




 <project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0"
<name>Maven Custom Binding Plugin</name> <build>
</plugin> <plugin>


 package com.amaze.custombindings;

 public class HelloWorld {

     public String sayHello(String name){
return "Hello "+name;

命令行中到项目根目录下执行mvn clean verify命令,完成后project_home\target下会生成两个jar:



[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building Maven Stub Project (No POM) 1
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] --- maven-help-plugin:2.2:describe (default-cli) @ standalone-pom ---
[INFO] org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-source-plugin:2.1.1 Name: Maven Source Plugin
Description: The Maven 2 Source Plugin creates a JAR archive of the source
files of the current project.
Group Id: org.apache.maven.plugins
Artifact Id: maven-source-plugin
Version: 2.1.1
Goal Prefix: source This plugin has 6 goals: source:aggregate
Description: Aggregate sources for all modules in an aggregator project.
Implementation: org.apache.maven.plugin.source.AggregatorSourceJarMojo
Language: java
Bound to phase: package
Before this mojo executes, it will call:
Phase: 'generate-sources' Available parameters: archive
The archive configuration to use. See Maven Archiver Reference. attach (Default: true)
User property: attach
Specifies whether or not to attach the artifact to the project excludeResources (Default: false)
User property: source.excludeResources
Specifies whether or not to exclude resources from the sources-jar. This
can be convenient if your project includes large resources, such as
images, and you don't want to include them in the sources-jar. excludes
List of files to exclude. Specified as fileset patterns which are
relative to the input directory whose contents is being packaged into the
JAR. finalName (Default: ${project.build.finalName})
The filename to be used for the generated archive file. For the
source:jar goal, '-sources' is appended to this filename. For the
source:test-jar goal, '-test-sources' is appended. forceCreation (Default: false)
User property: source.forceCreation
Whether creating the archive should be forced. If set to true, the jar
will always be created. If set to false, the jar will only be created
when the sources are newer than the jar. includePom (Default: false)
User property: source.includePom
Specifies whether or not to include the POM file in the sources-jar. includes
List of files to include. Specified as fileset patterns which are
relative to the input directory whose contents is being packaged into the
JAR. outputDirectory (Default: ${project.build.directory})
The directory where the generated archive file will be put. useDefaultExcludes (Default: true)
Exclude commonly excluded files such as SCM configuration. These are
defined in the plexus FileUtils.getDefaultExcludes() useDefaultManifestFile (Default: false)
Set this to true to enable the use of the defaultManifestFile. source:help
Description: Display help information on maven-source-plugin.
mvn source:help -Ddetail=true -Dgoal=<goal-name>
to display parameter details.
Implementation: org.apache.maven.plugin.source.HelpMojo
Language: java Available parameters: detail (Default: false)
User property: detail
If true, display all settable properties for each goal. goal
User property: goal
The name of the goal for which to show help. If unspecified, all goals
will be displayed. indentSize (Default: 2)
User property: indentSize
The number of spaces per indentation level, should be positive. lineLength (Default: 80)
User property: lineLength
The maximum length of a display line, should be positive. source:jar
Description: This plugin bundles all the sources into a jar archive.
Implementation: org.apache.maven.plugin.source.SourceJarMojo
Language: java
Bound to phase: package
Before this mojo executes, it will call:
Phase: 'generate-sources' Available parameters: archive
The archive configuration to use. See Maven Archiver Reference. attach (Default: true)
User property: attach
Specifies whether or not to attach the artifact to the project excludeResources (Default: false)
User property: source.excludeResources
Specifies whether or not to exclude resources from the sources-jar. This
can be convenient if your project includes large resources, such as
images, and you don't want to include them in the sources-jar. excludes
List of files to exclude. Specified as fileset patterns which are
relative to the input directory whose contents is being packaged into the
JAR. finalName (Default: ${project.build.finalName})
The filename to be used for the generated archive file. For the
source:jar goal, '-sources' is appended to this filename. For the
source:test-jar goal, '-test-sources' is appended. forceCreation (Default: false)
User property: source.forceCreation
Whether creating the archive should be forced. If set to true, the jar
will always be created. If set to false, the jar will only be created
when the sources are newer than the jar. includePom (Default: false)
User property: source.includePom
Specifies whether or not to include the POM file in the sources-jar. includes
List of files to include. Specified as fileset patterns which are
relative to the input directory whose contents is being packaged into the
JAR. outputDirectory (Default: ${project.build.directory})
The directory where the generated archive file will be put. useDefaultExcludes (Default: true)
Exclude commonly excluded files such as SCM configuration. These are
defined in the plexus FileUtils.getDefaultExcludes() useDefaultManifestFile (Default: false)
Set this to true to enable the use of the defaultManifestFile. source:jar-no-fork
Description: This goal bundles all the sources into a jar archive. This
goal functions the same as the jar goal but does not fork the build and is
suitable for attaching to the build lifecycle.
Implementation: org.apache.maven.plugin.source.SourceJarNoForkMojo
Language: java
Bound to phase: package Available parameters: archive
The archive configuration to use. See Maven Archiver Reference. attach (Default: true)
