E - Paint Tree

You are given a tree with n vertexes and n points on a plane, no three points lie on one straight line.

Your task is to paint the given tree on a plane, using the given points as vertexes.

That is, you should correspond each vertex of the tree to exactly one point and each point should correspond to a vertex. If two vertexes of the tree are connected by an edge, then the corresponding points should have a segment painted between them. The segments that correspond to non-adjacent edges, should not have common points. The segments that correspond to adjacent edges should have exactly one common point.


The first line contains an integer n (1 ≤ n ≤ 1500) — the number of vertexes on a tree (as well as the number of chosen points on the plane).

Each of the next n - 1 lines contains two space-separated integers ui and vi (1 ≤ ui, vi ≤ nui ≠ vi) — the numbers of tree vertexes connected by the i-th edge.

Each of the next n lines contain two space-separated integers xi and yi ( - 109 ≤ xi, yi ≤ 109) — the coordinates of the i-th point on the plane. No three points lie on one straight line.

It is guaranteed that under given constraints problem has a solution.


Print n distinct space-separated integers from 1 to n: the i-th number must equal the number of the vertex to place at the i-th point (the points are numbered in the order, in which they are listed in the input).

If there are several solutions, print any of them.


31 32 30 01 12 0
1 3 2
41 22 31 4-1 -23 5-3 32 0
4 2 1 3


The possible solutions for the sample are given below.






 #define LL long long
 using namespace std;
 int size[maxn],fa[maxn];
 int n,tot,nxt[maxe],son[maxe],lnk[maxn],ans[maxn];
 bool vis[maxn];
 struct point{int x,y,id;}a[maxn],mainp;
 point operator - (point p,point q){point ret; ret.x=p.x-q.x,ret.y=p.y-q.y; return ret;}
 LL cross(point p,point q){return (LL)p.x*q.y-(LL)q.x*p.y;}
 bool cmp1(point u,point v){return u.x!=v.x?u.x<v.x:u.y<v.y;}
 int read(){
     ,f=; char ch=getchar();
     '){if (ch=='-') f=-f; ch=getchar();}
     return x*f;
 void add(int x,int y){nxt[++tot]=lnk[x],son[tot]=y,lnk[x]=tot;}
 void DFS(int x){
     for (int j=lnk[x]; j; j=nxt[j]) if (!vis[son[j]]){
         DFS(son[j]); size[x]+=size[son[j]];
 void DFS(int x,int fa,int L,int R){
     int now=L;
     for (int j=lnk[x]; j; j=nxt[j]) if (son[j]!=fa){
 int main(){
     ; i<n; i++){int x=read(),y=read(); add(x,y),add(y,x);}
     ; i<=n; i++) a[i].x=read(),a[i].y=read(),a[i].id=i;
     ; i<=n; i++) printf("%d ",ans[i]);

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