#-*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
'''本程序只是对word2vec进行了简单的预处理,应用到复杂模型中还需要根据实际情况做必要的改动''' class Wordlist(object):
def __init__(self, filename, maxn = 100000):
lines = map(lambda x: x.split(), open(filename).readlines()[:maxn])
self.size = len(lines) self.voc = [(item[0][0], item[1]) for item in zip(lines, xrange(self.size))]
self.voc = dict(self.voc) def getID(self, word):
return self.voc[word]
return 0 def get_W(word_vecs, k=300):
Get word matrix. W[i] is the vector for word indexed by i
vocab_size = len(word_vecs)
word_idx_map = dict()
W = np.zeros(shape=(vocab_size+1, k), dtype='float32')
W[0] = np.zeros(k, dtype='float32')
i = 1
for word in word_vecs:
W[i] = word_vecs[word]
word_idx_map[word] = i
i += 1
return W, word_idx_map def load_bin_vec(fname, vocab):
Loads 300x1 word vecs from Google (Mikolov) word2vec
word_vecs = {}
pury_word_vec = []
with open(fname, "rb") as f:
header = f.readline()
print 'header',header
vocab_size, layer1_size = map(int, header.split())
print 'vocabsize:',vocab_size,'layer1_size:',layer1_size
binary_len = np.dtype('float32').itemsize * layer1_size
for line in xrange(vocab_size):
word = []
while True:
ch = f.read(1)
#print ch
if ch == ' ':
word = ''.join(word)
#print 'single word:',word
if ch != '\n':
#print word
#print word
if word in vocab:
word_vecs[word] = np.fromstring(f.read(binary_len), dtype='float32')
if i==0:
print 'word',word
return word_vecs,pury_word_vec def add_unknown_words(word_vecs, vocab, min_df=1, k=300):
For words that occur in at least min_df documents, create a separate word vector.
0.25 is chosen so the unknown vectors have (approximately) same variance as pre-trained ones
for word in vocab:
if word not in word_vecs and vocab[word] >= min_df:
word_vecs[word] = np.random.uniform(-0.25,0.25,k) if __name__=="__main__":
w2v_file = "GoogleNews-vectors-negative300.bin"#Google news word2vec bin文件
print "loading data...",
vocab = Wordlist('vocab.txt')#自己的数据集要用到的词表
w2v,pury_word2vec = load_bin_vec(w2v_file, vocab.voc)
add_unknown_words(w2v, vocab.voc)
W, word_idx_map = get_W(w2v) '''embedding lookup简单应用'''
Wa = tf.Variable(W)
embedding_input = tf.nn.embedding_lookup(Wa, [0,1,2])#正常使用时要替换成相应的doc with tf.Session() as sess:
input = sess.run(Wa)
#print np.shape(Wa)
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