User property: attach
Specifies whether or not to attach the artifact to the project excludeResources (Default: false)
User property: source.excludeResources
Specifies whether or not to exclude resources from the sources-jar. This
can be convenient if your project includes large resources, such as
images, and you don't want to include them in the sources-jar. excludes
List of files to exclude. Specified as fileset patterns which are
relative to the input directory whose contents is being packaged into the
JAR. finalName (Default: ${project.build.finalName})
The filename to be used for the generated archive file. For the
source:jar goal, '-sources' is appended to this filename. For the
source:test-jar goal, '-test-sources' is appended. forceCreation (Default: false)
User property: source.forceCreation
Whether creating the archive should be forced. If set to true, the jar
will always be created. If set to false, the jar will only be created
when the sources are newer than the jar. includePom (Default: false)
User property: source.includePom
Specifies whether or not to include the POM file in the sources-jar. includes
List of files to include. Specified as fileset patterns which are
relative to the input directory whose contents is being packaged into the
JAR. outputDirectory (Default: ${project.build.directory})
The directory where the generated archive file will be put. useDefaultExcludes (Default: true)
Exclude commonly excluded files such as SCM configuration. These are
defined in the plexus FileUtils.getDefaultExcludes() useDefaultManifestFile (Default: false)
Set this to true to enable the use of the defaultManifestFile. source:test-jar
Description: This plugin bundles all the test sources into a jar archive.
Implementation: org.apache.maven.plugin.source.TestSourceJarMojo
Language: java
Bound to phase: package
Before this mojo executes, it will call:
Phase: 'generate-sources' Available parameters: archive
The archive configuration to use. See Maven Archiver Reference. attach (Default: true)
User property: attach
Specifies whether or not to attach the artifact to the project excludeResources (Default: false)
User property: source.excludeResources
Specifies whether or not to exclude resources from the sources-jar. This
can be convenient if your project includes large resources, such as
images, and you don't want to include them in the sources-jar. excludes
List of files to exclude. Specified as fileset patterns which are
relative to the input directory whose contents is being packaged into the
JAR. finalName (Default: ${project.build.finalName})
The filename to be used for the generated archive file. For the
source:jar goal, '-sources' is appended to this filename. For the
source:test-jar goal, '-test-sources' is appended. forceCreation (Default: false)
User property: source.forceCreation
Whether creating the archive should be forced. If set to true, the jar
will always be created. If set to false, the jar will only be created
when the sources are newer than the jar. includePom (Default: false)
User property: source.includePom
Specifies whether or not to include the POM file in the sources-jar. includes
List of files to include. Specified as fileset patterns which are
relative to the input directory whose contents is being packaged into the
JAR. outputDirectory (Default: ${project.build.directory})
The directory where the generated archive file will be put. useDefaultExcludes (Default: true)
Exclude commonly excluded files such as SCM configuration. These are
defined in the plexus FileUtils.getDefaultExcludes() useDefaultManifestFile (Default: false)
Set this to true to enable the use of the defaultManifestFile. source:test-jar-no-fork
Description: This goal bundles all the test sources into a jar archive.
This goal functions the same as the test-jar goal but does not fork the
build, and is suitable for attaching to the build lifecycle.
Implementation: org.apache.maven.plugin.source.TestSourceJarNoForkMojo
Language: java
Bound to phase: package Available parameters: archive
The archive configuration to use. See Maven Archiver Reference. attach (Default: true)
User property: attach
Specifies whether or not to attach the artifact to the project excludeResources (Default: false)
User property: source.excludeResources
Specifies whether or not to exclude resources from the sources-jar. This
can be convenient if your project includes large resources, such as
images, and you don't want to include them in the sources-jar. excludes
List of files to exclude. Specified as fileset patterns which are
relative to the input directory whose contents is being packaged into the
JAR. finalName (Default: ${project.build.finalName})
The filename to be used for the generated archive file. For the
source:jar goal, '-sources' is appended to this filename. For the
source:test-jar goal, '-test-sources' is appended. forceCreation (Default: false)
User property: source.forceCreation
Whether creating the archive should be forced. If set to true, the jar
will always be created. If set to false, the jar will only be created
when the sources are newer than the jar. includePom (Default: false)
User property: source.includePom
Specifies whether or not to include the POM file in the sources-jar. includes
List of files to include. Specified as fileset patterns which are
relative to the input directory whose contents is being packaged into the
JAR. outputDirectory (Default: ${project.build.directory})
The directory where the generated archive file will be put. useDefaultExcludes (Default: true)
Exclude commonly excluded files such as SCM configuration. These are
defined in the plexus FileUtils.getDefaultExcludes() useDefaultManifestFile (Default: false)
Set this to true to enable the use of the defaultManifestFile. [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 2.837 s
[INFO] Finished at: 2015-11-18T11:58:14+08:00
[INFO] Final Memory: 7M/96M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------


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