Windows下 Robhess SIFT源码配置
Robhess OpenSIFT 源码下载:传送门
头文件:6个 源文件:10个
1)imgfeatures.c 和 imgfeatures.h:
有SIFT特征点结构struct feature的定义,除此之外还有一些特征点的导入导出以及特征点绘制函数的声明,对应的imgfeatures.c文件中是特征点的导入导出以及特征点绘制函数的实现。
2)utils.c 和 utils.h:
3)minpq.c 和 minpq.h:
这两个文件中实现了最小优先级队列(Minimizing Priority Queue),也就是小顶堆,在k-d树的建立和搜索过程中要用到。
4)kdtree.c 和 kdtree.h:
这两个文件中实现了k-d树的建立以及用BBF(Best Bin First)算法搜索匹配点的函数。如果需要对两个图片中的特征点进行匹配,就要用到这两个文件。
5)xform.c 和 xform.h:
这两个文件中实现了RANSAC算法(RANdom SAmple Consensus 随机抽样一致)。RANSAC算法可用来筛选两个图像间的SIFT特征匹配并计算变换矩阵。可以单利用RANSAC算法筛选两个图像间的SIFT特征匹配,以得到更好的匹配结果,很经典的算法,值得学习。
6)sift.c 和 sift.h:
论文里最主要的内容在此,里面的内容就是两个特征点检测函数sift_features()和 _sift_features(),sift_features()是用默认参数进行特征点检测, _sift_features()允许用户输入各种检测参数,其实sift_features()中也是再次调用_sift_features()函数。所以只需提供原图像和存储特征点的数组以及其他一些检测参数,然后调用sift_features()或 _sift_features()就可完成SIFT特征点检测。
7)siftfeat.c :含有main函数,用来实现特征点的检测,返回特征点数目和标记特征点的图像。(主要用到)
8)match.c : 含有main函数, 检测两张图中的sift特征点,然后找到特征点的匹配对。(主要用到)
9)match_num.c : 含有main函数,检测sift特征点,但是用到了linux下的多线程编程,所以这里暂时不做讨论。
10)dspfeat.c : 含有main函数,可以从预先保存的特征点文件中读取特征点并显示在图片上。
一. 修改代码
- #include <cv.h>
- #include <cxcore.h>
- #include <highgui.h>
- #include <opencv/cv.h>
- #include <opencv/cxcore.h>
- #include <opencv/highgui.h>
1. sift.c:
将函数 static IplImage*** build_gauss_pyr( IplImage* base, int octvs, int intvls, double sigma ) 中的代码进行改动:
- const int _intvls = intvls;
- double sig[_intvls+], sig_total, sig_prev, k;
- const int _intvls = intvls;
- double *sig = (double*)malloc(sizeof(double)*(_intvls+));
- double sig_total, sig_prev, k;
free(sig); //子函数返回前释放内存
2. utils.c
- #include <gdk/gdk.h>
- #include <gtk/gtk.h>
gtk是一个功能强大、设计灵活的一个通用图形库,是GNU/Linux下开发图形界面的应用程序的主流开发工具之一,GTK+也有Windows版本和Mac OS X版。在作者的源码中gtk用来调整窗口来显示图像,因为我懒于装gtk,所以直接利用opencv进行显示,所以这里需要修改一些opencv的东西。
- void display_big_img( IplImage* img, char* title )
- {
- IplImage* small;
- GdkScreen* scr;
- int scr_width, scr_height;
- double img_aspect, scr_aspect, scale;
- /* determine screen size to see if image fits on screen */
- gdk_init( NULL, NULL );
- scr = gdk_screen_get_default();
- scr_width = gdk_screen_get_width( scr );
- scr_height = gdk_screen_get_height( scr );
- if( img->width >= 0.90 * scr_width || img->height >= 0.90 * scr_height )
- {
- img_aspect = (double)(img->width) / img->height;
- scr_aspect = (double)(scr_width) / scr_height;
- if( img_aspect > scr_aspect )
- scale = 0.90 * scr_width / img->width;
- else
- scale = 0.90 * scr_height / img->height;
- small = cvCreateImage( cvSize( img->width * scale, img->height * scale ),
- img->depth, img->nChannels );
- cvResize( img, small, CV_INTER_AREA );
- }
- else
- small = cvCloneImage( img );
- cvNamedWindow( title, );
- cvShowImage( title, small );
- cvReleaseImage( &small );
- }
- void display_big_img(IplImage* img, char* title)
- {
- cvNamedWindow(title, ); //参数0表示生成的窗口大小可调整,参数1表示窗口自适应图像而用户不可调整,所以我选择参数0
- cvShowImage(title, img);
- cvReleaseImage(&img);
- }
3. siftfeat.c
- #include <unistd.h>
原因:顾名思义,unistd.h是unix std的意思,是POSIX标准定义的unix类系统定义符号常量的头文件,所以在windows下先注释掉。
然后注释掉下面这两个函数:static void arg_parse( int argc, char** argv ) 和 static void usage( char* name )
- static void arg_parse( int argc, char** argv )
- {
- //extract program name from command line (remove path, if present)
- pname = basename( argv[] );
- //parse commandline options
- while( )
- {
- char* arg_check;
- int arg = getopt( argc, argv, OPTIONS );
- if( arg == - )
- break;
- switch( arg )
- {
- // catch unsupplied required arguments and exit
- case ':':
- fatal_error( "-%c option requires an argument\n" \
- "Try '%s -h' for help.", optopt, pname );
- break;
- // read out_file_name
- case 'o':
- if( ! optarg )
- fatal_error( "error parsing arguments at -%c\n" \
- "Try '%s -h' for help.", arg, pname );
- out_file_name = optarg;
