

iOS 无法获取 WiFi 列表?一定是因为你不知道这个框架



App Proxy, Content Filter, or Packet Tunnel APIs 这些功能,



Thank you for requesting information about the Network Extension framework. Please note that as of November 10, 2016 this process 
is not required for developers who wish to use App Proxy, Content Filter, or Packet Tunnel APIs. To use these services please navigate
to your Developer Account at <https://developer.apple.com/account/> and select the Network Extension capability for the App ID
you will be using for your app. If you are requesting an entitlement for Hotspot Helper APIs your request will be addressed at our earliest convenience. Regards,
Developer Technical Support
Apple Worldwide Developer Relations




Thank you for your interest in the NEHotspotHelper framework. Unfortunately, these APIs are not designed for the use you’ve identified.

The NEHotspotHelper APIs are meant to be used by hotspot network implementers to facilitate connections to the large-scale wireless networks that they manage. If you would like to see your desired functionality included in the HotspotHelper entitlement, please file an Enhancement Request usingApple’s online bug reporting system.

For a complete explanation of Wi-Fi management APIs on iOS, please see Technical Q&A QA1942 “iOS Wi-Fi Management APIs”.

If your app needs to connect directly to a known SSID please consider using the NEHotspotConfigurationManager API. Introduced in iOS , this API allows your app to interact directly with a Wi-Fi based accessory. It can also allow your app to add a specific Wi-Fi network to the user’s list of known networks. For more details about NEHotspotConfigurationManager, see WWDC Session , “Advances in Networking, Part ”. Thank You,
Developer Technical Support
Apple Worldwide Developer Relations


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