


class Solution {
vector<vector<int>> threeSum(vector<int>& nums) {
vector<vector<int> > res; std::sort(nums.begin(), nums.end()); for (int i = ; i < nums.size(); i++) { int target = -nums[i];
int front = i + ;
int back = nums.size() - ; while (front < back) { int sum = nums[front] + nums[back]; // Finding answer which start from numsber nums[i]
if (sum < target)
front++; else if (sum > target)
back--; else {
vector<int> triplet(, );
triplet[] = nums[i];
triplet[] = nums[front];
triplet[] = nums[back];
res.push_back(triplet); // Processing duplicates of numsber 2
// Rolling the front pointer to the next different numsber forwards
while (front < back && nums[front] == triplet[]) front++; // Processing duplicates of numsber 3
// Rolling the back pointer to the next different numsber backwards
while (front < back && nums[back] == triplet[]) back--;
} } // Processing duplicates of numsber 1
while (i + < nums.size() && nums[i + ] == nums[i])
i++; } return res;

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