- break;
- // read out_img_name
- case 'm':
- if( ! optarg )
- fatal_error( "error parsing arguments at -%c\n" \
- "Try '%s -h' for help.", arg, pname );
- out_img_name = optarg;
- break;
- // read intervals
- case 'i':
- // ensure argument provided
- if( ! optarg )
- fatal_error( "error parsing arguments at -%c\n" \
- "Try '%s -h' for help.", arg, pname );
- // parse argument and ensure it is an integer
- intvls = strtol( optarg, &arg_check, );
- if( arg_check == optarg || *arg_check != '\0' )
- fatal_error( "-%c option requires an integer argument\n" \
- "Try '%s -h' for help.", arg, pname );
- break;
- // read sigma
- case 's' :
- // ensure argument provided
- if( ! optarg )
- fatal_error( "error parsing arguments at -%c\n" \
- "Try '%s -h' for help.", arg, pname );
- // parse argument and ensure it is a floating point number
- sigma = strtod( optarg, &arg_check );
- if( arg_check == optarg || *arg_check != '\0' )
- fatal_error( "-%c option requires a floating point argument\n" \
- "Try '%s -h' for help.", arg, pname );
- break;
- // read contrast_thresh
- case 'c' :
- // ensure argument provided
- if( ! optarg )
- fatal_error( "error parsing arguments at -%c\n" \
- "Try '%s -h' for help.", arg, pname );
- // parse argument and ensure it is a floating point number
- contr_thr = strtod( optarg, &arg_check );
- if( arg_check == optarg || *arg_check != '\0' )
- fatal_error( "-%c option requires a floating point argument\n" \
- "Try '%s -h' for help.", arg, pname );
- break;
- // read curvature_thresh
- case 'r' :
- // ensure argument provided
- if( ! optarg )
- fatal_error( "error parsing arguments at -%c\n" \
- "Try '%s -h' for help.", arg, pname );
- // parse argument and ensure it is a floating point number
- curv_thr = strtol( optarg, &arg_check, );
- if( arg_check == optarg || *arg_check != '\0' )
- fatal_error( "-%c option requires an integer argument\n" \
- "Try '%s -h' for help.", arg, pname );
- break;
- // read descr_width
- case 'n' :
- // ensure argument provided
- if( ! optarg )
- fatal_error( "error parsing arguments at -%c\n" \
- "Try '%s -h' for help.", arg, pname );
- // parse argument and ensure it is a floating point number
- descr_width = strtol( optarg, &arg_check, );
- if( arg_check == optarg || *arg_check != '\0' )
- fatal_error( "-%c option requires an integer argument\n" \
- "Try '%s -h' for help.", arg, pname );
- break;
- // read descr_histo_bins
- case 'b' :
- // ensure argument provided
- if( ! optarg )
- fatal_error( "error parsing arguments at -%c\n" \
- "Try '%s -h' for help.", arg, pname );
- // parse argument and ensure it is a floating point number
- descr_hist_bins = strtol( optarg, &arg_check, );
- if( arg_check == optarg || *arg_check != '\0' )
- fatal_error( "-%c option requires an integer argument\n" \
- "Try '%s -h' for help.", arg, pname );
- break;
- // read double_image
- case 'd' :
- img_dbl = ( img_dbl == )? : ;
- break;
- // read display
- case 'x' :
- display = ;
- break;
- // user asked for help
- case 'h':
- usage( pname );
- exit();
- break;
- // catch invalid arguments
- default:
- fatal_error( "-%c: invalid option.\nTry '%s -h' for help.",
- optopt, pname );
- }
- }
- // make sure an input file is specified
- if( argc - optind < )
- fatal_error( "no input file specified.\nTry '%s -h' for help.", pname );
- // make sure there aren't too many arguments
- if( argc - optind > )
- fatal_error( "too many arguments.\nTry '%s -h' for help.", pname );
- // copy image file name from command line argument
- img_file_name = argv[optind];
- }
- static void usage( char* name )
- {
- fprintf(stderr, "%s: detect SIFT keypoints in an image\n\n", name);
- fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [options] <img_file>\n", name);
