The model-view-viewmodel is a typically WPF pattern. It consists of a view that gets all the user input and forwards it to the viewmodel, typically by using commands. The view actively pulls the data from the viewmodel by using data binding. The model doesn’t know about the ViewModel and the ViewModel doesn’t know about the View.
Explaining MVVM through an example
Let’s create a sample Patient Management Application using MVVM. Going step by step we must first define our Model, then define the ViewModel and finally the View.
Step 1 - Creating the Model:
Def: The Model is often referred to as Domain Model, completely UI independent that stores the state and helps in the processing of the problem domain. In our example Model becomes the DOM object which is nothing but the patient entity. The sample below shows the patient Entity.
public class Patient
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public Int64 MobileNumber { get; set; }
Step 2 – Creating the View Model
Def : The term means “Model of a View”, and can be thought of as abstraction of the view, but it also provides a specialization of the Model that the View can use for data-binding. In this latter role the ViewModel contains data-transformers that convert Model types into View types, and it contains Commands the View can use to interact with the Model. The ViewModel has been likened to a conceptual state of the data as opposed to the real state of the data in the Model.
Coming back to our example lets create the PatientViewModel which will expose the Properties(which contains the Data) and Commands (User actions) which will be binded to the view.
Commands :
Def : The main idea is to move the whole presentation logic to the view model. This can be attained by using another feature of WPF, namely Commands. Commands can be bound like data and are supported by many elements as buttons, toggle buttons, menu items, checkboxes and input bindings. The goal here is not to have any line of logic in the code-behind of a view.
The View will execute commands on user action and the commands will be implemented in the ViewModel. To do this, you can’t use the standard WPF RoutedUIEvent, but you can easily develop your own command classes. A common way to do this is to create a command object that calls a delegate you specify.
Here is an example of how you can define a custom command class which you will later use when you are defining the commands in the ViewModel.
public class RelayCommand : ICommand
readonly Action _execute;
readonly Predicate _canExecute;
public RelayCommand(Action execute)
: this(execute, null){}
public RelayCommand(Action execute,
Predicate canExecute)
if (execute == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("execute");
_execute = execute;
_canExecute = canExecute;
public bool CanExecute(object parameter)
return _canExecute == null ?
true : _canExecute(parameter);
public event EventHandler CanExecuteChanged
add { CommandManager.RequerySuggested += value; }
remove { CommandManager.RequerySuggested -= value; }
public void Execute(object parameter)
Coming back to our example, our sample app requires Add, Delete & Search functionalities. The sample shows how to implement Add command using the RelayCommand that we defined above. (回到我们的样例,我们这个简单的APP须要加入、删除、查找等功能。以加入命令为例,我们将演示怎样使用我们上面定义的RelayCommand。)
public class PatientDetailViewModel: INotifyPropertyChanged
public ICommand AddPatientCmd
get { return _addPatientCmd; }
public PatientDetailViewModel()
_addPatientCmd = new RelayCommand(Add, CanAdd);
public bool CanAdd(object obj) { //Logic }
public void Add(object obj) { //Logic }
Step 3 – Creating the View
Def : A View is defined in XAML and should not have any logic in the code-behind. It binds to the view-model by only using data binding. The view involves mostly just setting up the UI and bindings to the ViewModel. The DataContext property for this control will be set to the ViewModel. As we have created the PatientViewModel all we need to do is create the PatientDetailView and then bind the ViewModel as the DataContext. The Sample here shows Property binding and Command binding.
<UserControl ...>
<!--Bind the View Model to the View. -->
<TextBox Name="TbxName"
Text="{Binding Path=Name}"/>
<Button Name="BtnAdd" Content="Add"
Command="{Binding AddPatientCmd}"/>
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