
云中树莓派(2):将传感器数据上传到AWS IoT 并利用Kibana进行展示

云中树莓派(3):通过 AWS IoT 控制树莓派上的Led


1. 声音传感器及其配置


将 VCC 引脚接入树莓派 5V 引脚,将 GND 引脚接入树莓派 GND 引脚,将 OUT 引脚接入树莓派 GPIO20。


2. GPIO Event 机制



  1. # wait for up to 5 seconds for a rising edge (timeout is in milliseconds)
  2. channel = GPIO.wait_for_edge(channel, GPIO_RISING, timeout=5000)
  3. if channel is None:
  4. print('Timeout occurred')
  5. else:
  6. print('Edge detected on channel', channel)


  1. GPIO.add_event_detect(channel, GPIO.RISING) # add rising edge detection on a channel
  2. do_something()
  3. if GPIO.event_detected(channel):
  4. print('Button pressed')


  1. def my_callback(channel):
  2. print('This is a edge event callback function!')
  3. print('Edge detected on channel %s'%channel)
  4. print('This is run in a different thread to your main program')
  6. GPIO.add_event_detect(channel, GPIO.RISING, callback=my_callback) # add rising edge detection on a channel

3. 利用声音检查模块控制Led灯

实现目标:当检测到声音时,改变Led 灯的状态。

3.1 代码

  1. import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
  2. import time
  3. from time import sleep
  5. SOUND_PIN_NUM = 20 #声音模块的输出引脚接的GPIO
  6. LED_PIN_NUM = 26 #LED 的长脚接的GPIO
  8. state = 0 #保存led 的状态
  9. timeLast = time.time() #保存上次触发的时间
  10. # in one sounding, the callback function will be invoked for a few times, so need wait for some time to
  11. validDuration = 0.1
  13. GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM)
  17. def callback_fun_soundOccurred(input_pint):
  18. global timeLast
  19. timeNow = time.time()
  20. duration = timeNow - timeLast
  21. if (duration < validDuration):
  22. print("ignored because duration " + str(duration) + " is too short")
  23. timeLast = timeNow
  24. return
  25. print("accepted for valid duration " + str(duration))
  26. timeLast = timeNow
  27. switchLed()
  29. def switchLed():
  30. global state
  31. if (state):
  32. turnOffLed()
  33. state = 0
  34. else:
  35. turnOnLed()
  36. state = 1
  38. def turnOnLed():
  39. print("Turn on")
  42. def turnOffLed():
  43. print("Turn off")
  44. GPIO.output(LED_PIN_NUM, GPIO.LOW)
  46. GPIO.add_event_detect(SOUND_PIN_NUM, GPIO.RISING, callback=callback_fun_soundOccurred)
  48. try:
  49. while True:
  50. sleep(0.1)
  51. except KeyboardInterrupt:
  52. GPIO.remove_event_detect(SOUND_PIN_NUM)
  53. GPIO.cleanup()

3.2 两个小技巧



  1. ignored because duration 0.000501155853271 is too short
  2. ignored because duration 0.000110864639282 is too short
  3. ignored because duration 0.00215411186218 is too short
  4. ignored because duration 0.000218868255615 is too short
  5. ignored because duration 0.000470161437988 is too short
  6. ignored because duration 0.000167846679688 is too short
  7. ignored because duration 0.000583171844482 is too short
  8. ignored because duration 0.000425815582275 is too short
  9. ignored because duration 0.0010621547699 is too short
  10. ignored because duration 0.000314950942993 is too short
  11. ignored because duration 0.000555038452148 is too short
  12. ignored because duration 0.000130891799927 is too short
  13. ignored because duration 0.000461101531982 is too short
  14. ignored because duration 0.00022292137146 is too short
  15. ignored because duration 0.00274705886841 is too short
  16. ignored because duration 0.000133037567139 is too short
  17. ignored because duration 0.00597095489502 is too short
  18. ignored because duration 0.000155925750732 is too short
  19. ignored because duration 0.00107598304749 is too short
  20. ignored because duration 0.000198125839233 is too short




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