url <-"http://www.r-datacollection.com/materials/html/fortunes.html"
> fortunes <- readLines(con = url)
> fortunes
[2]"<html> <head>"
[3]"<title>Collected R wisdoms</title>"
[7]"<div id=\"R Inventor\" lang=\"english\" date=\"June/2003\">"
[8]" <h1>Robert Gentleman</h1>"
[9]" <p><i>'What we have is nice, but we need something very different'</i></p>"
[10]" <p><b>Source: </b>Statistical Computing 2003, Reisensburg"
[13]"<div lang=english date=\"October/2011\">"
[14]" <h1>Rolf Turner</h1>"
[15]" <p><i>'R is wonderful, but it cannot work magic'</i> <br><emph>answering a request for automatic generation of 'data from a known mean and 95% CI'</emph></p>"
[16]" <p><b>Source: </b><a href=\"https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-help\">R-help</a></p>"
[19]"<address><a href=\"www.r-datacollectionbook.com\"><i>The book homepage</i><a/></address>"
[21]"</body> </html>"
> library(XML)
> parsed_fortunes <- htmlParse(file = url)
<head><title>Collected R wisdoms</title></head>
<divid="R Inventor"lang="english"date="June/2003">
<h1>Robert Gentleman</h1>
<p><i>'What we have is nice, but we need something very different'</i></p>
<p><b>Source: </b>Statistical Computing 2003, Reisensburg
<h1>Rolf Turner</h1>
<p><i>'R is wonderful, but it cannot work magic'</i><br><emph>answering a request for automatic generation of 'data from a known mean and 95% CI'</emph></p>
<p><b>Source: </b><ahref="https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-help">R-help</a></p>
<ahref="www.r-datacollectionbook.com"><i>The book homepage</i></a><a></a>
h1 <- list("body"= function(x){NULL})
parsed_fortunes <- htmlTreeParse(url, handlers = h1, asTree = TRUE)
# $html
# <html>
# <head>
# <title>Collected R wisdoms</title>
# </head>
# </html>
h2 <- list(
startElement = function(node,...){
name <- xmlName(node)
if(name %in% c("div","title")){NULL}else{node}
comment = function(node){NULL}
parsed_fortunes <- htmlTreeParse(file = url, handlers = h2, asTree = TRUE)
<i>The book homepage</i>
h1 <- list("body"= function(x){
print('here is a body tag')
parsed_fortunes <- htmlTreeParse(url, handlers = h1, asTree = TRUE)
[1] "here is a body tag"
i <-0
h2 <- list(
startElement = function(node,...){
i <<- i +1
print(paste("here is the ",i,"st tag,its name is",xmlName(node)))
# comment = function(node){
# print(paste("here is a comment,its name is",xmlName(node)))
# }
parsed_fortunes <- htmlTreeParse(file = url, handlers = h2, asTree = TRUE)
[1]"here is the 1 st tag,its name is title"
[1]"here is the 2 st tag,its name is head"
[1]"here is the 3 st tag,its name is h1"
[1]"here is the 4 st tag,its name is i"
[1]"here is the 5 st tag,its name is p"
[1]"here is the 6 st tag,its name is b"
[1]"here is the 7 st tag,its name is p"
[1]"here is the 8 st tag,its name is div"
[1]"here is the 9 st tag,its name is h1"
[1]"here is the 10 st tag,its name is i"
[1]"here is the 11 st tag,its name is br"
[1]"here is the 12 st tag,its name is emph"
[1]"here is the 13 st tag,its name is p"
[1]"here is the 14 st tag,its name is b"
[1]"here is the 15 st tag,its name is a"
[1]"here is the 16 st tag,its name is p"
[1]"here is the 17 st tag,its name is div"
[1]"here is the 18 st tag,its name is i"
[1]"here is the 19 st tag,its name is a"
[1]"here is the 20 st tag,its name is a"
[1]"here is the 21 st tag,its name is address"
