[AngularJS] Write a simple Redux store in AngularJS app
The first things we need to do is create a reducer:
* @type {string}
export const initialCategories = [
{id: , name: 'Development'},
{id: , name: 'Design'},
{id: , name: 'Exercise'},
{id: , name: 'Humor'}
]; /**
* @type {string}
export const categories = (state = initialCategories, {type, payload}) => {
switch(type) {
return payload || state;
return state;
It has some default initialize data. What it does is just simply return the state.
Then let's create a gloable store for the app, which has two methods, getState, dispatch. Two props: reducer, state.
class Store {
constructor(reducer, initialState) {
this.reducer = reducer;
this.state= initialState;
} getState() {
return this.state
} dispatch() {
this.state = this.reducer(this.state, action);
} }
Once we got that, we are going to init our store:
import {categories, initialCategories} from './components/categories/category.state';
import Store from './app.store';
const store = new Store(categories, initialCategories);
We passed in categoreis reudcer and the initialCategories state.
To make it available to Angular APP. we need to make it injectable:
let appModule = angular.module('app', [
.value('store', store)
Then we can use it in our app:
class CategoriesController {
constructor(store) {
'ngInject'; angular.extend(this, {
} $onInit() {
this.store.dispatch({type: GET_CATEGORIES});
this.categories = this.store.getState();
Now we are going to simply the code a little bit, we going to make a subscribe method so that we don't need to call getState() method everytime after we dispatch an action.
You can think that the subscribe method is a just callback function which each time we dispatch an action, it will be called. And inside the callback function, we will call this.store.getState() to get the value.
class Store {
constructor(reducer, initialState) {
this.reducer = reducer;
this.state = initialState;
this.listeners = [];
} getState() {
return this.state;
} dispatch(action) {
this.state = this.reducer(this.state, action);
this.listeners.forEach((l) => l());
} subscribe(listener) {
this.listeners = [
]; // return an unsubscribe function
return () => {
this.listeners = this.listeners.filter(l => l !== listener);
} export default Store;
class CategoriesController {
constructor($timeout, store) {
'ngInject'; angular.extend(this, {
} $onInit() {
this.unsubscribe = this.store.subscribe(() => {
this.categories = this.store.getState();
}); this.store.dispatch({type: GET_CATEGORIES});
Currently inside the dispatch() metod, we pass in an object with type and payload. It would be better if we can manage those action in a single place. There is where Action creator comes in to play.
export const CategoriesActions = () => {
const getCategoreis = (categories) => {
return {type: GET_CATEGORIES, payload: categories}
}; const getCurrentCategory = (currentCategory) => {
return {type: GET_CURRENT_CATEGORY, payload: currentCategory}
}; return {
To make it avaiable to Angular App, we can create a factory for this:
let appModule = angular.module('app', [
.value('store', store)
.factory('CategoriesActions', CategoriesActions)
.component('app', AppComponent)
Then we can use it inside the controller:
constructor($timeout, store, CategoriesActions) {
'ngInject'; angular.extend(this, {
$onInit() {
this.unsubscribe = this.store.subscribe(() => {
this.categories = this.store.getState();
}); this.store.dispatch(this.CategoriesActions.getCategoreis());
onCategorySelected(currentCategory) {
this.currentCategory = category(this.currentCategory, this.CategoriesActions.getCurrentCategory(currentCategory));
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