模块代码整理自 http://gad.qq.com/lore/catalog/10007


using System;
using System.IO; namespace UnityEngine
/// <summary>
/// 系统日志模块
/// </summary>
public class Debugger
public static bool EnableLog; // 是否启用日志,仅可控制普通级别的日志的启用与关闭,LogError和LogWarn都是始终启用的。
public static bool EnableTime = true;
public static bool EnableSave = false; // 是否允许保存日志,即把日志写入到文件中
public static bool EnableStack = false;
public static string LogFileDir = Application.persistentDataPath + "/DebuggerLog/";
public static string LogFileName = "";
public static string Prefix = "> "; // 用于与Unity默认的系统日志做区分。本日志系统输出的日志头部都会带上这个标记。
public static StreamWriter LogFileWriter = null;
public static bool UseUnityEngine; private static string GetLogText(string tag, string message)
string str = "";
if (EnableTime)
str = DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss.fff") + " ";
return (str + tag + "::" + message);
} private static string GetLogTime()
string str = "";
if (EnableTime)
str = DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss.fff") + " ";
return str;
} public static void Log(object message)
if (!Debugger.EnableLog)
return; string str = GetLogTime() + message;
Debug.Log(Prefix + str, null);
LogToFile("[I]" + str, false);
} public static void Log(object message, Object context)
if (!Debugger.EnableLog)
return; string str = GetLogTime() + message;
Debug.Log(Prefix + str, context);
LogToFile("[I]" + str, false);
} public static void Log(string tag, string message)
if (!Debugger.EnableLog)
return; message = GetLogText(tag, message);
Debug.Log(Prefix + message, null);
LogToFile("[I]" + message, false);
} public static void Log(string tag, string format, params object[] args)
if (!Debugger.EnableLog)
return; string logText = GetLogText(tag, string.Format(format, args));
Debug.Log(Prefix + logText, null);
LogToFile("[I]" + logText, false);
} public static void LogError(object message)
string str = GetLogTime() + message;
Debug.Log(Prefix + str, null);
LogToFile("[E]" + str, true);
} public static void LogError(object message, Object context)
string str = GetLogTime() + message;
Debug.Log(Prefix + str, context);
LogToFile("[E]" + str, true);
} public static void LogError(string tag, string message)
message = GetLogText(tag, message);
Debug.Log(Prefix + message, null);
LogToFile("[E]" + message, true);
} public static void LogError(string tag, string format, params object[] args)
string logText = GetLogText(tag, string.Format(format, args));
Debug.Log(Prefix + logText, null);
LogToFile("[E]" + logText, true);
} /// <summary>
/// 将日志写入到文件中
/// </summary>
/// <param name="message"></param>
/// <param name="EnableStack"></param>
private static void LogToFile(string message, bool EnableStack = false)
if (!Debugger.EnableSave)
return; if (LogFileWriter == null)
LogFileName = DateTime.Now.GetDateTimeFormats('s')[].ToString();
LogFileName = LogFileName.Replace("-", "_");
LogFileName = LogFileName.Replace(":", "_");
LogFileName = LogFileName.Replace(" ", "");
LogFileName = LogFileName + ".log";
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(LogFileDir))
if (UseUnityEngine)
LogFileDir = Application.persistentDataPath + "/DebuggerLog/";
LogFileDir = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "/DebuggerLog/";
catch (Exception exception)
Debug.Log(Prefix + "获取 Application.persistentDataPath 报错!" + exception.Message, null);
string path = LogFileDir + LogFileName;
if (!Directory.Exists(LogFileDir))
LogFileWriter = File.AppendText(path);
LogFileWriter.AutoFlush = true;
catch (Exception exception2)
LogFileWriter = null;
Debug.Log("LogToCache() " + exception2.Message + exception2.StackTrace, null);
if (LogFileWriter != null)
if ((EnableStack || Debugger.EnableStack) && UseUnityEngine)
catch (Exception)
} public static void LogWarning(object message)
string str = GetLogTime() + message;
Debug.Log(Prefix + str, null);
LogToFile("[W]" + str, false);
} public static void LogWarning(object message, Object context)
string str = GetLogTime() + message;
Debug.Log(Prefix + str, context);
LogToFile("[W]" + str, false);
} public static void LogWarning(string tag, string message)
message = GetLogText(tag, message);
Debug.Log(Prefix + message, null);
LogToFile("[W]" + message, false);
} public static void LogWarning(string tag, string format, params object[] args)
string logText = GetLogText(tag, string.Format(format, args));
Debug.Log(Prefix + logText, null);
LogToFile("[W]" + logText, false);
} }


using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Reflection;
using UnityEngine; namespace UnityEngine
/// <summary>
/// 日志模块的扩展类
/// </summary>
public static class DebuggerExtension
/// <summary>
/// LogTag是调用打印日志的类中自定义的常量字符串,通常情况下LogTag是类名。
/// 用LogTag可以直观地看出这条日志是哪个类输出的。
/// </summary>
/// <param name="obj"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
private static string GetLogTag(object obj)
FieldInfo field = obj.GetType().GetField("LOG_TAG");
if (field != null)
return (string)field.GetValue(obj);
return obj.GetType().Name;
} [Conditional("EnableLog")]
public static void Log(this object obj, string message)
if (Debugger.EnableLog)
Debugger.Log(GetLogTag(obj), message);
} [Conditional("EnableLog")]
public static void Log(this object obj, string format, params object[] args)
if (Debugger.EnableLog)
string message = string.Format(format, args);
Debugger.Log(GetLogTag(obj), message);
} public static void LogError(this object obj, string message)
Debugger.LogError(GetLogTag(obj), message);
} public static void LogError(this object obj, string format, params object[] args)
string message = string.Format(format, args);
Debugger.LogError(GetLogTag(obj), message);
} public static void LogWarning(this object obj, string message)
Debugger.LogWarning(GetLogTag(obj), message);
} public static void LogWarning(this object obj, string format, params object[] args)
string message = string.Format(format, args);
Debugger.LogWarning(GetLogTag(obj), message);
} }


using UnityEngine;

public class Example_Debugger : MonoBehaviour
void Start()
Debug.Log("这是Unity默认的日志!"); Debugger.EnableLog = true;
Debugger.EnableTime = true; Debugger.Log("Debugger.Log");
Debugger.LogError("Debugger.LogError"); Debugger.Log("Example_Debugger", "格式化日志: {0}", );
Debugger.Log("日志保存路径:", Debugger.LogFileDir); this.Log("日志扩展类中的方法。该方法需要在Unity编辑器中添加宏命令EnableLog才能被编译!");
} }





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