[1]"here is the 22 st tag,its name is body"
[1]"here is the 23 st tag,its name is html"
getItalics = function(){
i_container = character()
list(i = function(node,...){
i_container <<- c(i_container, xmlValue(node))
}, returnI = function() i_container)
h3 <- getItalics()
invisible(htmlTreeParse(url, handlers = h3))
[1]"'What we have is nice, but we need something very different'"
[2]"'R is wonderful, but it cannot work magic'"
[3]"The book homepage"
> a = character()
> b<-c(a,'2')
> b
> c<-c(b,'3')
> c
> a
> b
name The name of the element.attributes For regular elements, a named list of XML attributes converted from the <tag x="1" y="abc">children List of sub-nodes.value Used only for text entries.Some nodes specializations of XMLNode, such as XMLComment, XMLProcessingInstruction, XMLEntityRef are used.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE foo [
<!ENTITY % bar "for R and S">
<!ENTITY % foo "for Omegahat">
<!ENTITY testEnt "test entity bar">
<!ENTITY logo SYSTEM "images/logo.gif" NDATA gif>
<!ENTITY % extEnt SYSTEM "http://www.omegahat.net"><!-- include the contents of the README file in the same directory as this one. -->
<!ELEMENT y (x)* >
<!-- A comment -->
<elementattrib1="my value"/>
<?R sum(rnorm(100))?>
<!-- A comment -->
This is escaped data
containing < and &.
Note that this caused a segmentation fault if replaceEntities was
not TRUE.
That is,
xmlTreeParse("test.xml", replaceEntities = TRUE)
works, but
does not if this is called before the one above.
This is now fixed and was caused by
treating an xmlNodePtr in the C code
that had type XML_ELEMENT_DECL
and so was in fact an xmlElementPtr.
Aaah, C and casting!
fileName <- system.file("exampleData","test.xml", package="XML")
# parse the document and return it in its standard format.
# parse the document, discarding comments.
xmlTreeParse(fileName, handlers=list("comment"=function(x,...){NULL}), asTree = TRUE)
# print the entities
cat("In entity",x$name, x$value,"\n")
), asTree = TRUE
# Parse some XML text.
# Read the text from the file
xmlText <- paste(readLines(fileName),"\n", collapse="")
xmlTreeParse(xmlText, asText=TRUE)
# with version 1.4.2 we can pass the contents of an XML
# stream without pasting them.
xmlTreeParse(readLines(fileName), asText=TRUE)
# Read a MathML document and convert each node
# so that the primary class is
# <name of tag>MathML
# so that we can use method dispatching when processing
# it rather than conditional statements on the tag name.
# See plotMathML() in examples/.
fileName <- system.file("exampleData","mathml.xml",package="XML")
m <- xmlTreeParse(fileName,
startElement = function(node){
cname <- paste(xmlName(node),"MathML", sep="",collapse="")
class(node)<- c(cname,class(node));
# In this example, we extract _just_ the names of the
# variables in the mtcars.xml file.
# The names are the contents of the <variable>
tags.- # We discard all other tags by returning NULL
# from the startElement handler.
# We cumulate the names of variables in a character
vector named `vars'.# We define this within a closure and define the
# variable function within that closure so that it
# will be invoked when the parser encounters a <variable>
tag.# This is called with 2 arguments: the XMLNode object (containing
its children) and- # the list of attributes.