- fprintf(stderr, "Options:\n");
- fprintf(stderr, " -h Display this message and exit\n");
- fprintf(stderr, " -o <out_file> Output keypoints to text file\n");
- fprintf(stderr, " -m <out_img> Output keypoint image file (format" \
- " determined by extension)\n");
- fprintf(stderr, " -i <intervals> Set number of sampled intervals per" \
- " octave in scale space\n");
- fprintf(stderr, " pyramid (default %d)\n",
- fprintf(stderr, " -s <sigma> Set sigma for initial gaussian" \
- " smoothing at each octave\n");
- fprintf(stderr, " (default %06.4f)\n", SIFT_SIGMA);
- fprintf(stderr, " -c <thresh> Set threshold on keypoint contrast" \
- " |D(x)| based on [0,1]\n");
- fprintf(stderr, " pixel values (default %06.4f)\n",
- fprintf(stderr, " -r <thresh> Set threshold on keypoint ratio of" \
- " principle curvatures\n");
- fprintf(stderr, " (default %d)\n", SIFT_CURV_THR);
- fprintf(stderr, " -n <width> Set width of descriptor histogram" \
- " array (default %d)\n", SIFT_DESCR_WIDTH);
- fprintf(stderr, " -b <bins> Set number of bins per histogram" \
- " in descriptor array\n");
- fprintf(stderr, " (default %d)\n", SIFT_DESCR_HIST_BINS);
- fprintf(stderr, " -d Toggle image doubling (default %s)\n",
- SIFT_IMG_DBL == ? "off" : "on");
- fprintf(stderr, " -x Turn off keypoint display\n");
- }
- arg_parse( argc, argv );
4. imgfeatures.c
- #define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846
二. 运行程序
1. siftfeat.c
- /*
- This program detects image features using SIFT keypoints. For more info,
- refer to:
- Lowe, D. Distinctive image features from scale-invariant keypoints.
- International Journal of Computer Vision, 60, 2 (2004), pp.91--110.
- Copyright (C) 2006-2012 Rob Hess <>
- Note: The SIFT algorithm is patented in the United States and cannot be
- used in commercial products without a license from the University of
- British Columbia. For more information, refer to the file LICENSE.ubc
- that accompanied this distribution.
- Version: 1.1.2-20100521
- */
- #include "sift.h"
- #include "imgfeatures.h"
- #include "utils.h"
- #include <opencv/highgui.h>
- //#include <unistd.h> //unix 标准头文件
- #define OPTIONS ":o:m:i:s:c:r:n:b:dxh"
- /*************************** Function Prototypes *****************************/
- static void usage( char* );
- static void arg_parse( int, char** );
- /******************************** Globals ************************************/
- char* pname;
- char* img_file_name = "G:\\360downloads\\pc.jpg"; //待检测图片的绝对路径
- char* out_file_name = NULL; //导出特征点到此文件中
- char* out_img_name = NULL; //导出图片的文件名
- int intvls = SIFT_INTVLS;
- double sigma = SIFT_SIGMA;
- double contr_thr = SIFT_CONTR_THR;
- int curv_thr = SIFT_CURV_THR;
- int img_dbl = SIFT_IMG_DBL;
- int descr_width = SIFT_DESCR_WIDTH;
- int descr_hist_bins = SIFT_DESCR_HIST_BINS;
- int display = ;
- /********************************** Main *************************************/
- int main( int argc, char** argv )
- {
- IplImage* img;
- struct feature* features;
- int n = ;
- //arg_parse( argc, argv );
- fprintf( stderr, "Finding SIFT features...\n" );
- img = cvLoadImage( img_file_name, );
- if( ! img )
- fatal_error( "unable to load image from %s", img_file_name );
- n = _sift_features( img, &features, intvls, sigma, contr_thr, curv_thr,
- img_dbl, descr_width, descr_hist_bins );
- fprintf( stderr, "Found %d features.\n", n );
- if( display )
- {
- draw_features( img, features, n );
- display_big_img( img, img_file_name );
- cvWaitKey( );
- }
- if( out_file_name != NULL )
- export_features( out_file_name, features, n );
- if( out_img_name != NULL )
- cvSaveImage( out_img_name, img, NULL );
- return ;
- }
输入图像 输出图像
2. match.c
- /*
- Detects SIFT features in two images and finds matches between them.
