





















ctrl-f,ctrl-b:page down,page up

ctrl-d,ctrl-u:page down half,page up half








. : 重复上一个操作

shfit-> ,shift-<:当前行向右移动,向左移动



:! — filter lines through shell command

:b[uffer] — switch current view to another document

:bd[elete] — close the current document, opens an untitled file if last document closed

:cd — change current working directory

:close — close the current view

:copy address — copy the affected line range to the target line address

:delete — delete affected line range, or current line by default

:edit — edit a new file

:eval — evaluate the affected lines (or the current line) as a Nu expression

:export var=[value] — export an environment variable

:move address — move the affected line range to the target line address

:new — edit a new file in a new horizontal split

:pwd — show the current working directory

:quit — close the current document, closes the window if last document closed

:s /RE/replacement/[g] — replace lines matching RE with replacement

:sbuffer — split view horizontally and edit another open document

:set option[=value] — set an option

:setfiletype — change the language syntax of the document

:split [filename] — split the current view horizontally, and optionally edit another file

:t address — alias for :copy

:tabedit — edit another file in a new tab

:tabnew — edit a new file in a new tab

:tbuffer — switch to a tab showing , or open a new tab

:vbuffer — split view vertically and edit another open document

:vnew — edit a new file in a new vertical split

:vsplit [filename] — split the current view vertically, and optionally edit another file

:w[rite] [new filename] — save the document, optionally with a new name

:wq — write the document and close it

:x[it] — write the document and close it





To jump to a symbol, select the symbol and press enter, s, v or o to open it in a tab,

a split view, a vertical split, or replace the current document, respectively.

Here is a list of all key mappings in the symbol list:

h — move up the tree hierarchy, closing documents

l — move down the tree hierarchy, opening documents

j — move down

k — move up

<ctrl-b> — scroll up one screen

<ctrl-f> — scroll down one screen

<ctrl-e> — scroll down one line

<ctrl-y> — scroll up one line

G — move to the last line (or a specific line with a count)

gg — move to the first line (or a specific line with a count)

H — move to top line ("High")

M — move to middle line

L — move to bottom line ("Low")

/ — search

<esc> — cancel and go back

<ctrl-c> — cancel and go back, or reset the search filter

o — open the selected symbol in the current view

s — open the selected symbol in a split view

v — open the selected symbol in a vertical split view

t — open the selected symbol in a tab


Vico can show the same or different documents side by side in split views. Views can be split either horizontally or vertically. There is no limit on the number of splits you can create, but more
than a couple in the same tab tends to be hard to manage.

Most keys that manages split views begin with <ctrl-w>. To split the current view, use the <ctrl-w>s command, ie first press <ctrl-w> and then press the s key. If you use v instead, you get a vertical split.

If you want to move a split view to a new tab, use <ctrl-w>T.

To navigate between split views, use <ctrl-w> followed by a vi motion key (hjkl) or one of the arrow keys. The <ctrl-w>w command moves to the next split view. The <ctrl-w>W moves to the previous split view. Use <ctrl-w>p to toggle between the last focused split


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