# We get the variable name via call to xmlValue().
# Note that we define the closure function in the call and then
# create an instance of it by calling it directly as
# (function() {...})()
# Note that we can get the names by parsing
# in the usual manner and the entire document and then executing
# xmlSApply(xmlRoot(doc)[[1]], function(x) xmlValue(x[[1]]))
# which is simpler but is more costly in terms of memory.
fileName <- system.file("exampleData","mtcars.xml", package="XML")
doc <- xmlTreeParse(fileName,
handlers =(function(){
vars <- character(0);
variable=function(x, attrs){
vars <<- c(vars, xmlValue(x[[1]]));
names = function(){
[1]"mpg" "cyl" "disp"
[1]"mpg" "cyl" "disp""hp"
[1]"mpg" "cyl" "disp""hp" "drat"
[1]"mpg" "cyl" "disp""hp" "drat""wt"
[1]"mpg" "cyl" "disp""hp" "drat""wt" "qsec"
[1]"mpg" "cyl" "disp""hp" "drat""wt" "qsec""vs"
[1]"mpg" "cyl" "disp""hp" "drat""wt" "qsec""vs" "am"
[1]"mpg" "cyl" "disp""hp" "drat""wt" "qsec""vs" "am" "gear"
[1]"mpg" "cyl" "disp""hp" "drat""wt" "qsec""vs" "am" "gear""carb"
# Here we just print the variable names to the console
# with a special handler.
doc <- xmlTreeParse(fileName, handlers = list(
variable=function(x, attrs){
print(xmlValue(x[[1]])); TRUE
}), asTree=TRUE)
doc <- xmlTreeParse(fileName,
handlers = list(variable=function(x, attrs){
system.file("exampleData","TestInvalid.xml", package="XML"),
# Parse an XML document directly from a URL.
# Requires Internet access.
xmlTreeParse("http://www.omegahat.net/Scripts/Data/mtcars.xml", asText=TRUE)
Error: XML content does not seem to be XML:'http://www.omegahat.net/Scripts/Data/mtcars.xml'
counter = function(){
counts = integer(0)
list(startElement = function(node){
name = xmlName(node)
if(name %in% names(counts))
counts = function() counts)
h = counter()
invisible(xmlParse(system.file("exampleData","mtcars.xml", package="XML"),
handlers = h)
variable variables record dataset
22 2 64 2
getLinks = function(){
links = character()
list(a = function(node,...){
links <<- c(links, xmlGetAttr(node,"href"))
links = function()links)
h1 = getLinks()
invisible(htmlTreeParse(system.file("examples","index.html", package ="XML"),
handlers = h1))
h2 = getLinks()
htmlTreeParse(system.file("examples","index.html", package ="XML"),
handlers = h2, useInternalNodes = TRUE)
all(h1$links()== h2$links())
[1] TRUE
# Using flat trees
tt = xmlHashTree()
f = system.file("exampleData","mtcars.xml", package="XML")
xmlTreeParse(f, handlers = list(.startElement = tt[[".addNode"]]))
####输出了处理函数本身,加了asTree = TRUE貌似也没效果啊
tt #这个是我自己加的命令
[1]"XMLHashTree" "XMLAbstractDocument"
function (nodes = list(), parents = character(), children = list(),
env = new.env(TRUE, parent = emptyenv()))
.count =0
env$.children =.children = new.env(TRUE)
env$.parents =.parents = new.env(TRUE)
f = function(suggestion =""){
if(suggestion ==""|| exists(suggestion, env, inherits = FALSE))
as.character(.count +1)
else suggestion
assign(".nodeIdGenerator", f, env)
addNode = function(node, parent = character(),..., attrs = NULL,
namespace = NULL, namespaceDefinitions = character(),
.children = list(...), cdata = FALSE, suppressNamespaceWarning = getOption("suppressXMLNamespaceWarning",
node = xmlNode(node, attrs = attrs, namespace = namespace,
namespaceDefinitions = namespaceDefinitions)
.kids =.children
.children =.this$.children
node = asXMLTreeNode(node,.this, className ="XMLHashTreeNode")
id = node$id
assign(id, node, env)
.count <<-.count +1
length(parent)==0)|| parent =="")
parent = parent$id
assign(id, parent, envir =.parents)
if(exists(parent,.children, inherits = FALSE))
tmp = c(get(parent,.children), id)
else tmp = id
assign(parent, tmp,.children)
env$.addNode <- addNode
.tidy = function(){
idx <- idx -1
length(nodeSet)<- idx
length(nodeNames)<- idx
names(nodeSet)<- nodeNames
.nodes <<- nodeSet
.this = structure(env,class= oldClass("XMLHashTree"))
f = system.file("exampleData","mtcars.xml", package="XML")
doc = xmlTreeParse(f, useInternalNodes = TRUE)
sapply(getNodeSet(doc,"//variable"), xmlValue)
[1]"mpg" "cyl" "disp""hp" "drat""wt" "qsec""vs" "am"
# character set encoding for HTML
f = system.file("exampleData","9003.html", package ="XML")
# we specify the encoding
d = htmlTreeParse(f, encoding ="UTF-8")
# get a different result if we do not specify any encoding
d.no = htmlTreeParse(f)