- Copyright (C) 2006-2012 Rob Hess <>
- @version 1.1.2-20100521
- */
- #include "sift.h"
- #include "imgfeatures.h"
- #include "kdtree.h"
- #include "utils.h"
- #include "xform.h"
- #include <opencv/cv.h>
- #include <opencv/cxcore.h>
- #include <opencv/highgui.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- /* the maximum number of keypoint NN candidates to check during BBF search */
- #define KDTREE_BBF_MAX_NN_CHKS 200
- /* threshold on squared ratio of distances between NN and 2nd NN */
- #define NN_SQ_DIST_RATIO_THR 0.49
- int main( int argc, char** argv )
- {
- IplImage* img1, * img2, * stacked;
- struct feature* feat1, * feat2, * feat;
- struct feature** nbrs;
- struct kd_node* kd_root;
- CvPoint pt1, pt2;
- double d0, d1;
- int n1, n2, k, i, m = ;
- if( argc != )
- fatal_error( "usage: %s <img1> <img2>", argv[] );
- img1 = cvLoadImage( argv[], );
- if( ! img1 )
- fatal_error( "unable to load image from %s", argv[] );
- img2 = cvLoadImage( argv[], );
- if( ! img2 )
- fatal_error( "unable to load image from %s", argv[] );
- stacked = stack_imgs( img1, img2 );
- fprintf( stderr, "Finding features in %s...\n", argv[] );
- n1 = sift_features( img1, &feat1 );
- fprintf( stderr, "Finding features in %s...\n", argv[] );
- n2 = sift_features( img2, &feat2 );
- fprintf( stderr, "Building kd tree...\n" );
- kd_root = kdtree_build( feat2, n2 );
- for( i = ; i < n1; i++ )
- {
- feat = feat1 + i;
- k = kdtree_bbf_knn( kd_root, feat, , &nbrs, KDTREE_BBF_MAX_NN_CHKS );
- if( k == )
- {
- d0 = descr_dist_sq( feat, nbrs[] );
- d1 = descr_dist_sq( feat, nbrs[] );
- if( d0 < d1 * NN_SQ_DIST_RATIO_THR )
- {
- pt1 = cvPoint( cvRound( feat->x ), cvRound( feat->y ) );
- pt2 = cvPoint( cvRound( nbrs[]->x ), cvRound( nbrs[]->y ) );
- pt2.y += img1->height;
- cvLine( stacked, pt1, pt2, CV_RGB(,,), , , );
- m++;
- feat1[i].fwd_match = nbrs[];
- }
- }
- free( nbrs );
- }
- fprintf( stderr, "Found %d total matches\n", m );
- display_big_img( stacked, "Matches" );
- cvWaitKey( );
- /*
- Note that this line above:
- feat1[i].fwd_match = nbrs[0];
- is important for the RANSAC function to work.
