Code Signal_练习题_depositProfit
You have deposited a specific amount of money into your bank account. Each year your balance increases at the same growth rate
. With the assumption that you don't make any additional deposits, find out how long it would take for your balance to pass a specific threshold
. Of course you don't want to wait too long, so you know that the answer is not greater than 6
For deposit = 100
, rate = 20
, and threshold = 170
, the output should bedepositProfit(deposit, rate, threshold) = 3
Each year the amount of money in your account increases by 20%
. So throughout the years, your balance would be:
- year 0:
; - year 1:
; - year 2:
; - year 3:
Thus, it will take 3
years for your balance to pass the threshold
, so the answer is 3
def depositProfit(deposit, rate, threshold):
count = 0
while deposit < threshold:
deposit += deposit * rate * 0.01
count += 1
return count
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