# document with its encoding in the HEAD of the document.
d.self = htmlTreeParse(system.file("exampleData","9003-en.html",package ="XML"))
# XXX want to do a test here to see the similarities between d and
# d.self and differences between d.no
<!-- Simple test of including a set of nodes from an XML document -->
<!-- Simple test of including a set of nodes from an XML document -->
Some <i>fallback text</i></xinclude:fallback>
# include
f = system.file("exampleData","nodes1.xml", package ="XML")
xmlRoot(xmlTreeParse(f, xinclude = FALSE))
<x xmlns:xinclude="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude">
<!--Simple test of including a set of nodes from an XML document-->
<xinclude:include href="something.xml#xpointer(//p)"/>
xmlRoot(xmlTreeParse(f, xinclude = TRUE))
<x xmlns:xinclude="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude">
<!--Simple test of including a set of nodes from an XML document-->
<p ID="author">something</p>
f = system.file("exampleData","nodes2.xml", package ="XML")
xmlRoot(xmlTreeParse(f, xinclude = TRUE))
failed to load external entity "D:/RSets/R-3.3.2/library/XML/exampleData/doesnt_exist.xml"
<x xmlns:xinclude="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude">
<!--Simple test of including a set of nodes from an XML document-->
<i>fallback text</i>
try(xmlTreeParse("<doc><a> & < <?pi ></doc>"))
xmlParseEntityRef: no name
StartTag: invalid element name
ParsePI: PI pi never end ...
Premature end of data in tag a line 1
Premature end of data in tag doc line 1
Error : 1: xmlParseEntityRef: no name
2: StartTag: invalid element name
3: ParsePI: PI pi never end ...
4: Premature end of data in tag a line 1
5: Premature end of data in tag doc line 1
tryCatch(xmlTreeParse("<doc><a> & < <?pi > </doc>"),
"XMLParserErrorList"= function(e){
cat("Errors in XML document\n", e$message,"\n")
xmlParseEntityRef: no name
StartTag: invalid element name
ParsePI: PI pi never end ...
Premature end of data in tag a line 1
Premature end of data in tag doc line 1
Error : in XML document
1: xmlParseEntityRef: no name
2: StartTag: invalid element name
3: ParsePI: PI pi never end ...
4: Premature end of data in tag a line 1
5: Premature end of data in tag doc line 1
try(xmlTreeParse("<doc><a> & < <?pi > </doc>", error = NULL))
Error: xmlParseEntityRef: no name
f = system.file("exampleData","book.xml", package ="XML")
doc.trim = xmlInternalTreeParse(f, trim = TRUE)
doc = xmlInternalTreeParse(f, trim = FALSE)
chapter chapter
[2,]"XMLInternalNode" "XMLInternalNode"
[3,]"XMLAbstractNode" "XMLAbstractNode"
text chapter
[2,]"XMLInternalNode" "XMLInternalNode"
[3,]"XMLAbstractNode" "XMLAbstractNode"
text chapter
[2,]"XMLInternalNode" "XMLInternalNode"
[3,]"XMLAbstractNode" "XMLAbstractNode"
f = system.file("exampleData","book.xml", package ="XML")
titles = list()
xmlTreeParse(f, handlers = list(title = function(x)
]]<<- x))
$title #此为输出
function (x)
titles[[length(titles)+1]]<<- x
sapply(titles, xmlValue)
[2]"The elements of an XML document"
[3]"Parsing XML"
[8]"XPath expressions"
[9]"named templates"
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