- */
- /*
- {
- CvMat* H;
- IplImage* xformed;
- H = ransac_xform( feat1, n1, FEATURE_FWD_MATCH, lsq_homog, 4, 0.01,
- homog_xfer_err, 3.0, NULL, NULL );
- if( H )
- {
- xformed = cvCreateImage( cvGetSize( img2 ), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3 );
- cvWarpPerspective( img1, xformed, H,
- cvScalarAll( 0 ) );
- cvNamedWindow( "Xformed", 1 );
- cvShowImage( "Xformed", xformed );
- cvWaitKey( 0 );
- cvReleaseImage( &xformed );
- cvReleaseMat( &H );
- }
- }
- */
- cvReleaseImage( &stacked );
- cvReleaseImage( &img1 );
- cvReleaseImage( &img2 );
- kdtree_release( kd_root );
- free( feat1 );
- free( feat2 );
- return ;
- }
例如我的两张图片为:pc1.jpg 和 pc2.jpg,此外我都是在debug形式下调试,所以不要搞错为release。
pc1.jpg pc2.jpg
此外其实注意到在match.c中的main函数有一部分代码被注释掉了,而这段代码调用了xform.c,即(RANSAC算法(RANdom SAmple Consensus 随机抽样一致))的结果,所以将这部分代码取消注释后,直接执行:
- /*
- Detects SIFT features in two images and finds matches between them.
- Copyright (C) 2006-2012 Rob Hess <>
- @version 1.1.2-20100521
- */
- #include "sift.h"
- #include "imgfeatures.h"
- #include "kdtree.h"
- #include "utils.h"
- #include "xform.h"
- #include <opencv/cv.h>
- #include <opencv/cxcore.h>
- #include <opencv/highgui.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- /* the maximum number of keypoint NN candidates to check during BBF search */
- #define KDTREE_BBF_MAX_NN_CHKS 200
- /* threshold on squared ratio of distances between NN and 2nd NN */
- #define NN_SQ_DIST_RATIO_THR 0.49
- int main( int argc, char** argv )
- {
- IplImage* img1, * img2, * stacked;
- struct feature* feat1, * feat2, * feat;
- struct feature** nbrs;
- struct kd_node* kd_root;
- CvPoint pt1, pt2;
- double d0, d1;
- int n1, n2, k, i, m = ;
- if( argc != )
- fatal_error( "usage: %s <img1> <img2>", argv[] );
- img1 = cvLoadImage( argv[], );
- if( ! img1 )
- fatal_error( "unable to load image from %s", argv[] );
- img2 = cvLoadImage( argv[], );
- if( ! img2 )
- fatal_error( "unable to load image from %s", argv[] );
- stacked = stack_imgs( img1, img2 );
- fprintf( stderr, "Finding features in %s...\n", argv[] );
- n1 = sift_features( img1, &feat1 );
- fprintf( stderr, "Finding features in %s...\n", argv[] );
- n2 = sift_features( img2, &feat2 );
- fprintf( stderr, "Building kd tree...\n" );
- kd_root = kdtree_build( feat2, n2 );
- for( i = ; i < n1; i++ )
- {
- feat = feat1 + i;
- k = kdtree_bbf_knn( kd_root, feat, , &nbrs, KDTREE_BBF_MAX_NN_CHKS );
- if( k == )
- {
- d0 = descr_dist_sq( feat, nbrs[] );
- d1 = descr_dist_sq( feat, nbrs[] );
- if( d0 < d1 * NN_SQ_DIST_RATIO_THR )
- {
- pt1 = cvPoint( cvRound( feat->x ), cvRound( feat->y ) );
- pt2 = cvPoint( cvRound( nbrs[]->x ), cvRound( nbrs[]->y ) );
- pt2.y += img1->height;
- cvLine( stacked, pt1, pt2, CV_RGB(,,), , , );
- m++;
- feat1[i].fwd_match = nbrs[];
- }
- }
- free( nbrs );
- }
- fprintf( stderr, "Found %d total matches\n", m );
- display_big_img( stacked, "Matches" );
- cvWaitKey( );
- /*
- Note that this line above:
- feat1[i].fwd_match = nbrs[0];
- is important for the RANSAC function to work.
- */
- {
- CvMat* H;
- IplImage* xformed;
- H = ransac_xform( feat1, n1, FEATURE_FWD_MATCH, lsq_homog, , 0.01,
- homog_xfer_err, 3.0, NULL, NULL );
- if( H )
- {
- xformed = cvCreateImage( cvGetSize( img2 ), IPL_DEPTH_8U, );
- cvWarpPerspective( img1, xformed, H,
- cvScalarAll( ) );
- cvNamedWindow( "Xformed", );
- cvShowImage( "Xformed", xformed );
- cvWaitKey( );
- cvReleaseImage( &xformed );
- cvReleaseMat( &H );
- }
- }
- cvReleaseImage( &stacked );
- cvReleaseImage( &img1 );
- cvReleaseImage( &img2 );
- kdtree_release( kd_root );
- free( feat1 );
- free( feat2 );
- return ;
- }
3. match_num.c
- #include <pthread.h>
- #include <unistd.h>
附上我改好的源码链接,可以参考此文,直接运行: sift_c
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因为之前一直使用 lua for windows 来搭建lua的使用环境,但是最新的 lua for windows 还没有lua5.2,我又想用这个版本的lua,所以被逼无奈只能自己编一下lua源码 ...
