.end(); m_iter++){
- if(m_iter->second->neighbours.size() == ){
- listg.push_back(m_iter->second);
- }
- }
- // remove all leaves
- list<TNode*>::iterator l_iter;
- for(l_iter = listg.begin(); l_iter != listg.end(); l_iter++){
- TNode* p = (*(*l_iter)->neighbours.begin());
- p->neighbours.erase(*l_iter);
- (*l_iter)->neighbours.erase(p);
- val_node.erase((*l_iter)->val);
- }
- }
- vector<int> res;
- for ( m_iter = val_node.begin(); m_iter != val_node.end(); m_iter++){
- res.push_back(m_iter->first);
- }
- return res;
- }
C++ Solution. O(n)-Time, O(n)-Space, LeetCode OJ
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