



using namespace std;
const int dx[] = {, , -, }, dy[] = {-, , , };
struct position {
int x0, y0, x1, y1;
position(int x0 = , int y0 = , int x1 = , int y1 = ) : x0(x0), y0(y0), x1(x1), y1(y1) {}
bool friend operator < (position A, position B)
return A.x0 < B.x0;
int T, sx0, sy0, sx1, sy1;
queue<position> q;
set<position> inq;
int d[][][][];
char Map[][];
void spfa()
memset(d, 0x3f3f, sizeof(d));
q.push(position(sx0, sy0, sx1, sy1));
d[sx0][sy0][sx1][sy1] = ;
position x = q.front();
// if(x.x0 < 1 || x.x1 < 1 || x.y0 < 1 || x.y1 < 1 || x.x0 > 10 || x.x1 > 10 || x.y0 > 15 || x.y1 > 15 || (Map[x.x0][x.y0] == 'O' && Map[x.x1][x.y1] == 'O')) continue;
if(Map[x.x0][x.y0] == 'O' && Map[x.x1][x.y1] == 'O') continue;
for(int i = ; i < ; ++i)
position t = x;
int cost = d[t.x0][t.y0][t.x1][t.y1];
if(Map[t.x0][t.y0] != 'O')
t.x0 += dx[i];
t.y0 += dy[i];
cost += ;
if(Map[t.x0][t.y0] == 'X')
t.x0 = x.x0;
t.y0 = x.y0;
if(Map[t.x1][t.y1] != 'O')
t.x1 += dx[i];
t.y1 -= dy[i];
cost += ;
if(Map[t.x1][t.y1] == 'X')
t.x1 = x.x1;
t.y1 = x.y1;
if(d[t.x0][t.y0][t.x1][t.y1] > cost)
d[t.x0][t.y0][t.x1][t.y1] = cost;
if(inq.find(position(t.x0, t.y0, t.x1, t.y1)) == inq.end())
inq.insert(position(t.x0, t.y0, t.x1, t.y1));
q.push(position(t.x0, t.y0, t.x1, t.y1));
position t = x;
int cost = d[t.x0][t.y0][t.x1][t.y1];
if(abs(x.x0 - x.x1) + abs(x.y0 - x.y1) == && ((Map[x.x0][x.y0] == 'O') ^ (Map[x.x1][x.y1] == 'O')))
if(Map[x.x0][x.y0] == 'O')
t.x0 = x.x1;
t.y0 = x.y1;
t.x1 = x.x0;
t.y1 = x.y0;
cost += ;
if(d[t.x0][t.y0][t.x1][t.y1] > cost)
d[t.x0][t.y0][t.x1][t.y1] = cost;
if(inq.find(position(t.x0, t.y0, t.x1, t.y1)) == inq.end())
inq.insert(position(t.x0, t.y0, t.x1, t.y1));
q.push(position(t.x0, t.y0, t.x1, t.y1));
printf("%d\n", d[][][][] == ? - : d[][][][]);
int main()
scanf("%d", &T);
for(int i = ; i <= ; ++i)
for(int j = ; j <= ; ++j)
Map[i][j] = 'X';
for(int i = ; i <= ; ++i)
char s[];
scanf("%s", s + );
for(int j = ; j <= ; ++j)
if(s[j] == 'H') s[j] = '.';
Map[i][j] = s[j];
scanf("%d%d%d%d", &sx0, &sy0, &sx1, &sy1);
return ;



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