- windows下编译lua源码
所有的lua源码都放在了 src 文件夹下,当然,不同的lua版本目录结构有可能不一样,但是都会有 src 这个文件夹,只有这个才是我们编译必须的.而且lua越做越精简了,5.1的版本里面还有一些te ...
- Nginx (一)Windows下编译Nginx源码以及安装 nginx for windows方法步骤
转载自: Nginx介绍: Nginx ("engine x")是一个 ...
- 《Lucene in Action第二版》学习总结---如何在Windows下编译luceneinAction2Edition源码包
1. 下载此源码包,位置是:,得到:lia2e.tar.gz,然后解压缩得到目录:lia2e,为了以后能辨识,我将此目录改名为:luceneinAct ...
- Windows,linux下编译qt源码(比较简单)
一.linux下静态编译qt源码 1.取到qt源码并解压到文件夹 2.cd到qt目录下 3.使用configure生成makefile ./configure–prefix /opt/qtstatic ...
- 阅读《RobHess的SIFT源码分析:综述》笔记
今天总算是机缘巧合的找到了照样一篇纲要性质的文章. 如是能早一些找到就好了.不过“在你认为为时已晚的时候,其实还为时未晚”倒是也能聊以自慰,不过不能经常这样迷惑自己,毕竟我需要开始跑了! 就照着这个大 ...
- Windows 10 x64 下编译 Hadoop 源码
Windows 10 x64 下编译 Hadoop 源码 环境准备 Hadoop并没有提供官方的 Windows 10 下的安装包,所以需要自己手动来编译,官方文档中 BUILDING.txt 文件中 ...
- MT【60】几个不常见的函数图像
此讲部分内容属于课外阅读拓展,学有余力的可以看看. [We need to know, and we will know.]----大卫·希尔伯特(1862-1943) $y=sin\frac{1}{ ...
- Leetcode 414.Fizz Buzz By Python
写一个程序,输出从 1 到 n 数字的字符串表示. 如果 n 是3的倍数,输出"Fizz": 如果 n 是5的倍数,输出"Buzz": 3.如果 n 同时是3和 ...
- Office web apps 打补丁后(安装PDF在线浏览) 错误解决
最近为了能让PDF在线review,所以安装了460287_intl_x64_zip.exe 这个OWA的hotfix, 安装后,发现OWA挂了,一段搜索之后,发现要重新配置OWA: 1. 在 ...
- UVALive - 6442 (思维题)
题目链接: 题目大意:给你一个有N个点等距的环,编号[0,N-1],然后有些点上有一个或多个硬币,通过移动这些硬币 ...
- Elasticsearch利用cat api快速查看集群状态、内存、磁盘使用情况
使用场景 当Elasticsearch集群中有节点挂掉,我们可以去查看集群的日志信息查找错误,不过在查找错误日志之前,我们可以通过elasticsearch的cat api简单判断下各个节点的状态,包 ...
- JavaScript表格插件库
DataTables Handsontable JsGrid ...
- Raspbian开启root账户
启用root账户 使用默认用户pi,密码raspberry登录树莓派 sudo passwd root #给root账户设置密码 sudo passws --unlock root #解除root账户 ...
- 内存分布图,errno
输出错误,errno是默认的全局变量 错误处理函数: 错误号:errno perror函数: void perror(const char *s); strerror函数: ...
- 跟我一起学习vue2(学习工程目录)[三]
查看生成的my-project的工程目录 首先看 build是最终发布的代码存放位置. 我查看了一下目录,里面都是Js文件 config目录里面主要是配置目录,包括端口号.如果开的项目多,可以进入in ...
- Spring + Mybatis 读写分离
项目背景:项目开发中数据库使用了读写分离,所有查询语句走从库,除此之外走主库. 实现思路是: 第一步,实现动态切换数据源:配置两个DataSource,配置两个SqlSessionFactory指向两 ...